The Yun Family's Ninth Child Is An Imp! - Chapter 5916 was added

Chapter 5916 was added

Chapter 5916: Chapter 5916 was added


At this time, Yun Chujiu finally had the leisure to deal with the skeleton tiger. She glanced at the skeleton tiger:

Tell me, what exactly happened?

The Skeleton Tiger wanted to tell the truth, but it immediately felt a sharp pain in its spiritual sense. It could only tell the whole story with tears in its eyes.

Yun chujiu narrowed her eyes. The underground crevices were all connected to each other? Was it opened by these demonic beasts later, or were they connected to each other in the first place?

If they were connected to each other in the first place, then it wouldnt be a crack, but the original secret pa.s.sage.

After the city was overthrown, these secret pa.s.sages were revealed, forming the so-called crack.

The secret pa.s.sage was either used to protect ones life, or to hide treasures. Could the thing the pretty boy was looking for be in the secret pa.s.sage?

Thinking of this, Yun chujiu used her spiritual sense to ask, Is there an underground palace down there?

The eyes of the skeleton tiger flickered. Just as it was about to lie, it heard Yun Chujiu say sinisterly,

If you dont want to be hunted by the demon beasts in the future, just tell me the truth. Otherwise, even if I let you go in the future, you wont be able to live.

The skeleton tiger could only say sullenly, Since you guessed it, I Wont hide it from you. There is indeed an underground palace down there, but it is not under this city, but under the desert.

Dont blame me for not reminding you. The Demon Beasts in the desert are all very abnormal, especially when there are many corpse soldiers around the underground palace. Its so scary!

If you dont want to die, dont go near it.

Anyway, you came here to look for the illusionary color bead. Theres no illusionary color bead there, so theres no need to send yourself to your death.

Yun chujiu narrowed her eyes and did not say anything. If the thing the pretty boy was looking for was in the underground palace, she would go and explore it even if it was a mountain of knives and a sea of fire.

Moreover, corpse soldiers? Hehe, she had the corpse stabilizing pearl, so what was there to be afraid of!

The skeleton tiger asked weakly, Do you have a way to prevent me from being chased by those demon beasts?

Yun chujiu looked at it with a smile and said, Thats easy to do. There will be a place for the Beasts to stay if there are no beasts left here. You can just move to another area and live there.

However, the word kingon your forehead is a little eye-catching. In order to prevent future trouble, I can help you change the word to another word.

Dont worry, Ill add a stroke and change it to the word jade. How about that?

Skeleton Tiger Thought for a moment. Although it was temporarily safe in other areas, it could not guarantee that the news in this area would spread over there. It was better to change the word kingto the word jade, so it nodded and agreed.

Therefore, hei xinjiu fed skeleton tiger a painkiller pill and took out a dagger to cut its forehead.

The Skeleton Tiger was puzzled. Why did it feel that she did not carve a dot?

However, it did not think of anything else. The main reason was that the word Kingwas just a word of jade and the main character. It could not write anything else.

However, why did it feel that the expressions of those ugly humans were not quite right?

The Skeleton Tiger was suspicious, but it did not have a mirror, so it could only bury this question in its heart.

At this time, Ding Wenrou pointed to the distance and said, Look! Thats the illusion Pearl, right?

Everyone looked in the direction Ding Wenrou pointed and saw a dazzling pearl floating in the distance. The light around its body formed a pair of small wings that flew about ten feet away from the ground.

It was forbidden to fly in the ruins of Miracle, so this illusion Pearl could only fly up to this height.

Nangong s.h.i.+ tiptoed and immediately grabbed the illusion pearl.

He didnt expect the illusion Pearl to be so agile. It avoided nangong s.h.i.+s hand and flew into the distance.