They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 47-48

Chapter 47-48

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka the female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate.

They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy.

Also Lilina is a magic's teacher.

Translator: Mamuni

I am sleeping with my new best friend Rig.

I was met with a new feeling. My mood has changed completely since yesterday, now I am just filled with happiness. 

"O~i, Yuuukii ~ -over here~. If you don't get up soon I'll pinch your nose."

"It's cruel to treat a child like that! Kids need their sleep!"

I got up when I heard that threat.

Those evil words came from Kami-sama.

The usual sight of a girl in a one piece with silver hair and red eyes greeted me.

She had a smile on her face.

That just made me feel irritated. So I took out the so called "punishment stick" from my storage, and held it in my hand.

"Uhh, I'm sorry Yukii. I was just joking. I'm a G.o.d, don't I get a pa.s.s?"

"n.o.body gets a pa.s.s. Now come here. Present your rear."

"How cruel!"

The punishment made a static noise once I showed it to her.

"Kami-sama do you have something important to say to me? Even though it's early and I am with Rig, you show up. Wouldn't it be strange if she saw me beating up a suspicious person?"

"I-In fact I do."

"You want to be the suspicious person being beaten?"

"No not that! I have something important to say!"

"Well either way. Getting her wrapped up in this especially early in the morning is enough to warrant the punishment stick."

"Yukii, Don't you feel like you've been becoming even more stricter!? Also can we go back to the topic at hand!?"

"Huu. . .It can't be helped."

I don't want this hectic scene to last longer, so I'll retract my punishment stick and let her talk.

"So, what's the important task?"

"Well, Yukii will be living with the young lady Rigurett, right?"

"Of course. Rig and I have a close friends.h.i.+p that will never end. So that being, please quickly disappear."

"Isn't that cruel? I've been watching over Yukii for 10 years so far, have you forgotten that?"

". . .Well. T-Thank you for doing that."

"Oh, are you perhaps a Tsundere?"

"I-I have the punishment stick!"

"I'm sorry!"

Her cheeky att.i.tude dissolved once I brought it out again. 

"Anyways, Yukii and this young lady will be living together. Therefore the fact that I'm around Yukii will eventually be revealed."

"Ohh that's right! If she knew I was being followed around by a pervert, she would look at me weird!"

".Hey now. . . Anyways, it's an inevitable thing. So I think it may be better for me to just tell her from the start that I am with Yuki."

"I see. Well that does make a little sense."

"Thank you."

However that does bring up some troubling thoughts.

How do I introduce a G.o.d to Rig?

Also do I explain that this is the G.o.d that reincarnated me and gave me these ridiculous powers.

". . .How do I introduce you?"

"Who are you talking to, Fari?"


I jumped up a little because of Rig's sudden voice.

So apparently Rig woke up because of the ruckus Kami and I were making.

". . . .!?!? W-Who are you!?!"

Once Rig noticed Kami-sama, she instantly went on alert and s.h.i.+elded me in a protective hug.

"No! I'm not a suspicious person. Yukii help."

"Who is Yukii!?"

"Oh, That's me."

"Fari?! You know this strange person!?"

". . .Well, she is kinda like an acquaintance, and kinda not."


While Kami-sama had a confused face, Rig brought up her bayonet.

"No, Wait I'm sorry. I do know her."

Since this situation is getting out of hand, I'll stop playing around.

". . .Fari the jokes are over."

"I'm sorry, Rig."

"I forgive you."

Then she brushed my head.

Kami-sama looked at us with jealous eyes, but I can't let her do this to me.

Rather I'll bring out the punishment stick if she touches. 

"So then. Who is this person?"

As expected, Rig goes back to the topic at hand.

"My name is Kamille. That is right. . . I am Yukii's true creator. Something like her true mother?"

"Don't make jokes, I'll bring out the stick."

I then took the punishment stick out of storage.

Rig was really surprised as I made the stick zap with electricity. Kami-sama's face went pale once she saw it.

