The World We Do Not Know - 122 The Festival Begins

122 The Festival Begins

"Yes, of course. You were detained because of me."

"I thought you were lucky that you escaped in the name of detention. But I saw the purge wars." Awarnach, who is mighty and looked like a hungry beast, now looks calm and relaxed.

"I want to tell you that I'm sorry for not believing you." People around both Awarnach and Faust are shocked seeing Awarnach apologizing to Faust.

Faust just keeps watching Awarnach without speaking a word, he just keeps smiling. "Can I ask you to learn my martial arts? It's not a popular one, but, I really want you to keep it in your a.r.s.enal. It is based on misdirections and deflection of weapons in midair.  Please accept my request." Awarnach stretches his hand for a handshake while offering Faust his skills.

In this era, with no handful of martial artists. Martial arts, scripts and scrolls are treasured in a hope to pa.s.s the skills down to younger generations. Most of these are scrolls are owned by the powerhouses. 

And getting a chance to learn a martial arts, no matter how low tier it is, benefits a person in getting into one of the houses as a soldier. "I will think about it." Faust with a smile, shakes hands with Awarnach. "But, can I know the reason why you are willing to help me learn your skills?" Faust asks him as he, Awarnach and Aion are walking inside the school. 

"I just want my martial arts to s.h.i.+ne in your a.r.s.enal set of skills. It is also good to be on good terms with a powerful captain like you." Awarnach walks beside Faust, almost like his lackey while praising him.

"Ahhhh, nice, I will cherish your skill and try to uplift it by merging with my other skills." Faust replies to him.

"Merge it?" Before awarnach could ask for details, he finds himself in the room with only Faust. He looks for left and right for Aion before finding him outside the door. He realizes that he forgot his surroundings while talking about the martial arts.

"Wh-why are here?" Awarnach whispers in the ears of Faust.

"I'm back in school sir, I hope I can go back to my as usual?" Faust asks the who is staring at him with a proud smirk on his face.

"Ahh, yes! Welcome back, how did your purge go?" s.h.i.+zu starts a normal conversation with Faust.

"Ah, by some luck, it went good sir. Look at this, I also got into some cla.s.s hha." Faust pridefully shows his captain's cloak to the

"That is very good,  a senpou cla.s.s huh? You should have worked harder to get a better one. And I happen to hear your conversation earlier as soon as you guys entered the room."

"You guys don't need to set up a date to learn something. Your school festival, training begins from tomorrow. You guys can train yourself with the remaining members that are going to the festival with you." s.h.i.+zu explains.

"Faust is also going to the school festival?" Awarnach asks in a surprise.

"Of course he is, what did you think? Just because it is going to be all seniors in the festival, Faust cannot do well?" s.h.i.+zu asks jokingly.

"No, not at all. I'm happy he is joining us. He will be a big a.s.set in this. I have always lacked raw strength. But this time will be something different." Awarnach replies happily and both of them leaves the room and heads back to their


On the next day, Awarnach and Faust go towards the school gym.  A huge stadium with lots of practice ground. There is an indoor running track and swimming pool in the stadium itself. And that two just take-up of about up 5% of the entire stadium.

In the middle of the stadium is a huge ground of five hundred yards with plain sand that is used for long, mid-range shooting practice, archery practice and physical training.


 Faust and Awarnach approaches a group of people who are discussing strategies standing in a circle. 

A tall woman with blonde hair and glossy yellow eyes turn back towards the voice. She gets surprised to see Faust in front of her and more surprised when eunuch is beside him.

"My grandpa said a freshman would be joining us, I didn't expect it would be you." Cameron looks at Faust with her piercing eyes as she arrogantly flips her hair back.

Her blonde hair is tied on top of her head like a ponytail. But her hair is long up to her waist. If she hadn't tied her hair with a band on top, her hair would easily be to her thighs.

"Ah, I remember you, you saved me from a senior back in the day didn't you? I don't know how to thank you for saving me on that day." Faust says with a bright smile and Awarnach is completely caught off guard. When he first met Faust, he clearly said about not remembering Awarnach. But now he recognizes Cameron in a glimpse?

"Oh, you can thank me just sitting on the sidelines and not disturbing us. You are here to watch and learn so just watch and learn." Cameron says without a second thought. Her voice is filled with pride and no remorse.

"What? Do you guys know-" Before awarnach could speak up, Faust stops him by placing his hand on the right shoulder of Awarnach. Awarnach does not speak up. Finding it weird, Cameron turns back to face the circle and starts discussing strategies again. While Faust and Awarnach go to a side and watches them by sitting on the stairs nearby.

"Why did you stop me1?" Awarnach wants to know the motive behind Faust's actions.

"Ahh, Working in a group and strategies is really tiresome. I just finished one and this is time for me to take a rest here. Also, when will we practice your style if we just keep working with them?"