"Don't want to"
"This is an order"
I swear that it's times like this that I found the royalty superiority to be super annoying.
"*sigh* remember this is what you WANT to hear, not what I want to say... Since you met Julia you have been making doubtful decisions. It was like you forgot all your duties as a Crown Prince and could only focus on your love life. Is hardly a very rea.s.suring att.i.tude from our future ruler right?"
"... was it that bad?"
'Is it possible that this person didn't realized the mess he is making with Julia?'
"You hardly interacted with other people beside Miss Julia and your aides after you met her. What is even worse is that all of you like her and didn't even tried to hide it. The rumors about you guys can be said to be... bold?"
"What is with this question?"
"...they are hard to define I guess. Let's just say that if you guys continue like that your son or daughter will be questioned about their bloodline"
"Is it really? If I was surrounded by 4 guys who are in love with me and we always pa.s.s time together in someplace alone. Plus, even though I am engage with one of them I am constantly alone with someone from the group. Please do tell me, if I appear pregnant, would you believe that this child was my fiancée's?"
"No... but Julia is not like this"
"You only know that because you are close to her, for those who are outside is hard to tell how are the relations.h.i.+p between the 5 of you is. Is even worse because we are n.o.bles and this type of gossip always are the hot topics"
I looked at Albert who was lost in thought. Maybe with this incident he can reflect on his behaviors.
"Is only that?"
"Just say what you want"
"You do know that you dumped me for her right?"
Albert looked at me as if to say 'don't you think you are this hot s.h.i.+t'. But excuse me sir, I'm exactly the hottest s.h.i.+t in the kingdom right now.
"You dumped the one called "Flower Of Society". With the best background between all of her generation, she possessed the beauty and elegance that was fit to be Queen. And even though she had everything to be arrogant, she cared for the life of those who are abandoned and excluded from society. Building an orphanage she transformed those poor children into respectable young ones"
As I continue to say what was constantly said about me I heard a stifled laugh. Looking at the source I saw Albert trying to maintain his poker face, but unfortunately his lips were twitching.
" I'm impressed that you aren't even blus.h.i.+ng after saying such embarra.s.sing about yourself"
"Why should I? I pa.s.sed my whole life hearing this discourse. I'm just repeating to you what was said about me"
Is true. It's not like I think this of myself... I-I am not this narcissistic okay?
"I'm sure you are exaggerating"
"... ask Jacob later."
Don't look at me with this pity look. I'm not sick enough to promote me like that for my ex ok?
"Anyway, you not only disdain me for all those year but also replaced me with someone with 'inferior' qualifications"
"Cecile pay attention to your words, don't go to far"
"... tell me three things that is useful to be a Queen that Julia does better than me"
"She is gentler"
"This is one and is not even a quality that is wanted in a Queen, you know this. Besides you don't know me well enough to affirm that right? Furthermore her gentleness is only show to those who are close to her... and as much it does seem c.o.c.ky of me, I made many things through the years that would pa.s.s this impression. Just let's drop who is superior and move on with the conversation please"
"When you tried to reckless break our engagement, you used your power as a Crown Prince to weaken my family just so you could wed Miss Julia. This set a wave of fear through the Heads of the n.o.ble Households. If you can try something so insane to one of the most powerful Household when you were just a Crown Prince and your beef with them was an engagement who could be broken peacefully, what would happen once you were a King and they, who are from a less powerful Household than the Dubois, oppose your national decisions? They thought that you had the potential to become a tyrant"
Albert didn't even look at me when I paused to get air. I can't say if he is ashamed of what he did or he doesn't care about it.
"Actually Your Highness when I knew what you were doing I wondered if your head was filled with sh*t"
*gulp* I can feel an ominous aura beside me, b-but I'm not afraid of it! I need to use well this opportunity.
"Y-you must agree that was a stupid move political wise. The image of our household is too good for you to weaken our power and transfer it to others. Plus you don't have who to transfer to, your aides are not mature enough to handle this type of responsibility and the other n.o.bles are either unfit or already deal with too much. The results of your move was: fear among n.o.bles, the Prime Minister as an enemy and your popularity among your citizens dropping. Don't you think it was stupid?"
"If everything went according to plan I would just have to deal with the n.o.bles"
"How much do you look down on me and Father? It was impossible for you to succeed in any case"