This Omega Is Fierce And Wild - Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Eagle Rider's 8-to-4 match is at the beginning of the schedule. On the first Friday and Saturday in early September, there will be two other 8-to-4 matches, one of which is the match of Se Se, and the other is MIG vs. EL.

Su Se's eighth-to-four opponent is a team from the seventh star region in the east, and its strength is not considered top-notch. As long as Su Se has no major mistakes or accidents, there is no suspense in entering the semi-finals. And once they win, they will meet Eagle Rider in the semifinals.

One week before the semi-finals, Eagle Cavalry received the arrangement of the organizing committee and took the lead in interviewing the semi-finals.

Interviews with the semi-finalists are a regular practice in the Star Alliance Cup. The content of the interview will be published on the official website of the Star League Cup on the Monday before the start of the semi-finals, and a two-week voting channel will be opened.

Two weeks later, the finals of the Star Alliance Cup will be over, and the All-Star Invitational Tournament will be held at that time, and an award ceremony will be held for the "Most Valuable Player" and "Best Newcomer" selected by votesuntil the ceremony is over, it means This year's Star League Cup is officially over.

The top four interviews are recorded in VR video, in order to give the audience the feeling of facing their idols. Therefore, the contestants must take care of themselves, put on some light makeup, and enter the scene in the best mental state.

Qiu Yu was quite impatient with putting on makeup, but he also knew that it was part of the job of a professional player, so he could only close his eyes silently and let the makeup brush sweep over his face.

At the same time, I had to listen to Yuan Lu chanting: "We will not be given scripts for the interviews with the semi-finals of the Star Alliance Cup. All questions need to be played on the spot by yourself. Have you read the documents I sent to you before? If you encounter similar problems, you can Copy the answers directly...Oh, by the way, the host will also select some questions that are relatively popular on the Internet to ask you, you have a good idea!"

"There are so many." Mu Feibai said with a smile, "In the first two years, I was asked two full rounds of 'what is my ideal type' and 'have I been in a relationship'. In the second year, I said, didn't I ask last year?" ? In the end, I was reprimanded by that group of netizens, saying that there may be changes every year... I guess this year will be the same."

Zhou Shu laughed out loud, Du Chen was expressionless, and Lin Jinxi and Lu Cun, who participated in the Star Alliance Cup for the first time, were suddenly a little nervous.

The interviews they have done before are all scripted, and the post-match interviews usually revolve around the game, so it is not difficult to answer. I suddenly heard that the interview with the top four of the Star Alliance Cup may also ask popular questions on the Internet. Turn on the wristband, find the game forum, and try to cram.

Yuan Lu laughed: "Don't be so nervous. The interview is recorded and broadcast. If you feel that the answer is not good, you can ask to answer it again. They will edit it. Don't worry."

Seeing that the two were still a little nervous, she added: "Anyway, your captain will go in first, and we can hear the voices inside when we sit outside. Just follow suit."

The recording room and the staff were ready quickly. First, they took a VR static group photo for all the players, and then arranged for the interview. As the captain and the player with the most interview experience, Mu Feibai naturally took the lead.

At the beginning of the interview, the questions asked by the host were quite routine, involving some competition experience, training anecdotes, and evaluation of opponents. These are all previous interviews and Internet interviews many times, and Mu Feibai's answers are even more eloquent.

Until the host turned over the tablet, he suddenly smiled slightly at Mu Feibai.

"Recently, we found that online viewers have been discussing one thing, about you." She was very interested, "Can you guess what it is?"

Mu Feibai raised his hand and rubbed his chin, very confident: "You won't be paying attention to my ideal type again?"

"Hahaha," the host laughed a few times, but finally said, "No."

She didn't wait for Mu Feibai to guess, but directly announced: "Netizens are very curious, did you really get Cupid's game ID for him?"

Mu Feibai was thinking about this problem just now, and couldn't help laughing out loud, his eyes passed through the glass wall and quickly swept across Qiu Yu's body.

Qiu Yu was sitting in the outer room and could hear the conversation between the two inside, and happened to look up at Mu Feibai at this moment.

The eyes of the two collided through the soundproof glass, and they separated quickly.

Qiu Yu heard Mu Feibai say: "Yes, I snatched the tablet from the coach and specially gave it to him."

The host was curious: "Why Cupid?"

Mu Feibai said: "His Chinese surname is 'Qiu', and Cupid's Chinese transliteration is also 'Qiu'. He is so good at shooting, I had a brainstorm and thought this ID was especially suitable for him."

Hearing this explanation, the host suddenly said: "Ah, so that's the case. Then do you know what Cupid means in the legend of the Western Star District?"

Mu Feibai smiled lowly: "I know."

Host: "Well, so, netizens are guessing that you got this ID for him because you fell in love with Cupid... Actually, you didn't?"

Mu Feibai didn't show any abnormality on his face. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly: "It is true that I gave him this ID because of that arrow, but I just wanted to make a joke. In fact, I didn't want to be He's Oga, I'm Alpha, and everyone assumes there must be something about us that's going to bother him."

Having said that, he glanced intentionally or unintentionally outside the recording room, and added: "He and I... are just teammates now, and we don't have the kind of relationship that netizens say."

Outside the recording room, Qiu Yu looked away from Mu Feibai and looked down at the light screen of the bracelet.

