But then, one of the men in white b.u.mped into her.
"I apologize," the girl said. Hanabi was quite taken aback when she heard her frail voice. Her movements seem a bit weird and her brownish red eyes are a bit strange. It was as if the girl is a living doll.
"Don't mind it," Hanabi mumbled as she looked at her face behind the hood. "What is your name?"
"Doctor calls me his little angel," the girl replied with her automaton-like voice.
Hanabi blinked in awe and was about to take off the hood of the girl but someone just came and dragged her. Hanabi simply stared at them as they walk away. She shook off her head to get back to her senses and went back on her track.
When she stepped on the elevated platform near their door, she lets out a long exhale in preparation on whatever kind of trick that the two men may had setup. She held the doork.n.o.b and slides it clockwise. She did it three times in a row but the door won't open.
"Wow," she scoffed in disbelief for they really did lock her out of their quarters. The cold, chilly wind starts to crawl up on her bare skin. She knocks on the door and called out, "Kagura, are you in there? Can you unlock the door?"
No response came from the onmyouji so she has no chance but to break into her room. She jumped and climbed onto the roof and luckily, she left her room window open. She could not find anything to hold or step onto in order to get in. So she walked backwards, ran towards the window and jumped off.
A loud boom was created as Hanabi's head hit the table when she swooped on the window. She grunted in pain and laid down on the floor until she felt better.
"Hanabi, is everything okay?" Kagura asked as she came in from her room.
"Everything's fine, get out of my room," Hanabi replied sternly so Kagura did what she was told to do so.
Hanabi flopped on her bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time.
"Let your intellect save you and let your heart guide you," Hanabi reminded herself. She closed her eyes and suppresses the anger building up.
The morning came and Hanabi overslept for she had a rough day the other day. She only got to wake up when she heard the noises coming from the outside. She lazily stood up and went into the washroom. While was.h.i.+ng up, she wondered why their quarter is so quiet. She could only hear the gus.h.i.+ng of water from the shower and the slight noises of the crowd outside the house. Hanabi changed into her training gears and went out of her room. She knocked on Kagura's door but nothing came in response. She looked around but saw no one.
Hanabi decided to leave the quarters and the hot rays of the sun welcomed her. She looked around but saw no sign of her teammates.
"Scarlet flower, why are you still here?" asked one guy across the alley.
"I'm looking for Kagura," Hanabi replied.
"Eh?" the guy responded. "They already left 5 hours ago for their daily training."
"Is that so? Where are they?" she asked.
"Outside the gates of the village," the guy replied.
Hanabi immediately ran as fast as she could for she is way too late for her first training with the Shadow trio. At this rate, she'll earn more grudges from them. Hanabi reached the plains outside of the village, she scanned the vicinity, she searched everywhere but there is no sign of anyone. She went further into the forest and she felt relieved when she heard familiar voices.
"Whoah, you still got the guts to show up here after being so late?" Hanzo sneered. "Training's over. The chief is calling us for a mission. If you keep on idling, I shall send you home myself."
"I'm sorry," Hanabi simply apologized as she looks at Kagura. The onmyouji looked away from her, not wanting to meet her gaze.
As the four goes back to the village, Hanabi once again saw the girl with the mechanical voice. The girl looked at her as well and a smile formed on her lips. Hanabi simply nods her head in acknowledgement.
"Oi!" Hanzo yelled as he hits Hanabi on her head with a small stone.
Hanabi grits her teeth and clenched her fists before going after them. Hanzo stopped in front of her and saw her fists.
"Are you mad right now?" he remarked as he flicks her right on her forehead. "Don't act so high and mighty 'cause this ain't the Scarlet faction village. If you want to be accepted in our group, you got to work ten times harder."
"Understood," Hanabi said as she tightens her fists due to anger. Hanzo noticed it which made him grab her hand and twisted it.
Hanabi yelped in pain as he turned her around, kicked the back of her knee and made her kneel down.
"You got to follow rules," Hanzo whispered before letting her go.
"You're going overboard, Hanzo," Kagura said.
"It's the fastest way to either get rid of her or be trained to be good enough," Hanzo replied.
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Kagura glared at Hayabusa for backup but he simply shrugged and continued following Hanzo.
When they reached the office of the chief, the vilage leader called out the scarlet ninja.
"Hanabi," he said with a stern voice. "I have heard you haven't joined in the training of the Shadow Trio. I do not want to hear any of your petty excuses. I just want to remind you that you came here for training. These three are much more experienced in real combat so you should follow their steps. You won't receive any special treatment here, is that clear?"
"Yes, chief. I apologize for my mistakes," Hanabi said.
"Now, I shall give you the first mission you'll be working on as a team of four," the chief announced. "I have been receiving reports about illegal trades of weaponry in Mizuyama. Not just weaponry but exchange of vital information about a rebellion against us. This is not something I could ignore so you shall head to Mizuyama, gather information, stop the illegal trades and of course, catch the culprits behind the said rebellion."
"We'll finish our mission in no time," Hayabusa said as they give the chief a bow in respect.
"Hanabi, I expect you to help them. Don't be a burden or I will send you back home," the chief reminded before getting his brush and started writing.
"Understood," Hanabi responded. The chief motioned them to leave.
"If you cannot take on this mission, you should just go and babysit yourself in the quarters," Hayabusa jested before walking past Hanabi. The scarlet ninja chose to ignore him for nothing good will happen if she fights back.
Upon finis.h.i.+ng their preparation, the Shadow Trio and Hanabi head to Mizuyama.