The Villainess Is Happy Today - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Section Two: Fallen Angel

“Becky. I have nothing to do.”

I've been in a bad mood since this morning. I never thought that I'd dream about that again.

I'm already content and happy living this life but to suddenly dream about something that I've already erased from my memories, felt like some deity was playing tricks on me.

“…You have nothing to do?”


Of course, there was nothing to do besides relaxing, eating, sleeping, and That's all the work I have to do.

I don't need to slave myself nor study tenaciously to live a good life. All I need to do is just exist.

How great is that! The only problem is, for a person who has experienced modern civilization, this life was too boring.

“But you have this many party invitations that arrived?”

There were indeed invitations piling up on the small table in my room, just as Becky had pointed out.

Five days. It's only been five days since I've given myself a holiday, but in these five days, I've already received a ton of invitations.

As expected of Duke Kandmion's influence, even his vicious daughter gets this many invitations.

“I think you should start going to parties now. Staying at home too much as a lady isn't appropriate.”

“Can you stop with the whole 'lady' thing?”

“Behaving like a lady is the true etiquette of a n.o.blewoman. Miss”

Becky didn't nag me that much anymore, but she kept putting the word 'lady' at the end of every sentence whenever she could.

Going and experiencing a party once was more than enough. Though it didn't seem that entertaining.

“I want to go sightseeing in the Noniwell district.”

Noniwell is a district where rich commoners live. They wanted to resemble the aristocrats, so they kept their district clean while attempting to offer lots of unique entertainments.

In other words, unlike the boring aristocratic district, there are lots of things to do there.

Other n.o.bles often went there to sightsee and eat street food, but Raylene seems to have never gone there, seeing as there are no memories about that place at all.

“Then you'll have to wear something more casual.”

I thought that she would oppose the idea, but Becky agreed right away and started to prepare for the trip.

Thinking about it, she doesn't seem that worried about the one and only, precious daughter of the Duke, and her only master.

“I'll send word to the knights that Miss is going to the Noniwell district!”

“Do knights have to change clothes too?”

“Of course! They'll be accompanying you in secret so they also have to be dressed accordingly!”

As she was talking, she called the waiting-maid and relayed the information to her. What a skillful child indeed.

Even though Villainess Eonni frequently reprimanded and changed maids, Becky, the daughter of Raylene's nanny, was the only one who stuck by her side and protected her.

She was able to work well with Raylene due to her flexible personality. If I had taken her with me back to Korea, she would have had a great social life.

While the maids were working on my hair and makeup, the competent child went ahead and bought a light dress that Raylene would never wear.

“Thankfully, I had prepared some dresses for these kinds of situations.”

Look at you, always so well prepared.

The style of the light lemon-colored dress was simple, and it was worn with only a light underskirt.

The maids styled Raylene's hair up in a ponytail and gave her a wide hat with the same color as the dress.

The knights dressed in simple clothes were all a.s.sembled (I heard this from Becky later on, but apparently, they were glad they prepared some light attire just in case a day like this would come) outside, waiting for me.

Riding the carriage of horror, I decided to look out the window to try and avoid getting motion sickness. Slowly, I started to notice the change of scenery.

There were walls built to separate each district, but the further away from the Palace we went, the smaller houses and roads became.

Seeing this gap that existed between the rich and poor made me quickly realize how lucky I was to have possessed Raylene's body. Just that thought alone was enough to bring me down.

However, that thought didn't last very long because soon, all I could focus on was how to keep my backside from breaking by holding onto the window frame, and how to keep breathing.

Other novels didn't have anything about painful carriage rides, but why is this novel so realistic!

“Miss, we have arrived.”

Becky, who was also dressed in a similar outfit, called out to me.

After barely getting out of the carriage, I had to wait until the carriage and horse were parked and was even told that we had to walk for 20 minutes before reaching the district center.

There better be some amazing things for me to see after all these hards.h.i.+ps.

There were definitely lots of people walking around.

The street called Marswell was a little empty except for the carriages and horses pa.s.sing by, but there were lots of big, s.h.i.+ny shops.

