This Japanese Slice-of-Life Isn't Lame - 43 Kitagawa-San?!

43 Kitagawa-San?!

After all, the paranormal blogger was illusory, unlike Kitagawa Tera, whom she could actually contact.

Since she could get in contact with him, she could not let it go.

Considering that the paranormal blogger had made an appointment for today, she would make an appointment with Kitagawa Tera tomorrow.

After Chinatsu Chiyuki planned everything, she followed Asamiya Hitomi to the courtyard again.

There was still no one else in the courtyard. After all, the weather outside was very cold, and the cold air sweeping past their heads left them feeling uncomfortable all over.

Probably only Kitagawa Tera would stroll outside at this time.

"Are you all right?" Kitagawa Tera, who was dozing off, opened his eyes and looked at Chinatsu Chiyuki.

"All right for now. I was a bit impolite just now." Chinatsu Chiyuki bowed before asking, "But I still have some doubts. Why did Kitagawsan ask me if I had encountered some strange things recently?"

Why did I ask? Kitagawa Tera looked over expressionlessly and replied in a very calm tone, "Why did I ask that… President Chinatsu should have the answer, so let's arrange a time to discuss it in detail."

I didn't expect Kitagawa Tera to be so understanding! Chinatsu Chiyuki had initially planned to propose it herself, but Kitagawa Tera even said what she wanted to say.

Her heart moved, and she was just about to set a time when she heard Kitagawa Tera continue after remaining silent for a while. "No need to wait too long. We might as well discuss it this afternoon after school. The place is—"

"Not this afternoon!" Chinatsu Chiyuki objected subconsciously. She clearly also found her reaction was a little extreme. She covered her mouth and explained, "I already have an appointment with a friend this afternoon, so I can't promise Kitagawsan. How about this? Let's find a time tomorrow to talk privately?"

An appointment with a friend? Kitagawa Tera took a deep look at Chinatsu Chiyuki and nodded after a while, indicating his agreement.

Seeing Kitagawa Tera nod, Chinatsu Chiyuki breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Kitagawa Tera again. "Kitagawsan, that's all today. I still have to deal with some student council affairs. I apologize for taking up your time during lunch break."

"A small matter." Kitagawa Tera stood up from the bench, took another look at her, and walked back to the school building.

At the same time, his voice pa.s.sed along. "However, it's better to get rid of the thing on President Chinatsu as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Chinatsu Chiyuki stood there blankly for a long time before regaining her senses.

"Excuse me, President Chinatsu. Lunch break is ending. I have to go back too." Asamiya Hitomi's weak voice sound.

"Ah, please go ahead," Chinatsu Chiyuki replied subconsciously.

She was still thinking about what Kitagawa Tera said.

The thing on me…

While pondering over this sentence, Chinatsu Chiyuki looked back subconsciously.

Nothing was behind her except for the cold wind whistling by.

A paper airplane rippled through the air, and the swathe of ghastly white had a coldness that bordered on cruelty.

The little girl shook her body subconsciously and, with her scalp tingling, exhaled some mist.

After getting warmer, the weather turned cold again.


Afternoon, Kyokuboku High School.

After school ended for the day, the quiet Kyokuboku High School became bustling with activity.

Some students called their friends to partic.i.p.ate in club activities; some students went with their friends to sing karaoke and have dinner gatherings; some students brought their girlfriends to the small garden to talk about love, and after taking things further, it was not difficult to go to a love hotel.

j.a.panese high school students had a very exciting life after school. Having little homework, they could choose from a variety of activities for development.

However, Kitagawa Tera did not belong to any of the above, so he was alone in the big cla.s.sroom now.

Kitagawa Tera did not care. He started to organize his thoughts about his findings today.

After his careful observations today, he did not find his name on any group forms, and similarly, no seniors came to inform him to partic.i.p.ate in any club activities.

What was worth mentioning was that he saw his ranking of the last test on the bulletin board.

Kitagawa Tera ranked 105th.

In a high school with more than three hundred students in the first year, this ranking was undoubtedly mediocre.

However, now was not the time to care about results.

After dealing with the matters in Ha.s.san City, he would think about these trivial school matters, such as the spring break exams.

Besides, it was almost time.

Kitagawa Tera glanced at the time on his phone, propped himself up from the table, and walked to Cure Cafe.

Cure Cafe could be considered a place where Kyokuboku students liked to hang out.

Not only did it have a delicious parfait, but the mixed coffee brewed by the manager was also exceptional. In addition, the pricing was affordable for students, and thus popular among them.

Kitagawa Tera learned of this place because he had heard Kitagawa Eri mentioning it occasionally and remembered it.

He did not have much interest in his sister. However, after obtaining the system and that annoying 'attracts strange phenomena' physique, Kitagawa Tera realized that j.a.pan was not as peaceful as he thought. Therefore, he still had to pay some attention to his sister's movements to avoid regret should something happen.

He took large steps out of the school and quickly entered Cure Cafe.

Without needing to look around carefully, he saw a familiar figure wearing a big mask and a baseball cap in the distance.

If not Chinatsu Chiyuki, who could it be?

"It really is her." Kitagawa Tera's suspicions were verified.

During the lunch break, he had attempted to test Chinatsu Chiyuki. He had dangled a carrot but had not said it directly. Seeing that sneaky girl moving sheepishly, he could not help but shake his head.

She might have been worried that the blogger of the 'Office of Paranormal Activities' was a weirdo, thus took defensive precautions in advance and hid her pretty face.

After all, it was normal for girls to have a defensive mentality outside. Kitagawa Tera could understand this.

Since he had already verified his thoughts, Kitagawa Tera did not hesitate at the entrance. He walked straight toward the girl wearing a mask and a baseball cap, and sat down.

Oh?! Chinatsu Chiyuki was still looking around for her target. Now that someone sat in front of her suddenly, she subconsciously said, "Excuse me, someone is—"

"President Chinatsu."


Hearing this familiar tone, Chinatsu Chiyuki blinked her eyes in bewilderment. She took off her mask, stood up, and looked at Kitagawa Tera in disbelief. "Kitagawsan?!"