The Wanted Wife: Daddy, Mommy Escapes Again! - Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The sun is swallowed up by the dark clouds, and raindrops fall on the car's windows, and it drizzles first, and then it pours .

The driver opens the wiper and the speed gradually slows down . Florence sits there dully, and her mind is haunted by Tabitha's fierce face at noon .

"Mr . Si, here we are . " Rodney's voice sounds ahead .

Brian nods, and when he is about to get out of the car, he turns to look at her again . His voice is low, "Get off the car with me . It's raining heavily . "

He speaks briefly and turns to open the car door . Outside the car, the a.s.sistant is already holding up the umbrella .

Florence thought that it was ok for her to stay in the car quietly . Now that Brian has said that, she opens the door and gets out of the car . Rodney trots and holds an umbrella beside her . Even so, much of her cheeks and shoulders still get wet .

"Miss Li, I'm sorry, Mr . Si has never brought a lady to the company . I subconsciously follow Mr . Si into the company . " Rodney lowers his head with guilt .

"It's okay . Thank you for coming here . " Florence smiles slightly and pats the rain on her shoulder gently .

She is not a spoiled princess, and such rain is nothing to her .

"a.s.sistant Cao, is there an emergency in the company? He sounds very anxious . " Florence looks at the slender figure ahead, who walks rapidly and turns around and asks .

"There is nothing wrong with company . Mr . Si has been like this for the past few years . The company is one of the two things he cares about . " Rodney says to her respectfully .

"Two things he cares about . "

Florence mutters, and her voice is so low that only she herself can hear it .

She knows very well that the two things Rodney said are undoubtedly Su family and the company .

Antonia's death has saddened him so much that doing some compensation for Su family is the only consolation to him .

Thinking of this, Florence remembers Tabitha's red eyes and she said she wanted to kill her, which makes her even more guilty .

Because of her, Antonia died .

Because Antonia died, so many people become obsessed with it, being unable to rid themselves of the sadness .

All these, she cannot get away with!

Florence dully follows Rodney into the company, lowering her head, like a child who makes a mistake and is about to be punished .

"Miss Li, it's all right . "

Rodney cannot help comforting her when he sees her walk with her head down . Then he closes the umbrella and hands it to the secretary .

Her murmuring voice is very low, but Rodney who stands beside her hears it clearly .

" . . . . . . "

Florence is still immersed in guilt, walking with her head down .

Rodney has no choice but to follow her silently .

Florence moves on like this, completely disregarding what is in front of her, or where she is now, just walking .

Suddenly, she b.u.mps heavily into a solid embrace, and her whole body suddenly becomes unstable .


Florence falls flat on her back . She falls to the ground directly before she has time to react . The ankle, which has been already injured, is now more painful .

She is irritated by the pain, and then sobers up .

Looking at the group of people around her, and then looking at Brian, who looks a little angry and stands in the crowd, she feels her heart sinks .

His black eyes stare straight at her . The disgust in his eyes is obvious .

"Not up yet?" Brian glares at her, speaking sternly .

Florence hears the words, and quickly gets up . However, as soon as she exercises force at the ankle, the tearing pain comes from the foot .


She frowns, touches her ankle, and looks pale .

The injury caused by the traffic accident has not healed, and now with this bruise, her ankle is swollen obviously .

"Rodney!" Brian snarls . "Take her to the infirmary . "

After that, he turns and roars at the spectators, "Don't you need to go to work or do you intend to be dismissed?"

Hearing that, the onlookers disappear in a twinkling of an eye .

"I fell just because of you!" Looking at the angry back of Brian, Florence complains in her heart . Then she stands up, supported by Rodney .

"Miss Li, here, watch your step!"

Rodney supports her when she walks slowly, reminding her to watch her steps .

Fortunately, the infirmary is not far away .

"Dr . Tian, come here . " Rodney places Florence gently on a small bed aside and politely calls the doctor who is looking at a medical certificate .

Florence lightly lifts her feet onto one side of the bed, raises her eyes and looks at this small but well-equipped infirmary . The whole room is in gray color . The medical instruments on both sides are arranged neatly . And three nurses are looking at something carefully on the computer .

The Si Group is indeed one of the largest companies in the country . Few companies are equipped with medical clinics, much less a slap-up medical clinic .

Florence sits there, looking quietly, and her eyes keep moving back and forth .

"Miss Li, sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't notice you coming in just now . "

The doctor in the white coat comes over and says with an apology .

"It's okay, it's okay, no need to apologize . "

Florence waves her hand quickly, and smiles awkwardly .

Indeed, Florence has never been used to such an awkward address or polite greeting .

"Thank you for your understanding . Did you hurt your foot here?"

Dr . Tian says, touching her ankle .


As soon as the doctor touches her ankle, she immediately feels pain in her foot, and she can't help groaning .

"Miss Li, has your ankle been injured before?" The doctor asks earnestly .

Florence’s face twitches a little due to the pain in her ankle, and she nods .

The doctor turns and picks up the white medicine bottle and cotton on the plate . And then she pours the medicine on the cotton, saying, "Miss Li, don't have to worry about it . It's just a fracture . The last injury doesn’t recover and it is hurt again, and the injury happens to be in the same position . Inevitably, it will be more painful . " 

"Not ready yet! I don't have so much time waiting for you . "

Suddenly, the silence of the room is broken by a cold voice .

There is no need for Florenceto check who it is . She just wonders why he comes here .

"Mr . Si . " The doctors and nurses bow their heads to show respect when they see Brian come in .

"Don’t you notice the injury in your foot? It is a waste of time!" He comes straight to her, with a cold face and obviously irritable tone .

"It'll be well soon . " Florence turns her head to meet his cold gaze and pauses . "It won't take much of your time . "

Brian looks at her black and white eyes, and he feels fed up with the submission in her eyes .

"Florence, what did Tabitha do to you that night at Su family?"

Brian puts his hands in his pockets . His voice is cold, and his handsome face looks extremely grim .

"Nothing, I didn't meet Tabitha that night . "

Florence says, turning his head to the side, deliberately avoiding something .

Now, Brian asks her about Su family, and there is no doubt that he wants to know what happened that night .

Tabitha's words flashed through Florence's mind just now . Although her words are ruthless, she is not unreasonable .

"Nothing happened? Are you sure?"

Brian's black eyes stare straight at her, and a voice in his heart tells him that this woman must be concealing something .

"Nothing happened . "

Antonia died because of her . Thus, what Tabitha did is totally understandable . There is no need to let Brian know what happened .

Florence nods, still avoiding his eyes .

For Antonia, she feels guilty for what she has done, not knowing how to make up for it . However, on the other hand, she has to be adamant for the sake of Nelson .

In the midst of her self-esteem she remains stubborn and feels guilty .

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