Those Sweet Times - Chapter 42 Part2

Chapter 42 Part2

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 42 Part 2

The map for duel was relatively simple, there was only one lane and no jungle. Each side

had a turret before the nexus. One won the match by destroying the turret, then the nexus.

Xiang Nuan's Diaochan encountered Mulan at the s.p.a.ce between the two turrets.

Xiang Nuan threw a flower ball at Mulan. Mulan came at her with a combo of moves and

killed Diaochan.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Chen Yinghu was embarra.s.sed: “I didn't mean to kill you. Sometimes,

my hands go ahead of my brain.”

Xiang Nuan: “......” She was surprised to see how Chen Yinghu handled Mulan.

To avoid widening the gap between the two sides, Chen Yinghu stopped farming minions

and went back to his own turret to wait for Xiang Nuan to revive. He said to Xiang Nuan:

“Let me introduce Mulan's abilities to you first.”

Mulan was considered a warrior. She had two kinds of weapons: a large sword and a pair

of small swords. She could switch between these weapons and each weapon gave her

different attributes and abilities. She had a larger ability toolbox to perform different combos

and made her very versatile on the battlefield. All in all, Mulan's abilities were quite

comprehensive, highly mobile, crowd control, crowd control immunity, damage reduction,

and could buff her own damage. Mulan could run, chase, fight, and defend, a perfect

well-rounded warrior.

The more Xiang Nuan listened, the more formidable Mulan sounded……

“But you don't have to worry too much.” After introducing Mulan, Chen Yinghu turned the

tables by saying: “In a solo game, Diaochan can totally neutralize Mulan.”


“Because Mulan's main ability to deal damage is when she has her large sword equipped.

In that form, Mulan's bulky, slow. Diaochan moves rather flowingly and can easily get away

from Mulan. In addition, Diaochan has abilities that deal true damage and has lifesteal.”

“True damage” meant that any armor or damage reduction was ignored by that ability.

It was like the winter in the southern part of China, no matter how heavily one dressed, it

couldn't protect one from the bone chilling coldness.

After Hu Ge's a.n.a.lysis, Xiang Nuan had new respect for Diaochan.

-- --

Chen Yinghu had his stream as he played with Xiang Nuan. His fans found their idol playing

one on ones today. After a while, the fans discovered that it wasn't really a one on one match

at all, it was more like a tutoring session. The two players used the same two champions over

and over for several matches. Hu Ge would teach his opponent during the match how to fight

against his champion more effectively. It seemed that all he wanted was to die.

However, the one who got slain was always someone by the id of “it's Nuannuan.”

Most of the bullet comments were puzzled:

-- --Hu Ge's helping a girl play?

-- --Even if you're helping a girl play, but in one on one, don't you have anything better to do?

-- --Isn't this Nuannuan? What are you doing, Hu Ge? Are you trying to steal your friend's


-- --Wait, wait, who's Nuannuan? What do you mean stealing girlfriend? Gossip, please!

-- --Hu Ge, why isn't Chuyan here?

-- --Who's Chuyan then?

-- --Chuyan and Nuannuan are a couple, they were playing ranked games with Hu Ge before.

It looks like now Hu Ge is trying to steal Chuyan's girlfriend……

-- --Chuyan, come quick, your wife's going to run away with someone else!