"One of our most important customer wanted a young lady this night. You are the perfect woman for him. You better not disappoint him or else my business will be ruined and so is your life," the old lady said as they escort Hanabi to the VIP room.
On the other hand, Hayabusa entered in the brothel house as a customer. The a.s.sistant of the owner greeted him with glee. The woman immediately liked him for his good looks. Plus, she could immediately determine that his body build is truly fit.
"What room would you like to avail, sir?" she asked with a wide smile.
"I'd like to take the VIP one," Hayabusa replied with a smile. His eyes seem to glow which melted the lady's heart, wanting to hug and kiss him.
"Who would you like to accompany you, sir?" she asked, acting cute.
"The highest paid one," Hayabusa replied which made the lady sad.
"Right away, sir," she said. She turned to one of her co-workers and remarked," Lead our client to the VIP room 4. Call for Ms. Yukimura, she has a client."
Hayabusa was led to a s.p.a.cious room and just like he expected, it really is setup for pleasure. Only one bed is available and right beside it is a bottle of sake.
Upon entering, a woman with an outstanding beauty entered. Hayabusa was enthralled by her beauty that he remained frozen on the spot where he is standing. Her silky hair is braided neatly. Her black eyes seem to draw him towards her. Her white and soft complexion shows how much she takes care of herself. It is no wonder that she's the highest paid lady in that grand brothel.
"Make yourself comfortable, sir," Yukimura said. "I shall serve the sake for you."
Hayabusa came back to his senses and sat down on the edge of the bed. He reached out his hand and received the cup of alcohol from the young lady.
Yukimura took off her footwear and laid down on the bed.
"Can I ask for your name?" she asked with her soothing voice.
"Minaze," Hayabusa simply replied. "Say, Ms. Yukimura, how much should I pay you in exchange of some information?"
Yukimura smirked as she got up and held Hayabusa's hand.
"You want to know about the illegal trades and the black marketeers?" she asked with a s.e.xy tone of voice. She licked her lips and moves nearer. She leaned closer and whispered, "I want something really big."
"I have all of the information you wanted," Yukimura smirked as she slids her hand on Hayabusa's chest. "But in order for me to speak, you must take me out from this brothel house. Grant me my freedom and I shall give the necessary information."
Hayabusa stood up to distance himself from her. He looked at her in the eyes and examined if she's lying. But her resolute expression convinced him. It would be hard to get her out. Buying the freedom of a lady from the brothel is very expensive especially if she is ranked top.
The window suddenly opened and Hanzo swiftly entered. Before Yukimura could scream in shock, Hanzo covered her mouth as he threatens to slit her throat with a kunai.
"Shut up or die," Hanzo said as he slowly takes off his hand.
"Hayabusa, is she a reliable source of information?" Hanzo asked as he stood.
"I am!" Yukimura replied immediately. "I have entertained lots of black marketeers and they'd talk about their illegal works."
Hanzo stared at her with his emerald eyes. He pointed his kunai towards her and shot it swiftly. Yukimura froze in fear for she thought she is going to die. She felt a few strands of her hair fall onto her hands. Hanzo was serious and if she is caught lying, it would be her end.
"Have you seen where Hanabi is?" Hayabusa asked.
Hanzo shook his head and stated, "She really did come to work here. What a dimwit. After our mission, I shall torture her until she volunteers to go back home."
"Hanabi?" Yukimura asked in confusion.
Hanzo ignored her and took off his mask. He got the cup and poured sake for himself. Yukimura was stunned as she stares at him. She felt her heart beats faster that she held her chest to calm herself.
Meanwhile, Hanabi is currently waiting for the VIP and her instinct dictates that this person she would be entertaining is related to the illegal trades. She immediately stood when the door slides open. She was a bit taken aback for she expected a middle aged man or an old one but right before her eyes is a young lad. If she isn't wrong, he could be around 21 or 24.
Hanabi was about to pour a cup of sake for him but he suddenly grabbed her wrist and let her rest right on his chest. Hanabi gulped in nervousness, thinking that her plan is already known.
"This brothel doesn't disappoint really me," the man said with a smirk as he caresses the long, black hair of Hanabi.
"Shall I pour some sake for you, master?" Hanabi asked as she lifted her head to make an eye contact with him.
She did not expect to be so close with him. Their lips almost touched but neither of them are moving. Hanabi stared at his dark eyes and she could not interpret what he is thinking. Wanting to get out from that awkward position, Hanabi simply smiled and backs away. She faced the table and poured sake on the small cup.
"The night wouldn't be completely perfect without tasting the sake, master," she said as she hands him the alcohol.
The man smirked at her remark and gladly accepted her offer.
"You must be new here," he said before drinking.
"Yes, you're right," Hanabi replied calmly.
"Your name?" he asked as he hands her the empty cup.
"Haruka," Hanabi replied as natural as possible. She was about to pour another cup of alcohol but the man suddenly drew his kunai, grabbed her hand and attempted to choke her using his arm.
Hanabi was fast enough to catch his wrist and twisted it behind him. Hanabi had her left leg locked onto his other arm to stop him from retaliating.
"Just as I thought," the man smirked. "You are a trained ninja."
Before Hanabi could say a word, the man hit her head with his causing her to falter and weaken her grip onto him. This time, the man grabbed both of her hands and pinned her down. Using his weight on his feet, he locked her down on her feet as well. He leaned closer to her and smirked.
"Do you think you could fool me?" he asked as Hanabi struggled underneath him.
Hanabi smiled at him, leaned closer until their lips are only millimeters apart and whispered, "I already did."
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She backs away and banged her forehead on his just like what he did earlier. Hanabi was able to free herself. She stood up and stared at the man who is now sluggish, unable to move properly.
"d.a.m.n it," he cursed as he glares at the scarlet ninja.
"Sluggish movements, fast breathing and blurry vision. I hope you liked my surprise," Hanabi stated as she looks down on him.
Unknown to everyone, Hanabi had burned some incense that causes one's body to weaken and lose consciousness once inhaled. She also put some sleeping drug on the sake to serve as a catalyst and trigger the effect of the incense.
"How come you're not affected?" the man asked weakly as he lies down on the bed, unable to move.
"Training, of course," Hanabi smirked. "I am already tolerant of its effect. So just lie down, relax and sleep."
Hanabi's next problem is getting the man out from the room without being noticed. She remembered the secret pa.s.sage underneath the floors of the brothel house and it gave her an idea.
She moved the table and the bed away from each other and just like she expected, there is a pa.s.sage underneath. She examined the floor and eventually managed to removed the wooden planks.
Hanabi covered the unsconscious man with the blanket and pushed him into the pa.s.sage.
"Argh," she grunted in annoyance for the man is so heavy for her to pull away.
But after a few minutes of crawling down, she heard familiar voices above.
Hanzo stopped talking and signaled Hayabusa and Yukimura to keep quiet. He slowly walked towards the table and he could hear some noises below it. He set the table aside and drew his kunai. He waited for the planks to be removed before plunging his kunai to the intruder.
Luckily, Hanabi had her arm cover her face before the kunai dug into her flesh.
"Ouch," she winced which made Hanzo realize that it was her.
"Hanabi?" he asked.