The World We Do Not Know - 34 Double The Trouble

34 Double The Trouble

"In a zig zag motion Faust." Gus tells faust while resting on the couch behind and watching Faust mop the floor.

"I know grandpa. I know." Faust says while pouting, fully exhausted.

*"He said he is going to teach me sword techniques but I am mopping the floor for 2 hours already like an idiot. I'm pretty sure grandpa tricked me tsk, how did I fall for this?"* Faust thinks as he mops the floor with disappointment.

*Moments ago*

"Sword arts? What is that grandpa?" Faust asks Gus as he holds and read the book that he brought from the attic.

"It's about the art of swords Faust, I'm going to teach you how to wield a sword. And this book is the ma.n.u.script of a powerful technique that your grandpa is going to teach you." Gus says proudly as he crosses his arms and his nose seemed to grow long like a Pinocchio.

Faust's face is sparkling brightly upon hearing what Gus said. Poor Faust had forgotten that one time when Gus said he doesn't even know how to hold a sword, but now, he was saying something about teaching a sword art to Faust?

"Ohhhh grandpa, you're the best! I will put my body and soul, my muscle and bone to learn this and will master it." Faust shouted loudly while he holds both of his hands together in grat.i.tude as happy tears roll off his face.

"Wahhhhh I know my grandson, no one is suitable than you to inherit my legacy of unholy sword." Gus says while holding Faust close to his face and both of their faces sparkle brightly like little kids all over again.


Bella groans as a way of sigh watching Gus and Faust as if they're a couple of idiots who is disturbing her sleeping time and closes her eyes to go back to sleep.

"Here Fausty, take this." Gus places a broom stick in Faust's hand.

"Huh?" The happy tears and sparkling face of Faust disappears in  an instant at the sight of a broom stick.

"Now mop the floor for 4 hours a day, after your daily exercises. Also I will add one or two more routines to your exercises which will help build your forearms and the strength of your calves." Gus mischievously says with that goofy idiotic smile of his as he closed eyes at the same time for a nap.


*Rawrrr... Arghhhh..... Grrrr.....~~* Faust makes all kinds of sounds while mopping the floor to vent out his anger.

"Yes. Fausty yesss, you got it." Gus says while throwing his arms in front of his face and giving thumbs up to Faust.

"Stop it, grandpa." Faust is getting more annoyed with his Grandpa's gestures.

"gomu gomu noooooo-Thunder bolt... Fire bolt... arghhh~~~" Faust yells out annoyingly louder as he mops the floor harder and his anger increases towards Gus more each time.

Bella watches all of this peeking with one of her eye open. *Grrrrr* she grabs her small bed with her teeth and goes outside to sleep peacefully while staring at Faust and Gus with the corner of her eyes with all the fuss they are making.

"How are your arms feeling Faust?" Gus questions after 3 hours of continuous mopping. He is sitting on the chair with his legs crossing each other as he holds up his chin with his hand.

"They're hard as a rock and pains like h.e.l.l, I can't even move them freely anymore." Faust replies to Gus while struggling.

"Good, now hold the handle of the stick with both of your hands and soak the dreads of cloth more." Gus says with a smile on his face as if he know exactly what he is doing.

Gus makes Faust hold the handle like a swordsman would hold their swords with two hands.

"Now mop again in zig zag way until the dreads looses all the water and becomes dry." Gus says to Faust.

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"Grandpa, I will definitely die. This is hard to move when I hold the broom stick in the middle but not the handle? the weight distribution on the dreads makes the stick heavier like a ton. Your grandson will be dead before even learning your sword arts" Faust says desperately as he seems to almost break down in tears from the endless pangs of pain.

"Oh heh heh I thought you were determined to get stronger, so this is the only lengths you are willing to go?" Gus tries to mock Faust with his words.

"I will do it!" Faust says willingly with determination after he thoughts for a few second about what Gus says to him.

"Heh, use your right hand to push the broom left while balancing the handle with your left hand and use your left hand to push the broom right while balancing with right hand, move your legs apart, bend your knees a little forward and balance ur feet. It helps with the weight distribution and gives your arms strength." Gus says to Faust knowing exactly what to do.

Faust mops while standing In a stance which seems as if he is riding an invisible horse, his arms and shoulders still hurt more and more as he constantly move while making the horse stance every time he move to different location and mop in a zig zag way as Gus has instructed him to do.

"Ok you can stop and take some rest for today. We will train the same way tomorrow." Gus told Faust as he seems to be satisfied with the work.

The words Gus uttered sounded like the words of G.o.d that is saving his disciple from dangerous work,  to Faust, because Gus reduced and stopped the training in only 3 and half hours this is a huge relief to Faust who is experiencing h.e.l.l.

*Knock knock*

Gus and Faust hears someone knocking on the door.

"I will go get it" Faust heads towards the door and opens it.

"You little, how dare you do this to us on your first day?" The mysterious person standing near the door yells to Faust with cold eyes, tilting his head backwards and looking down on Faust with a deadly glare.

"Ehhhhh~~~ Tim? what are you talking about?" Faust says while panicking.

"My grandpa told you that he is gonna teach you martial arts and you dare not show up on time huh!" Tim shouts while gritting his teeth and sounding like one of the high school delinquent. And this makes Faust even imagines Tim with a mohawk and leather jacket as he talks.

"Uh-uh- anooo I was so tired today Mr. delinquent p-please forgive me?" Faust says while stuttering and not knowing how he can ask for forgiveness to Tim.

"Huhhhh? Who are you calling a delinquent, huhhhhh?" Tim bring his face so close to Faust's face as he was asking the question that it seems like Faust can't even breathe any longer. "I'm taking him grandpa Gus!" Tim grabs the collar of Faust and drags him out towards his home in a rush.

"N-n-nooooo! Tim my arms are sore, let me rest for today. Grandpaa, help me" Faust says while grabbing onto the door tightly,  but Gus is only smiling and waving his hand as he send Faust off.

"I had to come all the way up this stupid hill because you didn't show up on time, come you little....!" Tim pulls Faust forcefully out and starts dragging him with anger.

"Ahh Bella, Bella help me!" Faust cries as a last resort when he see Bella sleeping outside the house in her small bed.

Bella opens her eyes to see the fuss again, turns her face away from Faust, closes her eyes and goes back to sleep again as if she doesn't know him and have anything to do with Faust.

"Ahhh Bella, even you...!"

Faust gives up as his people have turned their backs against him and so he goes along with Tim without a choice of revolting.

Tim brings Faust to the training room. It's dark all around and there seems to be a throne like chair on a small stage and someone is sitting on it.

"Did you bring the ungrateful pupil of mine who didn't show up to training." Yang says while his eyes are glowing red burning like fire.

"Ehhhh Im- I'm sorry grandpa Yang, but I'm here now we can solve this with words." Faust says as he feels the chill going up to his spine from Yang's voice and falls to the ground and tries to crawl backward. Both Tim and Yang seems like thugs at this point to Faust and he will do anything to keep himself safe from then right now.

"You are going to get punished if you come late, but I will forgive you since it's your first day. Come by 5 from tomorrow. And as you are here now. Let's start the training of the art of vital points." Yang told Faust in a epic threatening tone.

Edited by - Aysel Inara.