The World We Do Not Know - 36 Wolf, Principles & A Girl?

36 Wolf, Principles & A Girl?

*"Hmmm, I need to carefully choose the trees like grandpa taught me. I need to be careful not to disturb the wild life as well."* Faust keeps thinking thoughtfully as he goes deep inside the woods.


A growl is heard all of a sudden from behind the back of Faust.

"Hmm?" Faust turns back to see what the noise was and to his surprise, a huge grey wolf appears right before him.

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"Huh a wolfy? Heh" Faust says with a voice, his fears of wolves from two years ago had now completely disappeared.

"Remember Faust, you should not use these fighting arts for your own benefits or on innocent beings unless and until you absolutely have to. Promise us that you won't ever use these martial arts to hurt the innocent." Faust recalls the words of Yang and Gus and his promise to them of not using these fighting arts.

"Well, I can't play with you here. See ya later." Faust takes off after saying that to the wolf. The wolf seems to still Chase Faust for a distance, but later gives up when Faust becomes too fast for the him.

*"Heh, of course you need to remember I'm your daddy hehe"* Faust giggles to himself while running away and realizing the wolf has stopped trailing him.

After cutting the trees from afternoon to evening, Faust goes to practice martial arts with Yang and Tim for two more hours and continues to practice more until the sun began to set.

"Ahhhhhh my body feels good now, all of my muscles are warm and tight. These trainings are making me strong for sure. I'm definitely going to make the cut." Faust clacks to himself happily.

*"The view from here is amazing as I thought, it's hard to come here as a guard has been constantly guarding this, but now I'm ok since he went searching for his spear. Of course I didn't do anything to the spear, the spear grew legs and ran on its own* His soliloquy goes while standing on one of the hills with shrines to watch the sunset as he breathes hard. (PS- he threw the guard's spear down the hill, when the guard was distracted so he can come on top of this and enjoy the fresh air.)

*"Hmm this is the old shrine"* Faust looks at the shrine and pauses for a moment as he was about to say something.

"Yosh let's go inside, exploration time!" Faust shouts out loud enough only audible to himself as he walks in.

Even though the shrine was old, the air inside the shrine felt heavier, but Faust felt relieved for some reason. The breath was refres.h.i.+ng and he felt like tons of energy flowing through his body and circulating in his blood. A sharp sound similar to gamma wave frequency was resonating in his ears and his brain seem to vibrate violently. Faust's eyes were getting heavy, his eyelids kept shutting down, his footing seemed out of control and before he knew it, Faust fell on the floor lifeless and was in a deep sleep.

Faust opens his eyes in a cloudy atmosphere, the light is dim and foggy with atmosphere almost looking orange in color.

"Woah!!!! What the h.e.l.l where am I at?" Faust is shocked and scared when he realizes that he is floating in the air all of a sudden.

He is able to sit and jump and run, he can feel the pain of him pinching himself, but what is this? He is in air? Floating? It's like am invisible floor in the air. Faust tries to walk and he comes across many black creatures which can be seen in many places in this new area that Faust is in suddenly. Many of these black shadows have various different kinds of expressions on their faces one is crying, one is smiling, other is joyous and other is greedy and many kinds of emotions and even mixed emotions. Faust is really creeped out of this atmosphere.

"Hey, what you doing there, looking around like a thief?" Faust hears a voice of a girl.

"You- You seem shady, are you here to steal someone's soul?" A short girl with black curly twin tails up to her shoulders says enigmatically. And the curls of the girl are only up to midway of her twin tails and bangs covering her forehead until her sharp and curvy black thin eyebrows. She has big dark-brown eyes with long eye lashes and very fair complexion of skin color.

Her eyes are so expressive that with any tiny moments, it seems to convey everything that she wants to say. As she gazes down on Faust, he instantly knew she mistook him for someone but he is too shy to even talk or to even make an eye contact with her.

Faust basically never spoke to a girl of his age ever in his life, he always gets shy and blushes all over to even talk to one.

"I'm asking you a question." The girl takes a small spear with long blade fixed on the end of the pole with the edge on the outside curve. From behind and she points it towards Faust as to threaten him while her long-knee length skirt flutters constantly around her.

"I'm going to call the guards, my dad is one of the top guard here. You will be dead if I call them over." The small girl threatens Faust with her cold words.

"Um-umm. I'm not a thief. I got sleepy and- slept and- I woke up here." Faust says in a low confused voice, stuttering while his cheeks turned red and with fear in his voice as he tried to not look at her.

*"Who is this girl? She's so intimidating."* Faust thinks to himself as sweat drips down from his temples to his cheeks. Faust, a boy who doesn't even fear in the presence of a beast but feared in the presence of a girl who was very mind blowing. This girl was very capable of making Faust scared to his wits ends.

Edited by - Aysel Inara.