Beside him, Zhou Shu opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

DU Chen was short-tempered, his face darkened, and he couldn't help saying: "What does the captain mean? He"

In the middle of speaking, he stopped in time to reveal more things in such a public place.

But Qiu Yu understood that Mu Feibai just didn't dare to say it.

Although he got two temporary marks from Mu Feibai, he never admitted that there was any emotional bond between the two that surpassed his teammates. Even if the two kissed last time, he quickly pulled away and stopped, implying that Mu Feibai should not take that kiss seriously.

Mu Feibai was very smart and understood what he meant. The relationship between the two did not stop at "teammates", so there was no problem with his answer.

Mu Feibai quickly finished the interview and came out of the recording room.

He sat down beside Qiu Yu, and once again keenly felt that Qiu Yu was not in a good mood.

"Are you... angry?" Mu Feibai asked cautiously.

"No." Qiu Yu said calmly.

However, the calm didn't last long, and he couldn't help but ask, "Did you really get my game ID?"

Mu Feibai touched the tip of his nose, nodded with a smile: "Yes. I just think it suits you."

Qiu Yu lowered his eyelashes and said nothing.

After a while, Mu Feibai received a message on his bracelet: "Is it true that you fell in love with me because you were pierced by an arrow?"

Mu Feibai's fingertips holding the bracelet trembled violently, his heart was beating wildly, and his chest seemed to remember the pain of being pierced by that arrow - and the breathtaking surprise of that moment.

Qiu Yu withdrew a message.

Mu Feibai didn't answer either.

After Zhou Shu and Du Chen finished the interview, it was finally Qiu Yu's turn.

Obviously, for the media people, Qiu Yu, "the first Oga player in the history of the league", is very worth digging. Therefore, even in the first half of the regular questions, there are many related to Qiu Yu's personal life, such as " Why did you come to play professional games?" "Is there no objection from your family?" "What troubles did Oga's body bring to you in the professional arena" and so on...

Qiu Yu picked out those who were willing to answer and answered those who didn't want to, so he just quietly stared at the host.

The host was horrified by Qiu Yu's unemotional stare, and with a sneer, he quickly skipped over the questions, and soon came to the hot topics on the Internet.

Sure enough, most of the online fans' curiosity about Qiu Yu focused on his relationship with the two Alphas in the team.

Qiu Yu simply answered irrelevant questions, and answered these questions as "Comments from comrades in arms"

"MU is a very good captain. In the game, he can provoke the leader and direct the command. During training, he can also personally guide the players. In life, he is very patient and never puts on the airs of the captain to overwhelm others. , often invite the whole team to eat supper."

"Dt is actually a very hardworking kid. He trains hard and learns things quickly, but his temper is easy to be irritable, but there is a lot of room for improvement. I am very optimistic about his future performance in the league."


There was nothing to say, so the host had no choice but to give up struggling, and sent Qiu Yu out of the recording room with a smile.

After the interview, Qiu Yu went back to his room to take off his make-up and take a shower, and sat on the bedside to dry his hair slowly. He doesn't like to use a wall-mounted hair dryer. The noise of the blower always makes him feel uncomfortable. Using a dry towel to slowly absorb the water from the hair is just a space to relax and think about things.

The corner of the towel lightly touched Qiu Yu's neck, and he suddenly noticed that the smell Mu Feibai had left on him during the group stage had become very faintthis time Mu Feibai intentionally controlled the marking time , the Alpha pheromone injected was not much, so it dissipated faster than last time.

Thinking of the mark, Qiu Yu couldn't help recalling the kiss before.

Isn't the subconscious movement of the body in a trance really not his subconscious tendency?

After lowering his eyes for a while, Qiu Yu threw the towel on the back of the armchair, turned and went out.

He sent another message to Mu Feibai: "Open the door."

When receiving the message, Mu Feibai had just come out of the bathroom, and there was still a layer of red on his neck.

Seeing those two familiar words, there was a "boom" in Yu Yun's mind that hadn't calmed down yet, and his first reaction wascould Qiu Yu hear it? !

The next moment he was amused by his unrealistic guess.

The sound insulation of this hotel is very good, and he didn't make too much noise, how could Qiu Yu hear him...cough.

Mu Feibai raised his hand and rubbed his cheeks, then rushed into the bathroom, buried his head in the sink to re-wet the hair that Fengpu had dried, and then took out a towel and hung it around his neck.

Then Shi Shiran went to open the door.

Qiu Yu got in when the door was just half opened, and closed the door with his backhand, but this time it was not locked.

Mu Feibai's hair was still dripping, he picked up a towel and wiped it casually, and said casually, "I was taking a shower just now, what can I do for you?"

The smell of shower gel escaped from the bathroom, and there was no overly strong Alpha pheromone smell belonging to Mu Feibai.

Qiu Yu nodded: "Let me confirm one thing."

Mu Feibai: "Confirm? What's the matter?"

Qiu Yu pointed to the room: "Go and sit down."

Although he didn't know what Qiu Yu wanted to do, Mu Feibai was very happy that the two of them had the opportunity to be alone, and it was Qiu Yu who took the initiative to find him. So he wiped his hair, obediently walked into the room, sat on the edge of the bed, looked up at Qiu Yu.

He smiled and asked, "What do you want to confirm..."

The second half of the sentence was swallowed silently.

Qiu Yu pressed Mu Feibai's shoulder with one hand, pinched his chin with the other, lowered his head slightly, and kissed Mu Feibai's lips.