The World We Do Not Know - 89 A Favour - 02

89 A Favour - 02

Faust isn't sure of what to do with it at first, it is a three-inch thick wood. "And? What do I do with it?" He is sure that it won't get him money even if he sells it to someone.

"It is your proof that from this second, you belong to the soldier regiment of Asura's," Neith explains him as she comes closer to Faust. She bends down placing her hand on the waist his pants.

"Waahhhhhh! What are you doing Neith!" Faust becomes nervous and  

"Huh? Geez, why are you making a big fuss?" Neith holds the black rope that is attached to the badge. She ties it to the belt loop of Faust's pants. "There you go now it is good. Wear it the same tomorrow, it looks stylish heh." She compliments while Faust is just standing there without speaking a word.

"It's all okay, but I'm not liking this house with each pa.s.sing day." Fast while rubbing his thumb on the carvings of the badge says while staring at it.

"What do you mean, why don't you like it? Neith questions in curiosity.

Faust musters up his thoughts filling his lungs with air, he replies "What family kicks members out? I don't like such a family."


"Huh? And?" The of Faust's school ask him as while checking the House badge that Faust received.

On Neith's demand, Faust came to school to solicit break for a period of two months from the teachers. He first approached Peter, who directed him to the experienced teachers in the teacher's room. Who again directed him to the leader of the teachers, the

"Like I'm saying sir! I need to partake in the purge! I need to go and G.o.d d.a.m.n fight!" Faust outcries at the Trying to explain to him that it is important for him to go. But the chief is not accepting any kind of excuse, he went on a streak to reject Faust from taking breaks.

"It is the final verdict kid, I don't care where you need to go but you cannot skip school! Now if you acted on your own and broke the school rules, you will be expelled from school instantly! No explanations given!" The old warns Faust in a very casual and jovial way.

*"The h.e.l.l is that oldie's problem? Does he not understand that this is important? I even showed him the proof tsk!"* Faust comes out of the room all riled up and as he is walking while cursing the in his head, he b.u.mps into someone. A tall and heavy built person.

"Hey! How dare you wear that badge?" The tall person mutters

"Oh my G.o.d! Isn't it Awarnach!"

"The strongest of all among the few soldiers who are allowed to have the enhancements."

Awarnach, a senior who is a candidate to be recruited into the military is one of the few seniors who have the licence to harness 'enhancements', weapons that work by the use of elemental stones.

Faust just gazes at Awarnach, a six-foot-five inch person staring down at Faust as a dragon looking down on mere humans.

"Don't wear that fake badge and disgrace the honour of the family. Take it off." Awarnach explains in a very deep voice.

His muscles seem to be carved and shaped with every minute detail and his voice is deep that can win any type of argument. He could easily be called the king of voices and is the spitting image of masculinity.

"President! Looks like Awarnach is picking on someone again!" On the floor above Faust and Awarnach, a group of five people dressed elegantly are watching the two from above.

"Let me go and stop him!" A male comes forth, he draws his right hand out in a way that he is holding something invisible. And in a second, the s.p.a.ce near his hand starts to expand that looks like s.p.a.ce is distorting. And a small pouch-like s.p.a.ce opens up. Into which he slides his hand inside and pulls out two pistols that are glowing in red enhanced by the red stone.

Before the student with pistols made a move, Awarnach grew tired of Faust and him glaring at each other. He bends down stretching his hand to grab the badge that is hanging from Faust's pants.


Faust took a step back, swiftly blocked the left hand of Awarnach with his left forearm, he then moved forward pus.h.i.+ng Awarnach's left hand outside.

"Move away!" Faust starts walking straight while Awarnach is wondering what happened. The moves that Faust made are really swift and smooth. Awarnach instantly turns behind.


A small scabbard is thrown at Faust which he had dodged without turning back. "You are going to listen to what I tell you and remove that badge." Saying that Awarnach too extends his right hand to the side, where another small pouch like a portal opens where he pulls out a white kali knife.

"I'm the only martial artist in the school! I'm the one destined to join a family! That too, the Asura's. I won't let you mock the house that I adore." Saying that he holds the knife with the blade coming from under his grip.

*"f.u.c.k! Why is everybody annoying me today!"* Faust thinks as he turns back, he sees Awarnach standing with a knife in his hand. 

"President! Looks like we need to intervene." The man with pistols advice a fair woman who is starting at Faust.

"A kid's knife huh! And? What are you going to do with it?" Faust asks, mocking Awarnach.


Awarnach swings his arm holding the knife, the red glitter on the edge of the sword is sent as a shockwave through the air and travels towards Faust.

It was a surprise even for Faust, he manages to dodge it by swiftly moving aside, but a slash that can travel distance? He let out a small smirk.

"You sure you wanna settle this here? In the corridor?" Faust asks as he draws his left hand, and gestures as if he is holding something at his waist height. 

Awarnach and the student council that are watching Faust are surprised by his actions. Their minds refused to believe what they are seeing.

A small portal opened just behind the hand of Faust exposing the grip of a sword. Faust grips his hand around the purple grip, pulling a katana out.