They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 20-22

Chapter 20-22

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking eyes not fitting her age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Translator: Mamuni

Thanks to super search, I was able to find out where the hunter's guild was in this huge city.

It's a really useful skill. To be honest, I kinda want to thank Kami-sama for it.

I thought it was going to take two days to learn the layout of the city, but now that seems unnecessary.

Anyways, I decided to do some then take it easy until the day of the entrance exam.

First was the guild

I opened the doors to the hunter's guild.

By the way, Kami-sama disappeared. Having a girl with silver hair and red eyes walking around will really stand out.

So I asked her to vanish for a bit.

Once I entered the guild, plenty of people were looking at me.

I guess it is a bit odd for a 10 year old girl to go into the hunter's guild. It's not a place for children.

So it's a pretty odd spectacle.

"What's up little girl."

A good looking older man said to me.

"Etto, I really want to sell monster parts."

"I see. So you're on a ch.o.r.e little girl?"

"Umm, yeah. Something like that."

I'll just lie so this doesn't get more complicated than it should.

"I was told by Papa to come here so I could sell monster parts."

The older man nodded his head and muttered "I see"

It's not necessarily a lie. But it's not the full truth. They do say that the best lies have some truth in them.

"Well if that's it, little girl. Then go over there and tell the nice lady at the reception desk you want to sell something. Then hand it to her. Can you do that?"

"Yes, thank you very much!"

I ran over to the receptionist while acting to be a nervous child.

I feel like the type of gazes I've been getting have changed from suspicion to warm eyes.

Fufu, so easy.

I'm no idiot. Thanks to my new old 24 years of memories. I know the importance of not standing out.

So I'll just go through the motions and trade without any problem.

"Welcome. Young lady, what errands are you doing for your Papa?"

"I've come to sell material!"

"Fufu, yes yes. Well then can you show me the material?"


Once I was prompted. I took my knapsack off and placed it on the counter.

The materials are packed in the knapsack.

If I used storage I would just stand out.

Storage is a rare magic, and it would raise extra suspicion for a little girl to be using it.

Only a fool would want to stand out. It's better to be cautious.

During my journey I only collected the most expensive of monster parts.- – -I had to extract horns, tusks, fangs to claws. Then I buried the bodies in dirt with the help of magic.

Many parts of a monster could be sold. From meats, bones, skin, brains, eyeb.a.l.l.s and everything else attached to it. I collected some of those, but there is no way a little girl like me could bring such a large amount of that.

I also planned from the start to use this "false" story. I would just tell everybody I was simply here to sell the monster parts that my Papa hunted.

I also have a short sword made for children hanging from my waist, so it fits that story a bit more.

"Ara ara. So many."

The young receptionist raised a voice of surprise as she took the content out of my bag. The other staff members started to take each part and process them. They appraised each one of them.

"You brought so many parts. Your Papa must be a strong hunter."

"I also hunted monsters!"

"Ara, is that so?"

"Papa taught me how to fight with a sword! I can also hunt monster!"

"Arara, fufu. I see. Well, will young lady be a hunter in the future as well?"


I ended up not saying one lie.

My haul for all the monster parts was 5 gold coins and 8 silver coins.

1 gold coin is worth 10 silver coins. 1 silver coin is equal to 10 copper coins. And then there is an even smaller form of copper coin, which is simply a smaller copper coin, or the little copper coin. So 1 copper coins is equal to 10 little copper coins.

So if I compare the price to my past life, a little copper coin is worth ¥10 Yen. The reason I think that is because a small cheap candy can be bought with one small coin.

So ¥100 yen is equal to a single copper coin. A single silver coin is equal to ¥1000 yen. A gold coin is worth ¥10,000 yen.

(TN: so one copper coin = USD $0.90, R$ 3.50 BRL, € 0.82, C$ 1.20, Rp13000 IDR, Mex$ 17.50 .  Then add a 0 to the end of it for each increase, example = ¥1000 yen= $9.00. I'm American but I thought I'd throw a bone to the other big reader countries. Brazil/Indonesia/mexico is usually ignored in translation stuff, so I hope I got that conversion right. Sorry if I didn't convert your country's currency to fantasy copper coins.)

So if I think about it in that term, I got ¥58,000 Yen from that. I also arrived at the capital 4 days early. So I have a daily allowance of ¥14,500.

Well that's a reasonable amount for the work I did.

Besides, I didn't actively hunt monsters, and I didn't get any expensive materials.

I have to earn my income now, so I have to think about how to save up now.

Thanks to my new past memories, it's much easier.

This life I'm a n.o.ble daughter, but my previous life was a poor college student. So saving shouldn't be that bad.

For now.

It's best if I just rented a room at an inn until the hunter's academy entrance exam is held. Which is in four days.

I found an adequately cheap hotel with 3 meals a day added on. Its 6 silver coins a day, so it would be around 2 gold coins and 4 silver coins by the end of our stay.

I also wanted to hunt monsters around the capital city, but it would be really noticeable for a 10 year old girl to be hunting.

Besides I'll raise suspicion if I instantly head back to the hunter's guild with more materials the next day.

I could only be on so many "errands" for my Papa.

However once I'm in the hunter's academy I could do that without raising too much concern.

After all, it's normal for students to go hunting.

Also I could make the excuse I went hunting with my friends if I gather too much.

"- – -O~i, hey Yuki"

I head a voice next to my ear.

I turned towards them.

"What's wrong Kami-sama?"

I was relaxing on the hotel bed, when Kami-sama suddenly appeared.

I'm alone in my room so it should be okay.

"This room has a private bath!"

"Haa, is that so?"

