Behind him is a woman, wearing a white hood and for sure, Hanabi knew that she is the person she had come to see. Just then, she heard a slight thud behind her so she immediately drawn her kunai and s.h.i.+fted her position.
Hanabi felt relieved when it was just a small monkey. But she suddenly felt gooseb.u.mps all over her body as the monkey's eyes stare right at her without blinking. She tightened her grip on her weapon when she noticed the goggles it is wearing.
"Gotcha!" a brown-haired guy exclaimed as he jumped and caught the monkey. Hanabi stepped back, thinking that he might be an enemy.
"Dexter, don't go goofing around when we're about to do some training," the stranger said as he held the monkey with a single hand. On his right arm, a strange-looking weapon was attached and somehow, he looks dangerous. His eyes darted to Hanabi who is in her fighting position.
"Whoah," he stated as he dropped Dexter on the ground. He stepped forward which alerted the scarlet ninja.
"Stay back or else I'll hurt you," Hanabi warned which made the stranger to lift both of his hands as if surrendering to her.
"I'm Claude, may I know your name?" he asked, his hands still raised in the air.
Hanabi felt he meant no harm so she kept her kunai and turned her back on him. She jumped off frombtree to tree, ignoring the stranger.
"I better re-locate," Hanabi mumbled to herself.
"So, what brought you here?" a familiar voice asked beside her which startled the ninja, causing her to lose balance and fall.
Hanabi managed to land perfectly on her foot and glared at Claude who was tailing her.
"Look, stranger," she scoffed but was cut off by him.
"Claude," he stated.
"You better mind your own business," the scarlet ninja snarled. She was about to leave but she stopped on her tracks when Claude spoke.
"I can bring you to prison, accusing you of being with the rebels of the city," he declared which only made Hanabi glare daggers at him.
"Another thing, the way you're acting right now seems off. You must be a spy. The general of the city is just here, together with his best soldiers. If they spot you, you have no way out," he added.
"What do you want?" Hanabi asked with gritted teeth. Upon hearing that, Claude smiled and responded.
"Just let me accompany you on whatever you're doing," he replied.
Before Hanabi could say another word, Hayabusa appeared behind Claude with his dagger placed across the man's throat.
"How'd you find me here?" Hanabi asked in shock as she watches Hanzo and Kagura emerge.
"That doesn't matter at all," Hanzo replied as he stared at her coldly.
On the other hand, Claude elbowed Hayabusa right on his abdomen and points his weapon right at him. But then, he realized that an eerie and mouthed sword was right behind him, ready to devour, and an extraordinary umbrella was just above him.
Hanabi lets out a heavy sigh and forced Hanzo to rid of his sword.
"He meant no harm," she said as she drag Claude beside her. "Don't cause a scene or else my purpose of coming here will go to waste."
"You truly are a gracious lady," Claude raised as he raises Hanabi's hand and kisses it. He suddenly felt a dark aura and immediately stepped back before Hanzo could swing his living sword right at him.
"Easy, man," Claude smirked.
Hanabi froze in place as she felt sharp blades across her throat. Everyone points their weapons behind her except for Claude who knew the person behind.
"Natalia, chill," he stated as he walks towards them. "Ain't this young lady the one you visited back at the Iga town?"
Natalia showed herself and let her weapon loose beside her. She looked at Hanabi seriously as if she could see right through her.
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"You asked me to," Hanabi blatantly replied. Natalia smirked at her.
"We wouldn't want these people to hear of our business, would we?" she responded.
This time, Hanzo interrupted and yanked the scarlet ninja's hand and gripped it tightly.
"Hanzo, let go," Hanabi demanded but it didn't threaten the ninja at all. She tried to yank off her hand but he just tightened his grip on her.
He was about to drag her but Natalia stood before him, holding Hanabi's other hand. She had her sharp weapon pointed right at the ninja. Without saying a word, Natalia had made a deep cut on Hanzo's chest before running away together with Hanabi.
"He won't die, right?" Hanabi asked worriedly.
"If he's lucky," Natalia replied which made her heart skip a beat. The scarlet ninja stopped and turned her back towards her.
"Hanabi!" Natalia yelled but she didn't dare look back. She rushed back to where Hanzo is and found the group surrounding him. Kagura is trying to heal him which made her feel even more guilty.
"You came back, young lady," Claude said in amus.e.m.e.nt. Hanabi shot him a glare.
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"He won't survive if he does not get the proper medication," Claude added. "Natalia had some poison on her weapon."
Just then, Hanabi noticed the unusual bluish and purplish color on Hanzo's skin. She felt gooseb.u.mps around her body.
"Let's bring him to the infirmary," she said as she helped Hayabusa carry him. Just then, Kagura glared at her and summoned her umbrella.
"You get away from him!" she exclaimed in pure rage. "You do not have the right to pity him after what you did!"
"Blame me all you want after we had him brought to the infirmary," Hanabi calmly replied.
"Let me do it. I know where the infirmary is," Claude volunteered as he takes Hanabi's place.
Upon reaching the infirmary, Kagura stopped Hanabi from entering.
"What's the big deal, Kagura?" she asked.
"Ever since you came, you brought nothing but trouble in the group. I have been tolerant of your actions but this time, I won't let this slip. Because of you, Hanzo is in grave danger. You better keep your distance. Since you came here for such selfish reason, you better leave. We no longer have anything to do with you ever since you started acting on your own," Kagura replied brfore shutting the door right in front of Hanabi.
Hanabi clenched her fists tightly in anger to her own self. What had she done?