This Japanese Slice-of-Life Isn't Lame - 54 Kitagawa-Aniki!

54 Kitagawa-Aniki!

Because Kitagawa Tera had gone to Cure Cafe for Tsukis.h.i.+ma Risa's matter yesterday, he did not have time to request a leave of absence from the cla.s.s teacher.

In Kyokuboku High School, students' results and unexcused absences would affect their advancement to the next grade. Kitagawa Tera did not want to study in the first year of high school again, so he had to settle the matter of requesting leave today.

Moreover, Kitagawa Tera had found it a ha.s.sle and left without Chinatsu Chiyuki yesterday, so he figured that this little girl would look for him today to say a bunch of stuff. After all, not everyone had the same level of acceptance toward new and weird things like Kamiya Mirai.

Thus, there were two things that he needed to resolve today.

First, find an excuse to request a leave from the teacher. Second, deal with that little girl Chinatsu Chiyuki.

Kitagawa Tera fretted about these two things and sorted out what he had to do today.

Kamiya Mirai was following behind Kitagawa Tera. Seeing him deep in thought and silent, she surprisingly did not open her mouth to interrupt him.

She knew that she was still in the probation period, and if she annoyed Kitagawa Tera and made him think that she was not a suitable friend, what would she do?

It would be a terrible loss.

Kamiya Mirai did not do things that would be disadvantageous to her. Thus, she decided that she would remain silent if Kitagawa Tera did not talk. She had to be an obedient girl for these few days.

It had to be said that when Kamiya Mirai cast aside her usual overwhelming curiosity and was really quiet, she truly exuded a beauty from all angles.

Kamiya Mirai had tugged her hair into her scarf, her small face half-hidden in it. Even though her expression was not clearly visible, her exquisite, crystal-clear large black eyes glimmered attractively.

Kamiya Mirai did not have the habit of baring her legs in winter. Her legs in thick black pantyhose were straight and slender, and her hands were in light brown gloves. She obediently followed behind Kitagawa Tera.

They remained silent as they walked toward Kyokuboku.

But this state did not last long.

The obedient Kamiya Mirai walking with her head down felt that she seemed to knock into the Kitagawa Tera walking in front.

Kamiya Mirai looked at Kitagawa Tera, who had stopped for some reason, and asked curiously, "Terkun?"

"…" Kitagawa Tera did not answer Kamiya Mirai. He just frowned as he looked at the school gate of Kyokuboku High School.

It was unknown when a large group of troublemakers had gathered there.

Glancing across them roughly, there were around twenty people.

"That's…?" Kamiya Mirai blinked, not quite understanding the situation.

Intuition told her that these people were probably after Kitagawa Tera.

"Kamiya, help me carry my bag."

Kamiya Mirai subconsciously quivered as she took the bag from him.

She could hear the chilly tone in Kitagawa Tera's voice.

But Kitagawa Tera did not bother about Kamiya Mirai. He looked at that group of troublemakers in front and walked over with a cold expression.


Kyokuboku High School had already woken up this cold winter morning, and many students were rus.h.i.+ng to cla.s.s.

But as every student walked past the school gate, they could not help but slow down and did not even dare to let a breath.

Standing at the school gate were the infamous troublemakers in the school, looking around as if looking for someone.

But for some reason… Why did the leaders of the third-year troublemakers have swollen faces, looking like they were beaten?

The normal students were puzzled.

Suddenly, the tall student standing in front seemed to have discovered something. His eyes lit up, and he waved with a hand. The group of troublemakers followed behind, marching forward grandly.

More than twenty people stepped on the frozen road together, and the neat sound of clicking attracted the attention of countless students.

Finally, he stopped and stood before a person.

"Isn't that Kitagawa in the first year?" someone asked in surprise.

"Yes… I wonder how Kitagawa offended these people. I heard he was dragged into the toilet and beaten by them yesterday."

"Shhh… Do you want to die? Saying it so loudly. Those standing there are the infamous third-year troublemakers." Someone standing next to the person talking tugged him.

"… But why do I feel that Kitagawa looks fine? Instead, it's the third-years seniors who seem to have been beaten and have swollen faces," murmured the one who was told to keep quiet, perplexed.

Kitagawa Tera heard their murmurs but did not care.

He looked at the twenty people before him and was thinking about which person to start with when the tall third-year student suddenly raised his hand…

Then these people all bowed together as their voices rang out. "Kitagawaniki!"

Seeing over twenty people bowing to Kitagawa Tera together from afar was spectacular.


The students watching from afar were dumbfounded.

What was going on?

The students started taking pictures, publicizing it on LINE and their SNS Moments, and telling their LINE cla.s.s group chats about this unbelievable sight.

Momentarily, Kitagawa Tera might become the leader of Kyokuboku's troublemakers.

The senior students stood in a row, while Kitagawa Tera stood in front of them with his cold face, seeming to somewhat have the demeanor of a Yakuza G.o.dfather.

Standing not far behind Kitagawa Tera, Kamiya Mirai's eyes gleamed with unprecedented excitement.

What was happening in front of her was so interesting that she almost abandoned the burden of being an obedient girl, wanting to run over to ask Kitagawa Tera a slew of questions!

But after careful consideration, she remained reserved and took small steps toward Kitagawa Tera.

As the main party, Kitagawa Tera still looked calm.

He stared at these twenty-odd people with a sharp gaze. He looked at the tall student who said yesterday that 'I can break some wooden boards with a kick' until his scalp numbed before taking back his gaze.

After a while, Kitagawa Tera said, "What do you want?"

Seeing that Kitagawa Tera was not in a hurry to move his feet, the tall boy was silently happy.

He was planning to speak but recalled that Kitagawa Tera mainly hit those who spoke a lot, so he shrunk his neck and pulled Seki and Ikegami out from the crowd. "It was the idea of these two guys."

The tall student pa.s.sed the buck to Seki and Ikegami, causing their faces to change. But they still started speaking hesitantly.

"Be-because Kitagawsan… aniki, didn't you want all the students in the school to know about it? This is the most effective method…" Seki said with a pale face.

"…" Kitagawa Tera.

Because he wanted the entire school to know who he was, this group of troublemakers decided to make him the leader of the troublemakers?

Kitagawa Tera raised his eyebrows.

He really could not understand what these troublemakers were thinking.

But the original did not have much of a reputation. Since it's a lousy reputation to start with, then having the t.i.tle of the leader of troublemakers may not be a bad thing.

While he was thinking, the twenty-odd people were s.h.i.+vering in the cold wind.

Those that saw Kitagawa Tera beat up the troublemakers yesterday were worried that he would start fighting without saying anything and stood in place with their legs tightened, prepared to run in case anything happened.

Calling this surrounding over twenty people with a single person should not be too far from the truth, right?