"I wonder what Hanabi has been up to? She never returned a while ago," Kagura said as she opens the door.
Upon entering, they saw the scarlet ninja sleeping on the couch while on her sitting position.
"She already prepared dinner," Kagura stated as she glanced over the kitchen. "Hanzo, what exactly happened after she was summoned by the chief?"
"Hanzo--" Yukimura was suddenly at a loss of words when, right in front of her, Hanzo carried Hanabi and silently went upstairs.
Hayabusa clenched his fists, suppressing himself as he watches their leader carry the scarlet ninja away.
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"Eh? Is something going on between those two?" Kagura asked.
Hayabusa turned away and headed back to his room. Kagura felt the tension he emits and thought that he might just be tired due to the hectic situation.
"We should eat dinner first before it gets cold," Kagura said as she pushes Yukimura towards the kitchen.
"Say, Yukimura, you like Hanzo, right?" she asked. "What would you do if he'd be together with Hanabi?"
"That would be impossible. Hanabi has no sense of being feminine at all. She does not know how to properly groom herself as a woman, such kind is not suitable for Hanzo," Yukimura replied.
Meanwhile, when Hanzo laid Hanabi down on her bed, the scarlet ninja suddenly awoke.
"Sorry," Hanzo apologized without looking right at her. He is sitting on the edge of her bed with his back facing her.
"Magical City," Hanabi blurted out, "I have to go there as soon as possible."
The scarlet ninja jumped off from her bed and went to her drawer where she kept her weapons. Startled by her sudden actions, Hanzo grabbed her wrist forcing her to stand up and face him head on.
"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" he asked, holding her wrist tightly that Hanabi felt hurt by it.
"I don't know why but I really feel like I have to go to Magical City," Hanabi replied calmly. "Let go."
Hanzo became even more confused by her strange response.
"Feel like?" he scoffed. "Just because you feel like doing it means that you neglect your duties as a member of my team! You are a ninja and you should know what to prioritize first! Get your head straight and think more carefully!"
Hanabi yanked her hand off from his grip and stared at him coldly.
"I have the privilege to leave your team, Hanzo," she said coldly replied which was a shock to the ak.u.ma ninja. He had never expected her to act like that towards him for he thought that the tension between them had already been resolved.
Hanabi was about to take a step but Hanzo grabbed her hand, locked it behind her back and drew out his kunai which he used to threaten her as he presses it on her throat.
"Don't dare talk back to me as if you are my equal. You are not going to Magical City until the ma.s.sacre issue has been cleared out," he said sternly while Hanabi tried to break free from his grasp.
Due to her sudden movement, Hanzo loosen his grip on her hand which gave way to Hanabi to fight him seriously. She drew out six kunais and threw it right at Hanzo which the ak.u.ma ninja easily blocked. The scarlet ninja seemed to be not herself and is acting really strange. She was about to lunged at him with full strentgh but a sudden clapping sound from the outside seem to wake Hanabi.
When she realized what she's about to do, she dropped her weapons and simply b.u.mped into their leader's chest. Hanabi suddenly felt dizzy and her sight starts to blur.
"What am I doing?" she asked as she tried to stand but only get to drop on her knees.
Hanzo sat down to be on the same level as her and stared directly on her eyes. Hanabi felt awkward for they are close with each other and that kiss in the morning might happen again so she simply looked away, not wanting to lengthen the time to look at him.
"Who did you last talk to?" he asked seriously.
"I... I don't really remember. My mind is a mess right now. All I could remember is that someone came knocking on the door and we talked... and... and.." Hanabi tried to recall what happened but she couldn't do so.
"Is it a man? A woman?" Hanzo questioned further, "What does he look like?"
"A woman," Hanabi replied. "She is wearing a hood that I had no clear view of her face."
"What did she tell you?" Hanzo pressed on.
"I don't exactly remember but I heard her say Magical City," the scarlet ninja replied.
With his palm open, Hanzo whacked her head which earned a loud growl from the ninja.
"What the h.e.l.l is that for, dumba.s.s?!" she yelled as she rubs the top of her head.
"You're a ninja yet you got hypnotized easily?" Hanzo responded, "Just how weak-minded are you?"
"Hypnotized?" Hanabi asked in confusion.
"Only people with weak mindset is vulnerable to hypnotism. Whoever came here and demanded you to go to Magical City maybe related to the case of Kens.h.i.+n. They must also be the ones behind the ma.s.sacre," Hanzo explained. He stretched out his hand and held her forehead.
"You better not engage yourself to strangers. You must be three times more careful," he said. "The fact that you've been hypnotized makes it obvious that they are after you."
"But why me?" Hanabi asked which made Hanzo glare at her.
"Does it look like I know the answer to that, you idiot?!" he angrily responded. "If only you train harder, you won't be targeted for being weak! Getting hypnotized only shows that you are slacking off! You are a ninja so you better be on your guard at all times!"
This time, Hanabi's patience snapped. She glared back at the ak.u.ma ninja and yelled, "How am I supposed to be on my guard when out of nowhere, you suddenly kiss people without notice?! You don't have to yell at me 'cause I could clearly hear you without raising your voice!"
Hanabi noticed Hanzo's red ears, just then realizing what she just said. She covered her mouth and pushed Hanzo out of her room. She banged the door close and leaned on her back.
"Why the h.e.l.l are you blus.h.i.+ng, you idiot Hanzo?!" she mumbled to herself as she curled on her knees like a child.
"Why the h.e.l.l did you bring that up in all of a sudden?" Hanzo whispered to himself as he covered half of his now red face.