Those Sweet Times - Chapter 13 Part3

Chapter 13 Part3

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 13 Part 3

Since Xiang Nuan was a pretty girl, her definition of “good looking” was

at a higher bar than the general population.

But, even with her high standards, even it was just a short glance, even

it was a glance behind…...with just one look, she instantly

decided that he was good looking.

It wasn’t as simple as just looking good, more importantly, it was his


Generally speaking, good looking men usually looked girly more or less.

But this man was different, though his face was exquisite, his disposition

was quite clean and sunny, having nothing close to being effeminate.

He gave off a feeling of being pure and decent.

Xiang Nuan couldn’t stop herself from turning to take a peek at him again.

This time she noticed that he had parted his hair-- --in the middle. - _ -

That kind of hairstyle required a certain face shape, otherwise it would make

the man look sleazy or depressed.

The man noticed her and looked down again.

Xiang Nuan turned her head away again.

This went back and forth a couple of times.

Xiang Nuan thought to herself: Other people were looking at you as well,

why are you only picking on me……

Alright, I’ll stop looking. How’s that? Just a pretty face, who doesn’t have


Xiang Nuan turned her head 90 degree to face the aisle.

What she saw shocked her. What was going on?

A pervert was hara.s.sing a girl?

In full view of everyone, the nerve of him!

The pervert's hand was shamelessly going up and down the girl. The girl

looked very timid, she didn’t protest and only s.h.i.+fted to the side. But, she

didn’t move very far and soon enough the pervert was beside her again.

Xiang Nuna was so angry that her heart shuddered. She couldn’t stand

these kind of things. She searched inside her bag, trying to find some weapon,

but only came up with a nail clipper.

It doesn’t matter. Justice will be my biggest weapon…...She thought to

encourage herself and got up from her seat.

Once again, the young man was one step ahead of her. She just stood up

and saw the man already walking to behind the pervert.

His raised one of his long arms to hold tight to the handle above. His other

hand put the cell phone away then…...placed it around the waist of the pervert.

The pervert didn’t know how to react and turned to take a look at the young


From where Xiang Nuan sat, she could see most of the pervert’s face and

a small portion of the young man’s side.

She could see the young man had slightly turned his face sideways, lightly

lifted the corners of his mouth, showing an evil smile.

The smile was so evil looking that his face seemed to have distorted.

The hand on the pervert’s waist continued to go downward, lightly patting

the pervert’s behind.

The pervert couldn’t hara.s.s the girl anymore, he was being hara.s.sed by

someone else himself. He jumped to the side and lightly cursed.

He was afraid to curse too loud…...the young man was much taller than

the pervert. The pervert knew that he wasn’t a match for the young man.

The young man went after the pervert and patted his bottom again.

The pervert couldn’t bear it anymore, “You d.a.m.n pervert!”

When the bus stopped at the next stop, the pervert rushed off as if he had

just received a special pardon.

Xiang Nuan sneaked a look at the young man; he had taken out a pack of

wet wipes from his bag and was starting to carefully wipe his hand.

He wiped his hand for several minutes. It looked like the whole incident

really disgusted him.

As he wiped his hands, he eyed Xiang Nuan again.

Xiang Nuan hurriedly turned her head back to sit straight at her seat.

The bus had reached the last stop. The stop was at the west gate of her

school. Xiang Nuan followed everyone off the bus. When she walked onto

campus, she noticed that the young man was walking right behind.

Was he an alumnus?

She was curious, but didn’t want to start a conversation with him. She felt

that she had lost face after he had discovered that she was peeking at him.

They walked their own way.

The young man seemed unwilling to walk with her either. As if there was

a mutual understanding, they kept their distance from each other, she at

the front and he behind.

Yet, it seemed too much of a coincidence that they were walking in the

same direction.

Xiang Nuan stopped in front of the coffee shop and pulled out her cell

phone to send a voice message to Chuyan: “Where are you?”

Then, she heard her own voice coming from the cell phone of the young

man who was walking closer: “Where are you?”