A pet shop caught my eye while I was looking here and there, and I quickly approached the shop as if possessed by something. It was when I was looking at all the cute dogs and cats that I heard a voice speak.

“Lady Kandmion, what brings you here?”

Whoever it was that spoke did a good job. I was just about to scream from how cute these animals are. Cute. So cute!

“Sir Ca.s.sion?”

What is the person who's supposed to be on the outskirts of the city doing here?

Looking at his 12th sector knight's uniform, I felt that somehow, if only he unb.u.t.toned a few b.u.t.tons and sat anywhere on the street with a bottle in his hand, he would be able to seduce any woman who by him.

Ah, I'll be the first one to fall for him just by imagining it.

“What brings you here, sir?

A frown fell on his face but then quickly disappeared, face immediately returning to normal.

It appeared and disappeared so quickly, I thought I had mistakenly seen it.

“I have been asked to come to aid the safety troops.”

A commoner knight that belonged to one of the lowest ranking knight sectors.

Looking at his face, he seems young. He must have an extremely hard time being summoned here and there.

“Have you been able to solve the problem?”


Helping the safety troops wasn't an easy thing, but looking at his condition, it must have gone well.

That's a relief. I'm glad no scar has appeared on that precious face of his.

“How about you Lady Raylene, why are you here?”


Hold up. Wouldn't it offend someone on duty if I said that I was here because I was bored?

It makes me feel like an irresponsible 2nd generation rich kid who has money and power but doesn't take on any responsibilities!

Well, but it is true… Is this Korean nature? To feel guilty for doing nothing even in a dream.

“…I'm doing market research.”

Ca.s.sion's eye looked at the shop I was gazing at, then went back to look at my face.

That blatant look he gave me was enough to make me feel embarra.s.sed. I turned my head away, unable to look at him.

Topic. Let's change the topic!

“Sir Ca.s.sion, is your job very arduous?”

He looked at the dogs and cats one more time, nodding at whatever thought that came into his head, then he moved his head to look at me again.

“A commoner like me should be grateful for being able to do this job.”

His words were sarcastic and felt a little bitter.

“If you ever decide that the job doesn't suit you well, you're welcome to come and knock on the Kandmion household's door anytime.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

This time he outright scowled.

Did that offend you? Oh whatever. I might sleep today and wake up from this dream. Might as well reveal my real intentions now.

“Talent fostering?”

“Scouting a promising knight?

Ca.s.sion scoffed and swept his hair backward.

You're making it obvious that you're offended. That fully b.u.t.toned uniform doesn't look good on you when you're like this. It makes me want to unb.u.t.ton a few b.u.t.tons…

“I appreciate your high regard for me, but I know my skills.”

“You know, in this world, not everybody has the same level of skill. Some might be good at doing something while others aren't.”

He still looked displeased.

“It's just, our house is big, so I thought it would be all right to provide a place for people who needed a place to go.”

Alright! The truth is I want you to come to my house and become my lover because you're so handsome!

Also, it just felt like he has a complex for being a commoner which strangely annoys me.

“You must have tried really hard—doing everything you can. But if the result wasn't satisfactory, won't you be disheartened? I just think that if somebody worked hard, then they should receive something for all their efforts.”

Ca.s.sion, being a commoner, would have already put so much effort just to become a knight.

Of course, the standard of how much effort was made differs from one person to another. It didn't matter how hard I tried. I could never become a prosecutor, judge, or doctor.

Still, I tried my very best.

I struggled with all my might, and that's how I was able to live the life I wanted.

But what about him? Even though he made such great efforts, he was still going around cleaning other people's mess, being laughed at, and ridiculed. Of course, he would be upset.

'I'll acknowledge all your efforts, so why don't you come stand by my side and bloom into a beautiful flower?'

“That is all. I apologize if I have offended you.”

Swiping his hair backward one more time, he looked at me intensely, as though he was observing me.

Completely erasing the scowl on his face, he replied with his usual expressionless face.

“No, you don't have to apologize.”

“Well then, I'll be leaving first. See you next time.”

I couldn't face him any longer, so I hurried to the next store, walking past him.