The World We Do Not Know - 113 Awakening Of An Ordinary Demon!

113 Awakening Of An Ordinary Demon!

"If only he possesses an ounce of Spiritual power! The outcome of this matchup could be different." Thorik utters his pities for Faust in his words, he can in a way relate to Faust since he himself was ridiculed in the past for having less Spiritual power.

"Even if he possess spiritual power! You cannot foresee the fact that he is up against a general cla.s.s!" Carlos adds his sympathies.

Faust is on the ground, laying on his face. The referee paces inside the arena towards Faust, to confirm if he is still conscious.

The void that is surrounding in the Arena is suddenly shattered by a loud noise caused by lightning in the clouds. Everyone is equally surprised and are looking at the sky in confusion, but Hades alone is shocked by the incident.

"Where is he getting all this power from?" Hades mutters under his breath while looking at Faust who is lying lifeless in the dirt.

Leviathan catches what Hades has spoken, he turns back in surprise "I-Is this his doing father?" He asks Hades in a rather hasty tone.

Hades does not reply but he keeps glaring at Faust. "What is happening?" Garuda asks himself while looking at the sky.

By this time, the whole sky is taken over by thick dark clouds, turning the day into night.


In no time, air circles around Faust and suddenly black aura is seen oozing from his skin. 


The air is gus.h.i.+ng out from his premises and the ground beneath him is slowly shattering around his body. 

"Father! I-is that your doing?" Leviathan asks with a blank face as he is staring into the sky.

Hades follows him to take a look at the thing that made his son stutter. Hades is in disbelief, the cloud right above the arena has a clean huge hole in between with the centre sucking the air surrounding it.

As everyone is watching the sky in amus.e.m.e.nt, Faust's body shows movement and the whole cloud is divided into two, making it look like as if the sky itself is split into two.

"Is it done finally? hahaha! The key to the G.o.d's realm! Dream of Mankind from centuries. Will they make the most of it? Or will they fall victim?" Far away in the fifth dimension of spirits, Uriel, the ruler of the dimension is alarmed by the aura that is released from Faust.

In the same moment, the Kings and Rulers of every other existing dimension feel the presence of Faust just like Uriel.

Meanwhile, Faust's body starts moving by floating in the air and stands on its own, his eyes look lifeless, he does not blink even once and keeps staring like a lifeless doll.

The black stone that is on his armlet releases black mist-like aura, the cloud of mist immediately wraps around his whole left arm, tearing the long sleeves of his white s.h.i.+rt. Soon the black cloud devours his whole body like a different ent.i.ty taking over him with his eyes last to be devoured before his whole body is mummified with black mist.

Shortly, as the mist is starting to clear from the top, Faust is seen with long spiky black hair that is up to his waist, his hair has grown long in the small-time, his eyes are closed and the wound on his forehead is completely healed.

The black mist disappears into thin air unveiling his upper body, his already worn-out s.h.i.+rt fell off as it could not handle the immense pressure of the aura emitting from his body, showing his broad shoulders and st.u.r.dy chest that look like strong armoured plates, followed by his well defined abdominal muscles and strong lats muscles that form the perfect V below his navel.

There are some uncertain marks present on his face as well. A black line is drawn just under his eyes on the lower eyelid in the form of the crescent moon that begins and end with a small stroke on the tear duct and outer 'V'.

Another mark of a closed eyelid forms on his forehead, inches above where both of his eyebrows meet. His body slowly hits the ground, landing on his feet. slowly opening his eyes.

At this very same moment the sword of Ashura in the main building which was said to be gifted by demons, shows a very slight moment as one side of the sword falls from the stand that is balancing it.

*hrrrrrrrr hrrrrrrr!*

After opening his eyes, his eyes fiercely scan everyone in front of him in a swift movement. His breath almost sounds like the growl of a hungry beast who was searching for his prey.

His eyes catch the purple katana that is given to him by Neith while he lived under her care. He stretches his right hand to the back of his waist as he draws the sword, a portal opens behind him and a pitch-black coloured sword with golden carvings, surfaces in his hands.

As soon as the handle of the katana is in his grip, the sword starts to vibrate vigorously. The blade is striking against the scabbard from inside that produces a strange stuttering sound across the Arena.

Only one person in the whole Arena recognizes the sword that he is holding 'f.u.kitsuna Masamune', the unholy sword that is used by Ares! But she is in disbelief to see the sword appear before her after thirty years and the colour of the sword is changed from white to black.

Queen Uzume comes forward from her seat while glaring at the sword, the expressions on her face a combination of fear and shock.

"He has two swords?" Being surprised, Tsumugi asks her squad in a low voice without being able to divert her eyes from the divine form of Faust.

"The h.e.l.l are you brat? You think you can scare me with this puny exhibition?" Garuda yells from the other side of the Arena.

The purple stone on his glove starts to glimmer and he rushes towards Faust. It all happened very quickly for the people in the Arena.

Faust just stood there with his sword in his hands, he did not attack or defend. Gaurda is behind him with his back against Faust and a decapitated leg is seen twirling in the air.