They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1: I was Reincarnated!

I stopped in front of the doors. Behind these doors is my lessons.

Yes, today is the day I(♀), Fari(ファーリ or Fairy) Von (フォン) D’Azell (ダズエル) aged 10 will be practicing with Papa my fencing. My Papa is waiting beyond these doors.

But my legs won’t move. I’m completely frozen.

I can’t move.

Because I just remembered. I was reincarnated!

It was that day.

I(♀). . .no I(♂) wasn’t me, I wasn’t Fari. I was a 24 year old male university student, named “ Nanjou Yukiho” (南條雪穂)

I was alone in my room with a girl.

It was a girl with long silver hair and red eyes. She looked to be 12 years of age.

Why was this girl in my room?

I then also noticed I was on my knees sitting towards her.

What is happening?

The girl opened her mouth before I could ask.

“h.e.l.lo, Nanjou Yukiho. I am G.o.d.”(TN: I am really torn on whether I should call them G.o.d, or Kami-sama. G.o.d flows better in some spots, but it’s not suppose to be like a religious interpretation of it.)

She just nonchalantly said such a groundbreaking statement.

“Huh. . . How do you do?”

But I kept calm.

To be honest, it doesn’t make much sense. However if I keep calm and just talk to her I’ll be able to understand what’s happening much more quickly then freaking out and causing more problems.

“As one would expect from Yukiho-san. Calm even in this strange situation.”

“Well you say I’m calm? But wouldn’t it be difficult to talk if I was freaking out?”

“Perhaps. Well, Anyways. I am G.o.d. Are you still following?”

“For now.”

I really want this talk to be over though.

Because there is a college exam tomorrow. So I was going to study diligently alone at my desk today.

Although it’s a bit embarra.s.sing for me, but I’ve failed and have had to take this cla.s.s over already.

Mostly because of club activities, or working part time to save money. I’ve had to miss a lot of lectures for this cla.s.s. . . Well if I’m honest, I canceled almost all of my lectures.

However I can’t leave it like that!

So today was the day I was going to study diligently and actually used this rarely touched desk.

Therefore I don’t have time to play with this mysterious girl. I have to just move this along as fast as I can.

“So, G.o.d. I a.s.sume you have some sort of important task for me?”

“Oh, yes. Well to simplify it, I would like to reincarnate you.”


“Yes. I am actually creating a new world right now, and it’s usually very hard to just create everything from scratch. So I’d like to just use some humans among other settings from previous worlds to be placed into some new ones.”(昔作った世界とか人間とかの設定を流用するんですよ)(TN:I’m not confident in translating that meaning.)

“Huh. . .”

“So this time, I was wondering if I could move Yukiho-san there?”

“Me? Why me?”

What an amazing development. But aren’t I a pointless human.

I mean there isn’t really anything redeeming about me. I mean like even the university I’m going to doesn’t have that great of standard scores, and I’m still having a hard time dealing with that. So I think there has to be plenty of people better and smarter than me. . .

So I can’t even imagine a reason why G.o.d would take an interest in me.

I was about to ask, but G.o.d simply laughed.

“I chose you, therefore you are special. Among other things, that is why.”


“Anyways, moving on. I think we should have a talk about what kind of world it is.”

“Hmm, that sounds like such a grand topic. . .Will it take awhile?”

“Yes, just a little.”

“Well, then I’ll prepare us some tea.”

“How very kind of you.”

I stood up and walked across my studio apartment to the kitchen nearby.

She watched me steadily as I prepared tea for us both.

Chapter 2: The World is G.o.d’s Plaything!?

I gave some moderately hot tea to G.o.d, and then we continued our conversation.

“Now then, let’s talk about the world.”


“Frankly saying, The world is just entertainment for G.o.d.”

“Eh? . . I don’t know if I like that.”

“Is that so? Well, for G.o.ds, creating worlds is very enjoyable, and we often have to work together to create new ones. Normally we would have hundreds of people just be in charge of creating micro physics, ma.s.s and balance. Etc.”

“That seems very hard. . .”

“I guess. However now it is different.”

G.o.d said that with a happy face.

“In fact, recently, the world of the G.o.ds has become much more advanced. And thanks to these new advances in technology, creating a new world has never been easier. Even a small number of novice G.o.ds can do it.”

“Really? That’s cool. We really do live in such a convenient time.”

“Yeah, and thanks to that, I’m able to create worlds by myself.”

. . .Okay?

“Umm, G.o.d. What do you mean by “create worlds by myself”?”

“Exactly what I said.”

“Hmm, and you want me to live in that world you created by yourself?”

