The World We Do Not Know - 151 Red Eyed Faust - 8

151 Red Eyed Faust - 8

Deep rumbles came from the throat of the wolf, it's ears were pulled forward and lips were tucked back.

What initially seemed to be a rumble now suddenly turned into growl and the wolf stands on its hind-legs with it's paw drawn back as if it's getting ready to pounce on little Faust. 

"Ah! My arm!" Faust shouts out loudly thinking the wolf had got him. *"What happened, I'm still alive, how?"* Faust thought to himself and looks in the direction of wolf as he thought of just becoming a wolf's meal. "NO!!!! Bella!!!!" Faust is dumbstruck as he witnesses Bella pinned down under the paw of the big wolf.

Bella who realizes that Faust is not moving his legs, jumps in between Faust and the wolf and she pushes Faust back for safety.

"No Bellaaa!!!." Faust shouts out with tears and stretches his wooden sword out with both of his hands and rushes forward to the wolf intending to attack and save Bella from the it's claws.

"Let Bella go, or you will die!" Faust says timidly with his wooden sword gripped tight and ready to land a blow in anger.

The wolf while it's head is tilted down, raises it's vicious and hungry eyes towards Faust, it's saliva keeps dripping onto Bella.

*"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die." Faust realizing how weak he is and considering his critical situation immediately turns his back on Bella and runs out of the woods with his tears running down on cheeks.

Bella lying under the claw of the wolf helplessly stops struggling and looks at Faust helplessly. The sight of Faust running back into woods, leaving her behind shatters the huskies heart greatly. Bella whimpers in a feeble growl, she doesn't want to believe that Faust is leaving her without even glancing back. She whines and cries desperately in a low voice for Faust to feel her desperation. Faust halts after hearing Bella's cries, but he is such a weak boy that he doesn't look back and keeps his pace into the woods while wiping his tears away with his palms.

This breaks Bella's heart even more as she sees Faust leaving her to get killed by the wolf. Using the last of her strength Bella tries to move and cries loudly, her eyes becomes small and squinty with water filling the sockets but she keeps struggling to push the claw of the wolf back to slip away. The wolf, however balances all of it's body weight on its front legs and stands hard even more firmly on Bella without even budging a little bit of his strength leaving no vent for the air to gasp for little husky.

*"I'm sorry Bella. I'm a coward, I'm weak, I couldn't even save you. I'm so sorry Bella."* Faust cries inside while he whines loudly, guilt overcoming for not saving the poor soul. Bella's barking was echoing in his head.

"Faust!!!" Gus who came into the woods to search for Faust suddenly stumbles upon him.

"Faust!!! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Gus asks Faust quickly. He was worried to death as he searches for any sign of injures on his body.

Faust's ears and nose turns red and tears keep rolling down off his face - "grandpa!!! bel- bell I left Bella back there." Faust holds the waist of Gus and hugs him tightly as he breaks down crying his arms.

Gus grits his teeth in disbelief of what Faust has done "Faust, stay here, I will go to bring Bella back." Gus strictly chips to Faust and as he was about to leave, Faust did not have any intention of letting him leave and holds onto him tightly.

"Grandpa, stay with me grandpa, I'm scared, don't leave me please, wahhh." Faust cries while holding the wisp of his s.h.i.+rt, without considering about Bella at all.

Gus is really p.i.s.sed with this behavior of Faust. "LET GO Faust!!" Gus yells. "Bella can't even talk or cry others for help and you are asking me not to go rescue her?" Gus is furious at Faust, he shook Faust's hands off him and heads towards the Rocky terrains, but Gus suddenly pauses his step without turning around to face Faust and says to him loudly is disappointed.

"Faust you can take care of yourself now, don't cry this weak." Gus says to Faust with a hint of dismay and he continues forward to rescue Bella. Gus knows that he is the reason that Faust became who he is right now. A coward, because Gus was too soft on his bringing up.

Faust knows this was true and he wipes his tears off and musters up his courage to trail behind Gus. Bella was trembling and shaking, but her cry had no strength in it. Her flesh was torn off by the wolf's powerful claws, her fur is dirty as if she had been kicked like a fur ball. The wolf had lot of fun with it's prey, and now it held Bella in-between it's teeth as if it was going to throw Bella in the air for fun game and had no intention of letting her die off so quickly.

"How dare you hurt Bella!!" Gus was instantly mad seeing Bella in such a state. He dashed forward in a swift motion, grabs the wooden sword left there by Faust and launches a powerful blow on the neck of the wolf.

The wolf did not expect it, the blow was so powerful that the fur of the wolf where the stick made contact with falls down onto the ground like a fluttering feather and a red mark is visible on the wolf, it took some time for the luna to gain her senses back and she land an attack on Gus. Before the wolf could lift her claw, Gus launched another powerful blow on the forehead of the wolf. The wolf bit her tongue in between teeth as she had no control over the blow that just hit her. The wolf's vision got blurred becoming dizzy. She couldn't even stand on her four limbs. It was frowning as it's legs were shaking and the big wolf fell down on the ground hard with a howl that could be heard loudly from miles away.