"No, Is that really true!?!"

"No it's not, My Mama is my only Mama. I can't stomach calling this ridiculous person my parent."

"Um, Fari? But, what is that electrical weapon?"

It seems like she wasn't concerned about that, but actually my weapon.

"This is my punishment stick. I use it when Kami-sama is pulling some c.r.a.p."

"Won't she die from that!?"

"Don't worry, She is immortal."

". . . .Wait what? I can't keep up with all of this information."

Rig was holding her head in confusion.

Uh oh. . .Kami-sama did this.

"W-Wait, It's too sudden Yukii. . .Ubebebasbab!"

Around the time the punishment was complete, Rig regained her composure.

". . .Okay, but who is this person?"

"Oh, the person who gave me the punishment stick?"

"Eh?. . .Are they a pervert?"

"No No No! I didn't give her that to punish me! I gave it to her for a completely different reason."

Kami-sama then explained the mechanics of the punishment stick, while also making excuses.

I then started to explain how I could use it and how I can make it work. Rig would occasionally praise and brush my head to compliment my performance.

"So, in other words. You are a magician?"

"No, it's something different."

". . .Well then what is it?"

"Ah. . .Well I am something that is always with Yukii from afar?"

"So you are a stalker!?"

"No, it's different! Right Yukii?"

". . .Well, she is kinda a stalker."

"Stop joking Yukii! See Young lady Rigurett is preparing her bayonet! Hey? Won't you stop? Can you stop talking about me badly?"

"Muu. . .I may have carelessly said that. Rig, she is not a stalker. So don't worry."

"Is that so. . .Well, I don't want a stalker following my good friend."

Rig then lowered her weapon.

"So, then are you Fari's friend?"

"No, the first friend I ever made was Rig. This person. . . isn't one."

"Isn't that too cruel? We have been together since you were born, right? Isn't it okay to introduce me with a friendlier feeling?"

"No Kami-sama. That was a one sided thing. I never knew about you."

"So then what is your guys relations.h.i.+p!?"

Rig was starting to get frustrated and finally said that with a rough voice.

But how. . .Do I introduce the G.o.d that reincarnated me.

"Um, well. Roughly speaking, I'm a sprite or perhaps a spirit."

"Ohh, That's a good explanation, Kami-sama."

Kami-sama gave me a happy smile because I gave her a rarely seen compliment. 

"Ehehe. Well, that's why I'm not a human being. But I've actually been around Yukii since she was born. So maybe a guardian spirit?"

The more she explained it, the paler Rig's face got.

". . .I never knew. Well then excuse me for my past hostilities Kamille-sama."

"Yeah Yeah. If you understand it then it's fine~"

"What's wrong Rig!?"

Suddenly, Rig was honoring Kami-sama. I don't understand why though.

"Fari, this person being a spirit means they are higher than a human being. Moreover, giving you such high intelligence and such strong abilities proof that she is from a higher existence."

"I-Is that so?"

"Yes, that's why me must pay her respect."

"See, Yukii~. Please respect m- Ubuababa!" 

Once I heard Kami-sama's tone, I gave her a zap with the punishment stick.

"Fari! Isn't that blasphemy!?"

"No, it's always been like this. So there is no problem."

"Is that so. . .Well she is your guardian spirit, so I won't say anything. . ."

It seems like she is starting to understand our relations.h.i.+p.

Here is  a shorter chapter bunch. It had to be though. The next chapters don't really relate with these chapters that much, so these had to be their own things. Anyways, I'm happy the whole Kami thing was settled so quickly. I wonder how Rig will react to having a deity always near Fari.

Next chapters in like 2-4 days. I already finished one of them, so shouldn't be too long. These chapters have been going fast for me, mainly because I've been enjoying the story. So thank you Isaac for the recommendation. 

Anyway, If you'd like to throw alittle $$$ my way. Here is a link to do so  ?