The World We Do Not Know - 21 Good Bye

21 Good Bye


Without a warning a spear shaped thunderbolt as if it was made of a soul appears beside Ares and goes upwards piercing through the lightning made from sniper rifle, right above Ares in an instant. The huge lightning fired by the sniper is scattered throughtout the sky which was in wrath, to fragments and even the dark smoke like clouds in the sky were scoured like dust dispersion . It was an unimaginable power,  the spear is as powerful as the lightning bolt of Zeus, with enough energy to split up the earth.

It's not over yet, the katana that Ares is holding seems to be s.h.i.+ning brightly aming the bleak atmosphere while emitting pieces of soul fragments. Those soul fragments are taking the form of weapons, after a while the sword in Ares's hand disappeared completely leaving an insane amount of weapons of every kind a spear, straight sword, trident, arrows, dagger, staff, bident which is a two-p.r.o.nged version of trident, hammer, crescent axe, scythe, spiked cudgel, mace, Dacian Flax, club, javelin and many more other weapons around Ares. Glowing and aimed, seemed to be made of the soul of sword and are emitting heavenly aura as if the G.o.ds granted Ares those gifts, bestowing their blessings in white radiance of divine weapons. It's almost like all the weapons used by heaven's guardian surrounded Ares a.s.sembling in a sphere like structure around him.

Zoilas is more than scared at his wit end. His pants are wet like he peed himself as he witnessed the power that resembled the G.o.ds. -*"Wh- wha what i-i-n-in the world is this? Are all those weapons made of his spiritual power, all alone?"* Zoilas stuttered terrified as his mind tried to process out what he just saw.

"NOT EVEN THE FIVE STAR GENERAL WHO IS HAILED AS THE ONLY MORTAL THAT CAN RIVAL G.o.dS, POSSESSED SUCH POWER!" Zoilas shouts loudly as he trembles and whimpers in fear acknowledging his end.

*Swoosh~~* all the weapons around Ares out of nowhere are released and are shot toward the soldiers at a very fast pace. The weapons travelled  piercing the air at an enormous speed like a huge storm of light sweeping away an entire city.

Before Zoilas could grab a hold of the situation , all the soldiers along with rest of Caracus villagers have been cut down, thrashed and decapitated like something invisible slaughtered them all. Zoilas is the only person now standing alive in the entirely vast stretched cemetery along with Ares.

Zoilas immediately runs towards Ares like a coward, without any pride he kneel and begs Ares to spare his life. The arrogant man ran for his life, turning from a lion into a mouse.

"Ares, Ares please I have a family. I never wanted to do this from the first. I was forced by the higher up's I'm from Aztec not Agartha, really. I'm one of the ground support regiment. Please let me live Ares... please" Zoilas keep blabbering Ares all sort of excuses that came into his mind repeatedly, to make Ares take mercy on him, but Ares whose heart had completely turned into a blood pumping machine devoid of emotions,  gazes down upon Zoilas with a grin- dark expression and no emotion can be sense from him at that moment.

"Cut your neck off by yourself, it will be an easy death." Ares mocks Zoilas as he did with Edward, without any trace of softness.

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"You won't get away with just this! you will know how big of a mistake you are doing! You don't even know who is involved in this." Zoilas threatens angrily once he was so sure of dying a horrible death, setting a symbol of terror for generations.

A spears runs down on the head of Zoilas from  his temple and comes out splitting his body into two. while he is on ground with a thump. "GoodBye" Ares says as he looks up at the sky, thinking about all the villagers and his friends that died here. And also the thought of soldiers crossed his mind that he killed mercilessly.

He looked sad as if he didn't wanted to kill anybody, as they too had their own families.

*Meanwhile in Mindoro a couple of hours earlier*

"Mars! the skies rumbling and I definitely heard something big, I doubt a huge bomb is dropped at the sh.o.r.e in the direction of Edward and our men, the place they were camping at." A guard from Mindoro wakes up Mars by jerking him ranting with a rather surprising news.

"Chiefff!!! Chieffff!!!!! I saw a blast , heavy smoke and I saw the trees and woods withering after the huge blast. Something wrong is definitely going down there. Let me go chief!" Gus who has run here worrisome requests to the already surprised Mars in paniced state.

"Guards! prepare for us to leave, gather all the men in the village, we're gonna head out to our brothers and lend them a hand!" Mars commands his men of what they should be doing immediately.

It's a panic in village. Every family of the warrior that went to a.s.sist Caracus along with Ares are in desperation to hear any news from them or to go along with Mars to see what had happened to their loved ones. Mars and the guards had to delay their departure to calm the villagers down.

The wife of Edward stares at the crimson moon while worrying about her husband while the two daughters laid sleeping in her arms soundly. The crimson moon is naturally defined as a sign of ma.s.sacre in some places, a very bad omen. This makes her even more worried about the well-being of her husband.

"Chief I will be heading out first, I will be fast with my pulleys." Gus says the words and heads out without stopping to listen to what Mars had to suggest .

"This kid, never listen to us! He is heading out in the dark without worrying about his own safety!" Mars shakes his head in frustration and yells at Gus and sets out to the sh.o.r.e of the battle following the lead of Gus.

*"I'm sure of it, Ares will win, he will be standing and protecting my villagers. Tanya, Albert and Alex used to make fun of me for worrying about Ares. And Yang would keep his grumpy face on and ask me about Tisha. Alrightyyy!! Ares, here I come.* Gus murmurs to himself , unsure of what was ahead of him while he is set on the way to the battle scene.

*"It's now or never, it's finally time for us to end our fued's with Caracus. We will become brother in arms now, everything will be peaceful once tonight by."* Mars thinks about the well being of his villagers and bonds with other villages while on his way not knowing what lies ahead of him.

*Coming back to the sh.o.r.e of battle in the present*

A group of 5 whips with a sharp spearheads tied to their tails suddenly pierces the flesh of Ares from the backside. The whips sprouted from his chest. Ares couldn't help but notice how familiar the whips are to his eyes, It's as if he knew the familiar weapon used many times before by someone who fought alongside him since he became the captain.

Edited by - Aysel Inara.