"So strong" Faust who was watching all this from inside the woods is surprised by what Gus did. *"The wolf which is huge and almost 6 foot which could bite even bones was taken down in just 2 blows. How amazing is that?!* Faust thinks to himself as he starts to admire his grandpa even more.

*Ahhhhh woooooo!!~~* the wolf lets out another big howl, but this time it last even longer and louder. The proud wolf stops her howling and stares at face reflecting in the eyes, showing her dominance to Gus. She did not intend to let Gus go freely after he lands Lethal blows on her.

Gus takes Bella, wraps his s.h.i.+rt around her body so that she doesn't loose more blood and runs back into the woods hurriedly as he can.

"Ahhhhhwwooooo!!!~~~" suddenly several other howls can be heard back.

"Dammit they came this fast?" Gus hears a howl of a wolf and turns back to face whatever is behind him.

Faust and Gus are beyond belief, there are 7 wolves in front of them beside the wounded wolf and there are 6 wolves on top of the highest cliff behind them and soon the wolf who just got taken down by Gus, gets back up in her feet and join her pack. All of the wolves are big, but except for one wolf that really stood out the most catches the eyes of Gus. It was on the cliff and it stands in the middle of all six wolves like he was the leader, he is at least 8 feet tall with a bushy tail which is almost half a meter long. It's ivory canine and steel like claws are looking like a deadly weapons. It can bite a head of a human in a snap, yet Gus did not seem like he's afraid.

"Faust, take Bella and run to the village, I will be behind you." Gus gives instruction to Faust and walks towards the pack of wolves calmly.

"Huh?" Faust is quizzical , how can Gus walk into the pack of 14 wolves without any protection or a weapon?

"Raka! it's me Gus, do you remember me?" Gus shouts out surprisingly to the 8 feet wolf while he stretches his hand forward as a sign of saying he's no harm to the wolves.

The pack of wolves were all growling lowly but yet, aren't taking a step forward as the 8 feet wolf is walking down the cliff. It demonstrated it's dominance among other wolves. The big wolf, walks up in front of all the others and stands right opposite to Gus.

"You have become so big huh? Haha you must be leading all the other wolves. Do you remember my voice? I saved you when you were a little cub, look at you all grown up." Gus says with a friendly smiling face.

Raka appears to be really calm, it doesn't lower his head up to Gus as if it was full of pride, but he seems to not be harmful for now and Gus was relieved for that. The big wolf looks at the wounded wolf, who now fell back down to the ground beside him as if this time even her ego couldn't help her stand the strong blow for long. Gus senses a little tension in the air as to how Raka is growling and seeming unsettled.

Raka without a warning swings it's claw at Gus all of a sudden, piercing the flesh of Gus's left shoulder. Gus was in disbelief by this sudden deadly blow.

"Grandpaaa!!" Faust is scared to his wits while clutching Bella tight and witnessing his grandpa getting slashed right in front of his eyes.

"Faust, why are you still here? Just run back to the village. I'm alright!" Gus shouts as he grits his teeth while holding his left shoulder tight, hoping to stop the bleeding while he was down, kneeling on one of his knees.

Bella is bigger than Faust, he is not able to carry her and he is worried if Bella's wounds will tear open more if he dragged her to village. And his grandpa is fighting on the thin thread of life and death with the wolves, Faust doesn't know what to do at all. His head is spinning and he is in anxiety breakdown.

*"Dammit! I was careless, the claw reached deep and cut down my tendons, I can't use my left arm anymore and there are 13 wolves standing in front of me"* Gus muddled to himself while taking deep breaths to calm himself. *"If only I have any enhancements with me right now aghhhh"* Gus stressfully thinks and gets up on both of his feet, grabs the wooden sword tightly getting ready to fight to death with the wolves. As his chances of slipping were reduced to none.

Enhancements that Gus wish he had with him are the elemental stones of different attribute. Each stone here have its own element hidden within them. Humans started using these elemental stones to enhance their physical properties greatly at the time of wars. 

The elemental stones were used until now are a red stone which looks like a garnet that consists bombarding nature hidden within it. The red stone can help the user to release fire power from small to large merging with the spiritual power the warrior has.

And the green stone that looks like a sapphire gem. The green stone contains the air element within it, any user can manipulate the air to their comfort and produce strong winds or gusts. It can also help in enhancing arrows, spears, cross bows and javelins making the tool travel fast with the aid from air.

Also, the purple stone, looks like a purple ruby which can call thunders and lighting in a second. In addition there are more stones which no one had learnt about yet. And these elemental stones when equipped to a weapon which was made specially for you is called enhancements. That Gus  wished for.

On the side of Faust, he seems to be overwhelmed by his emotions.

*"Coward, stupid body, coward heart. I'm the most useless thing ever. I let Bella get hurt and now grandpa too. I should have listened to Tim, why did I ever come here in the first place?*

*why was I so stupid and scared for my life? Why can't I just be brave enough to save people?* Faust questions himself repeatedly and cries over how frantic he was.