Those Sweet Times - Chapter 21 Part3

Chapter 21 Part3

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 21 Part 3

Xiang Nuan's team was named “Times.” Xiang Nuan came up with the

name randomly but the other four teammates didn't have any objections,

so they all agreed to have Times as the name for their team.

The first match for Times was against the team “Big Watermelon.”

“I feel like we have already won just by looking at the names.” Xiang Nuan

was quite confident.

Yet, all the five members of Big Watermelon were Platinum. They were also

quite confident that they would win the match.

At the beginning of the match, there was the banning phase where each

team chose 2 champions to ban from the match, no players could select

banned champions for that match. Xiang Nuan asked Lin Chuyan: “Shall

we ban Ah Ke?”

“No need.”

Zheng Dongkai felt that the name of their team might as well be changed to

“The Overly Confident” team.

After the banning phase, both teams took turns choosing champions. When

Big Watermelon noticed that the Times had chosen Luban and Daji, they

chose Ah Ke without a second thought.

At the beginning of the match, Lin Chuyan's Daji, all by herself, took a blue

buff from the enemy's Ah Ke.

Yes, she did it all by herself.

Daji didn't bother with the minion lane, rather, he went in hiding in the bush

at the intersection of mid lane and the river.

It was a perfect spot to spy on blue buff.

Lin Chuyan didn't see the blue buff however. He checked the time and decided

that Ah Ke couldn't possibly have killed the blue buff in such a short time. Ah Ke

must have dragged the blue buff into the bush.

That was a technique quite often used by junglers.

Lin Chuyan waited inside the bush and when he felt it was the right time, Daji

jumped out and cast an ability.

Daji shot a bright crescent and kill blue buff.

Lin Chuyan received gold and experience for killing monster, plus the blue buff.

After the killing, Daji ran away as fast as she could.

It was an embarra.s.sing moment for the enemy Ah Ke. The player who was

playing Ah Ke was obviously a prideful person since he wrote in the public

channel: What good luck.

Chuyan: It's not luck. I calculated it.

Zheng Dongkai laughed when he saw what Chuyan had wrote. He said: “You're

the best at bluffing.”

Xiang Nuan thought the same way. She felt that even though Lin Chuyan was

only at Gold, his ability to bluff was surely at Master.

The enemy's Ah Ke was obviously holding a grudge against Lin Chuyan's Daji.

There were several times that Ah Ke together with the mage of his team tried to

gank Daji. Lin Chuyan had avoided injury with his skills.

Afterwards, Lin Chuyan criticized on the public channel: Ah Ke, your mindset

isn't good.

Xiang Nuan said: “I can relate to Ah Ke.”

The rest of the team nodded in agreement: “We can all relate to him! When you

see a person this annoying, you wouldn't feel good even if you killed him hundreds

times over……”

Since Lin Chuyan drew Ah Ke's attention to himself, Dayu's Luban was having an

easy time at bot.

During the middle of the match, there were several team fights.

In one team fight, Lin Chuyan's Daji had just a sliver of health left. Daji tried to retreat

from the battlefield with her short legs. Lin Chuyan noticed in his ward that there were

two of red and black smoke which Ah Ke had left after using her ultimate.

“Ah Ke is after me.” Lin Chuyan told his teammates.

Xiang Nuan and the others were some distance away from him. There wasn't enough

time to rush over to his side. Xiang Nuan comforted him: “Then just close your eyes.”

A weak Daji confronted by Ah Ke, there wasn't much chance for survival.

“I killed her.” Lin Chuyan said.

Xiang Nuan: “......” How did he do it?

Obviously, the enemy Ah Ke had the same question. The person who played Ah Ke

wrote on the public channel: Brother, you hacking?

Chuyan: I said earlier, I calculated it.