The World We Do Not Know - 83 Half Dead People

83 Half Dead People

She looks young without a hint of any aging on her face. She s.h.i.+nes brightly in between all the other pa.s.sengers.

"I-its ok! I can buy my ticket." Faust hurriedly slips his hand inside his pocket to take out some money with his face lowered, covering his blus.h.i.+ng cheeks.

"Enough! we don't need to pay for some strange kid that we don't even know." A middle-aged man, who seems to be the husband of the fair women sits right beside her and speaks in a very strict tone.

For which the woman just gives a faint smile elegantly covering her lips with her fingers.

Her skin looked so smooth and soft, her fore fingers looked milky white with a gold ring on her index finger that perfectly matches her hand.

The woman and her husband have been married for 10 years and have not yet been blessed with a child, but she loves kids very much! Which is why she stares at Faust, thinking: *"if I had a son, he would be as cute and innocent as he is"*

Faust pays the driver and stands in front of the door, getting ready to get down at the next stop.

The bus slows down as the result of a huge crowd to either sides of the road, as if everyone is getting ready for a festival.

"Ahh it's them again? They are being seen too often nowadays and the cops just doesn't care huh?" The driver speaks out loud.

Faust doesn't seem to care, he's  only worryingly thinking of Aion, when he sees the stop he's supposed to get down, but the bus continued to drive away not seeming to stop.

The fair middle-aged woman gets up from her seat and stands behind Faust in line holding onto a pole that is beside him.

Faust need to push a b.u.t.ton that is on the pole in order to indicate the driver to stop the bus, but the woman's hand is on the pole and closer to the b.u.t.ton as if she doesn't want Faust to press the b.u.t.ton. It seems she doesn't want him to get down yet.

Faust however tries to push the b.u.t.ton ignoring the woman's hand, but Faust didn't pay attention to what the woman is doing and he accidentally poked her hand.

*"S-so soft!"* He withdraws his hand in a surprise and his body becomes stiff.

His face turns red and he looks back from the corner of his eye. The lady is looking at him, wearing a smile on her face.

"Oh! our stop is here, dear hurry up or we will miss our stop." She tells her husband who is still sitting in his seat, seemingly bored. There are 10 more people behind the lady, waiting in a line to get down at the same stop and so her husband stood behind all the people while she stood at the front, just behind Faust.

The lady then goes on to push the b.u.t.ton and the bus stops at their destination. Faust getting down first, realizes his stop already pa.s.sed and that he need to walk back about a mile.

He casually sighs and started walking, but in a glint something bizarre caught his eye.

On the other side of the road, the vehicles are stopped due to the signal and there is a body of a middle aged man with no legs or arms, most importantly with no head. Just a torso sitting at the back of a bike tied to the driver. 

The body looks inflated or fat and seemed to be having a white colored tank top on. Faust couldn't process the scene he saw at first sight. He kept looking at it, feeling sick to his stomach.

*"WHAT THE h.e.l.l IS THAT!"* 

The signal changed and the guy took off with the bike. Faust can even see chunks of flesh dropping on the road from the decapitated body as the bike took off. 

"What the h.e.l.l? How is this common in this city?" Faust grossed out and starts walking with his head lowered and his sights set on the road, no matter how hard he tries not to think about it. He keeps seeing glimpses of that horrific sight.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" A scream came from the same side of his road.

Faust immediately looks up, he notices people a few meters away in front of him are running inside the the small shops situated at the roadside.

*"What is this, why are they running"* Faust can see the people that are right in front of him are rus.h.i.+ng to cross to the other side of the road. 

Faust can see 10- 20 people walking towards him but something is wrong with the people approaching him. They are inflated and their skin have deep holes like a sponge as if someone spooned their flesh. 

Faust is frozen on the road looking at them. Some of their limbs are cut and the nerves are hanging out, some are holding their gut as blood seems to be flowing out along with intestines hanging outside and people are running away from them.

These people are not going into a crowd nor following the running people.They seem to be waiting for a moment where a person or two is separated from the crowd. In this moment one of the guys from the group sets his eyes on Faust.

Faust instantly knew that the guy is looking at him and rus.h.i.+ng towards him with all the 20 of them following him.

Faust knew that he needed to move now. He needs to cross the road and reach to the crowd that is on the other side, but his feet are not moving. 

It's as if they are buried deep inside the earth. Faust is not able to move an inch. He knows that if he gets caught, he is going to die instantly. He can see blood all over the mouths of the people coming towards him. 

They seemed to eat raw flesh of humans on their way before reaching their current destination. Faust knows he will be decapitated and worse eaten alive if he gets caught by them, but his witless feet are still frozen stuck on the ground.

It is their ideal moment for the group to attack since the kid who cannot move his feet is also separated from the crowd. They know they won't get another moments like these often and so the gutless and limpless crowd starts pacing up quickly to rush towards Faust.

*"f.u.c.k!"* Faust is overwhelmed by the fear of the Bizarre sight. He badly wanted his frozen body to move.

*"Is this the end for me?"*