Those Sweet Times - Chapter 7 Part1

Chapter 7 Part1

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 7 Part 1

Xiang Nuan had no Monday afternoon. She was planning to

go to the library when she received a phone call from president Waiwai

asking her whether she was free.

“I have time, president, what is it?”

“Don’t call me president, just xuezhang.” Waiwai said, “I’m going to the

main campus this afternoon to take care of some business. Come with me

to get familiar with the procedure, so you can take care of it in the future.”

Xiang Nuan felt that Waiwai was training her to be his a.s.sistant and so happily

replied, “Sure!”

What Waiwai xuezhang needed to do at the main campus was to get approval

from the university club committee for club activities. With the approval, the club

could officially organize events and receive funding for them.

“What kind of events does our club have?” Xiang Nuan asked.

“We have a lot of them. Most of them are campus wide esports compet.i.tions

every semester. The one for this semester is coming up soon.”

The on campus esports compet.i.tions were divided into several categories,

even Battle of b.a.l.l.s [1] had its own event. But the most popular one was Kings of Glory.

Waiwai xuezheng asked her, “Xiang Nuan, do you want to sign up?”

“I can’t, I’m only Silver.”

Silver was one level up from the Bronze. However, in the eyes of high level

players such as Waiwai, those two levels were at the bottom.

Waiwai didn’t say anything about carrying Xiang Nuan. It wasn’t because he

didn’t want to, but he felt that Xiang Nuan probably wouldn’t like that. He

continued, “It’s just a game, you don’t need to care too much about your rank…...

What champion are you playing lately?”

“Zhuang Zhou.”

“Zhuang Zhou is pretty good.”

“Yeah, he’s good looking with such a nice voice.”

Waiwai: “......” He didn’t know how to continue.

Xiang Nuan was somewhat embarra.s.sed, she scratched her head and said,

“That…...Zhuang Zhou’s ultimate is pretty good.”

“Not just his ultimate, his other abilities are very useful as well. His first ability

can reduce the speed of the enemy; the second one can increase his move

speed as well as nearby teammates, plus deals quite a lot of damage.”

A lot of damage…...Xiang Nuan was ashamed, “Xuezhang, we probably aren’t

playing the same Zhuang Zhou.”

Waiwai spoke in amus.e.m.e.nt, “You probably don’t understand the pa.s.sive effects

for those two abilities.”

Most champions in Kings of Glory have one pa.s.sive ability and three active abilities.

A pa.s.sive ability is an ability that is always active and does not require the player to

activate. Active abilities require a player to activate it by tapping it. In addition, some

active abilities also had pa.s.sive effects.

For example, Zhuang Zhou’s second ability will automatically activate at regular

intervals regardless of its cooldown.

Waiwai explained, “The more times the second ability hits a target, the acc.u.mulated

damage will be higher. If it’s more than 3 times, the damage is pretty high. Therefore,

you should be aware of the timing; the instant your second ability activate because of

its pa.s.sive effect, you should activate the second ability, you’ll be hitting them twice.

With another one or two more times, your enemy will definitely be crying then.”

Xiang Nuan felt like the gate to a brave new world had opened for her. She had never

thought about it. She would just tap when the light came on to use her abilities. She

even complained that Zhuang Zhou’s damage was too low. It turned out that it wasn’t

Zhuang Zhou’s fault, it was because she didn’t know how to use him properly.

“And, don’t use the ability too far away from the enemy. It takes time for the ability to

reach the enemy, so they can be out of range by then. Furthermore, don’t use his

ultimate randomly. It has a long cool down time. During a team fight, you may only

have one opportunity to use your ultimate so you have to use it wisely. You have to

get a feel of it.”

“En, en, en!” Xiang Nuan kept nodding. “Thanks a lot, xuezhang!”

“Don’t mention it. We learn from each other and help each other.”

Xiang Nuan memorized everything Waiwai had told her and thought about trying it

out tonight with Chuyan.

[1]: Yes, this is the name of a real game.  It’s the Chinese version of