I heard about that when I checked in. It's a well maintained bathtub, even though this hotel has a cheap price. I want to go in there later so I could heal my fatigue I've gathered from this trip.

"Let's go in together!"


I moved away from her, prepared my punishment rod and went on full defense mode.

"Is Kami-sama a pervert? Has me punis.h.i.+ng you turned you into a pervert?"

"No, No. It's fine we are both girls~ It's good for girls to bond."

"I-I was a male in my previous life. . .and in this world h.o.m.os.e.xuality is normal, you know that right? So regardless it's not okay."


"Then it's not okay to take a bath together! ! !"

That's right.

In this world, 95% of the world's population is women.

So the world should be in a crisis all the time right? 

Well that isn't the case. In phantasm, you can actually get pregnant even during intercourse with another woman.

However the probability of it happening is much lower compared to heteros.e.xual intercourse.

Well anyways, even in a world full of women, they can still leave offspring.

. . .But back to the problem at hand.

Because h.o.m.os.e.xuality is very common, it's shameful for women to show their nude body to other women. It's like how it was between men and women showing themselves in my past life.

"But Yukii. I'm a G.o.d. So gender isn't a problem. And speaking from the values of your past life, women bonding in the bath isn't strange, right?"

"Even if I go by your logic, unless it's a public bath house, it's weird."

"Now Now ♪ If we factor in Yuki's previous values, and this world's values when it comes to h.o.m.os.e.xuality, Yuki should be s.e.xually attracted to naked women. So it's not a big problem. Besides don't you want to see the long awaited nude woman?"

Kami-sama invited me with a smile. (TN: Loli-con.)

"So shall we go to the bath?"

"The answer is no."

Then I instantly whacked her with my electric stick.

Finally, it's the day of the entrance exam.

I was standing in front of a huge building that was located on the far side of the royal city.

An ornate gate with beautiful decoration welcomed those approaching. Beyond that was a ma.s.sive 6 story school building. The road leading to that build extended in multiple directions. There were simple sign pointing in a direction that said "entrance examination this way".

As I walked towards the spot I realized, I was actually nervous.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm my nerves.

Today's entrance exam is the last exam for the upcoming school year.

The royal hunter's academy holds entrance exams three times a year.

The first one is for recommended applicants.

So it's a test for n.o.ble, wealthy merchants etc. However they still need to be capable children.

In addition to their parent's position. They need to have at least two or more active hunters make their recommendation.

That exam has nothing to do with me. 

Most people pa.s.s the recommended exam. If somebody is recommended and fails it would be a public embarra.s.sment for their parents and the active hunters who endorsed them. So n.o.body but the most capable actually get the recommendations.

The next first term entrance exam after that is one, is one that recruits from the general public. n.o.bles and merchants that did not receive a recommendation are most likely to take this exam.

And today is the last one that will be held.

If it has not reached the capacity for recruitment for the first term, or if there is declining enrollment due to circ.u.mstances, they will hold an extra examination.

The level of this one is relatively high, as most open spots have already been filled.

Also usually those that fail the first exam may take it again, however people in a similar situation to me may take it as well. Aka those who are late and try to enter in.

By the way, my sister pa.s.sed the recommended exam wonderfully. She is already in the hunter school's dorm and is just waiting for the school year to begin. 

If I pa.s.s today, we will be enrolled at the same time.

"- – -Is this the place?"

I cautiously walked forward towards the area.

Following the signboard and I ended up reaching a giant training area.

The gate was open and there were many people inside and some walking inside.

I followed the line of people walking in and entered the training area.

This place is twice as large as my house.

In addition to the wide s.p.a.ce, there is also a large amount of seating around the perimeter. It's more of a stadium than a training area. It's probably used as a place to show battles to an audience.

There are also really beautiful marble statues dotting the area. It's a very beautiful spot.

I'm sure that at school event, there may be times when they invite people to see the training and battling.

A large number of people were already gathered at the center.

I walked towards there as well.

"Oh, are you lost little girl?"

I was suddenly called out to.

There was a tall woman well dressed in good equipment. She looked really strong.

I'm not, but well. I do look like a lost child. . . 

The people who usually take the entrance exam are 16 years old- – – In this world that's when they are considered adults.

The youngest are usually 15 or 14 year old.

I am however, a 10 year old.

I naturally look out of place.

"The exit is over that way. Do you see? Would you like Onee-chan to take you to your parents?"(TN: Onee-chan/Onii-chan is also a way to refer to people older than you. Not just the usual brother/sister stuff.)

"No, I'm taking the exam!"

With the looming risk of being taken away by this strange older woman, I told the truth.

". . .Are you serious little girl?"

I am serious. Although well. . .I understand why you would feel confused.

I wouldn't have come here though, if I didn't have these stupid overpowered abilities.

Sorry for the bit delay. I was about to release it with only two, but then I started the 3 and was like. Well whatever I'll translate it. I guess it ended on a cliffhanger, but I wanted to release some 3 chapters after it was the one that won the poll. Also sorry if I didn't do the currency exchange for your country. I just did it to the countries with the most readers. Also it's rounded up or down, so it's not super currently accurate.

Once again we got hinted to the future Onee-chan. Also female on female pregnancy. It's like this Kami-sama put her in this world with some ulterior motives. She is totally a Loli-con.

Also I placed my name on the little t.i.tle thing up there now, because people are actually copy pasting my chapters to other sites. I don't care that much as long as the TN are there on the bottom. I don't have ads running on this site so there is no real point, although I do feel a bit sad knowing that there may be people reading this that can't interact in the comments. That's the fun part. ;~;

Next chapters in 3 days. I'll finish up the entrance exam, maybe. It's probably like 4 or 5 chapters,  so I'll break it up in 2 releases.

  Coffee goes here.