“Yes, that’s right.”


This little girl is really amazing. Well, honestly I didn’t really believe in G.o.d, but if she is really telling the truth that world seems so far from our own. . .

“Ehehe, I enjoy being praised. Although I said I’m making it alone, it’s not from scratch. Laws of physics, particles, etc. are all free so I’m using them.”


“Yes, they are free. There is a lot of free and cheap materials to use for making worlds these days. So even if you are an amateur, you could afford to make a world yourself, if you are motivated enough. All though that’s just the base, frameworks and other stuff comes at a fee.”

“You have to buy stuff, even as a G.o.d?”

“That’s right. There is nothing in this world for free.”

Perhaps the world of the G.o.ds aren’t that far from ours.

“Ahem. Anyways. Worlds are only for G.o.ds entertainment. And they are created for our enjoyment. Do you understand that so far?”

“Yes, more or less, but what does this have to do with my reincarnation?”

“Well, Please don’t get ahead of yourself. I’ll explain that soon.”

I am gradually losing my concentration, but for this girl. I’ll take a deep breath and do my best.

“Please continue.”

She smiled and then continued.

“How should I put this? I’ve already created the world, but I’m going to visit and add to it.”(で、実は私、今度は新しい世界を作るというか、もう作られてる世界の新たな製作者として新たに參入しようと思っていまして)(TN: This one has been giving me the hardest times.)

“But it’s new?”

“Yes. Well, actually it has been in a variety of forms, that world has actually been completed for a long time. I’m just using it. Usually characters are added over time. And other various G.o.ds have come and gone, making their own characters into the world.”

“Huh. . .Just from hearing that, wouldn’t it be pretty chaotic?”

“Maybe? But doesn’t that sound fun!?”

I don’t know about that. . .So I simply shook my head.

“Well. . .Regardless, this new world is called (“Phantasm(ファンタズム)”), and I also want to make my own character appear there.”

“Well, then wouldn’t it be good to just quickly create them?”

However, right after I said what was on my mind, G.o.d’s cheeks quickly puffed and she got mad at me.

“You know, It’s not that easy to create your own character. When it’s already a character, it’s unlikely to cause anything. . . “strange” to happen. So it’s no good.”

“Huh. . .”

So I’m starting to understand the story so far.

“So then, characters. . .You reuse them?”

“Yes, that’s it. Do you understand now?”

“Sorta, but still. Why me?”

“Well. As far as I know, there is no one on earth that would be as interesting as you.”

So with that, I was given G.o.d’s stamp of approval.

But still, I tilted my head.

I am. . .interesting?

They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!?

(異世界転生してもステータスはそのままでって言ったのですが!?) (Let me know if the t.i.tle is wrong.)


One day, a 10-year-old girl, named Fari von Dazzwell remembered that she was once a man named “Nanjou Yukiho” reborn from j.a.pan to a different world.

Although they expected “The status would stay the same even though you’re reincarnated to another world.” Fari actually has an exceptional magical gift. Moreover, having the status of a n.o.ble’s daughter. They said nothing would change, but just about everything has changed!

Because of her talent, her father sent her to take the “Royal Hunter Academy” a.s.sessment test, and try to enter the school.

During her entrance exam, she made friends with a mysterious blonde girl named “Rigurett”

However as soon as she got into the school, her life got much more hectic.

Fari just wanted a normal life, but everyday she is just too busy!

This is the story of a girl named Fari who used to be Nanjou Yukiho living in a world filled with swords and magic, called Phantasm.

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Genre: High Fantasy

Tags: Yuri, Reincarnated into a different world, Everyday life, adventure, romance, fantasy, female protagonist, gender bender, male to female, medieval times, Cheat, Magic.

Raws :

Here it is. I decided to translate 2 chapters in 1 just because it ends on a cliff hanger and doesn’t really give a feeling on what the novel is like. That being said, I don’t know what this novel is about, but don’t spoil it!

Let me know what your thoughts are on it. This was suggested by Isaac, so I’m sure there is Yuri here. So Yuri fans rejoice.

A lot of the names I’m not certain if I’m going to keep. Like Fari or Fairy. Personally leaning Fari, because having a person’s name be fairy would get confusing. Same with Rigurett, which actually translates to regret, but once again. That would be confusing if it’s their name.And hopefully I got the t.i.tle right, I kinda force marched through these chapters, more so the second one, but it took a bit longer because I want to make sure the foundation for the novel is correct. That’s why there is more”I’m not sure” places here. I’m not as confident as I should be, but hopefully people help with those. So I can move on.

So here it is. Let me know what you think.