The World We Do Not Know - 27 Deadly Blow

27 Deadly Blow

"Faust, why are you still here? Just run back to the village. I'm alright!" Gus shouts as he grits his teeth while holding his left shoulder tight, hoping to stop the bleeding while he was down, kneeling on one of his knees.

Bella is bigger than Faust, he is not able to carry her and he is worried if Bella's wounds will tear open more if he dragged her to village. And his grandpa is fighting on the thin thread of life and death with the wolves, Faust doesn't know what to do at all. His head is spinning and he is in anxiety breakdown.

*"Dammit! I was careless, the claw reached deep and cut down my tendons, I can't use my left arm anymore and there are 13 wolves standing in front of me"* Gus muddled to himself while taking deep breaths to calm himself. *"If only I have any enhancements with me right now aghhhh"* Gus stressfully thinks and gets up on both of his feet, grabs the wooden sword tightly getting ready to fight to death with the wolves. As his chances of slipping were reduced to none.

Enhancements that Gus wish he had with him are the elemental stones of different attribute. Each stone here have its own element hidden within them. Humans started using these elemental stones to enhance their physical properties greatly at the time of wars.

The elemental stones were used until now are a red stone which looks like a garnet that consists bombarding nature hidden within it. The red stone can help the user to release fire power from small to large merging with the spiritual power the warrior has.

And the green stone that looks like a sapphire gem. The green stone contains the air element within it, any user can manipulate the air to their comfort and produce strong winds or gusts. It can also help in enhancing arrows, spears, cross bows and javelins making the tool travel fast with the aid from air.

Also, the purple stone, looks like a purple ruby which can call thunders and lighting in a second. In addition there are more stones which no one had learnt about yet. And these elemental stones when equipped to a weapon which was made specially for you is called enhancements. That Gus  wished for.

On the side of Faust, he seems to be overwhelmed by his emotions.

*"Coward, stupid body, coward heart. I'm the most useless thing ever. I let Bella get hurt and now grandpa too. I should have listened to Tim, why did I ever come here in the first place?*

*why was I so stupid and scared for my life? Why can't I just be brave enough to save people?* Faust questions himself repeatedly and cries over how frantic he was.

*"Brave superhero my b.u.t.t. I couldn't even do anything, I'm no super hero. I'm not even a human. Grandpa, I'm really sorry. I'm so scared right now, I'm sorry I'm so Worthless."* Faust keeps blaming himself over and over with agony and guilt building up inside him. He was having a hard time in breathing as if something was choking him from inside and nothing seems like it will be able to save him.


"Huh? Bell-la?" Faust quizzically gazes as stops crying suddenly.

Bella who sensed how frantic Faust was being, licks his fingers while she could barely open her eyes, breathing shallower. Even after being left and abandoned by Faust, Bella faithfully licks the fingers of Faust as if she was a.s.suring him that he is not alone.

*"Bella, even you... To comfort me, dammit!"* Faust curls his fist and watches Gus silently as his eyes seems to be changing slowly.

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All the wolves have spread out and circled Gus, like they circle their prey without giving Gus any chance to get away.

Before he realises Gus is being attacked from all sides. The wolves bared their fangs as they charge towards Gus to land lethal blows on him and Gus barely dodges two sharp steel like claws at the expense of his life. All this while Raka is behind all the wolves, it's head is laying low and he is taking a very slow and stealthy steps waiting for a perfect opportunity to land a fatal blows onto Gus. Gus is unaware of Raka as he is desperately fighting being occupied with other wolves without noticing Raka and realizing his motives.

*"Dammit these wolves are well coordinated to hunt their prey, they are not giving me a chance to catch my breathe. Come on now, let this old man catch his breathe and settle down. My muscles are sore, this is a great stress adding into my body. I need to find a way out of this and run away with Faust"* As Gus a.s.sembles something in his mind talking to himself.

"Woooshh~" suddenly a shadow appears in the sky in front of the wolves that are attacking Gus and lands a blow on one of the wolf that is about to dash onto Gus. The shadow landed a powerful punch on the face of the wolf, it was such a jabbering touch of death that the jaws of the wolf got dislocated and the it was gus.h.i.+ng blood out of his mouth. Its limbs seems to be trembling and not being able to hold on to the ground. The wolf lost it's composure and collapses onto the ground like an empty soul.

Edited by - Aysel Inara