"Is she telling master all the mean things we did to her?" Hanzo asked without taking his eyes off from Hanabi. He is focused on her lips, trying to figure out what she is saying.
"If she does tell him, I'd be quite on the safer zone," Hayabusa replied. "Atleast I wasn't the one who beat her into a pulp on her first day. I was not the one who locked her out of the quarters."
With that said, Hanzo smirked and stated, "Atleast I wasn't the one who told her to go in the brothel house and become a prost.i.tute."
Hayabusa felt gooseb.u.mp all over his body. He started to feel cold sweat and he flinched when their former master looked at their direction. But he felt relieved when he smiled at them before turning his attention back to his daughter.
"I think Hanabi is not the type of woman who'd go and cry and tell it to her father," Kagura said.
"I just came here to have business with the chief village. I was lucky enough to see you after your mission. Keep taking care of yourself," Mr. Izahi said to his daughter as he pats her shoulder. "The training won't be easy so you have to look after yourself and your teammates."
"I understand but why didn't you say a word that you taught those Shadow Trio?" Hanabi asked.
Her father chuckled and replied, "Well, I do not like talking about work when I am with the family. Those three are great, they'll look after you so you shall do the same. Go back there and finish your meal."
Hanabi hugged her father before she waved goodbye. She went back to their table and silence took over. The waitress suddenly brought three bottles of sake.
"EH?! We did not order this one," Hanabi stated.
"The old man said it's his treat," the waitress replied before leaving.
Kagura shuffled her kimono back on her forearm and clapped her hands as loud as she could.
"Okay!" she joyfully said. "Since this is a treat from master, let's enjoy it to the fullest!"
She got the first bottle and poured each of their cup with sake. They all lifted their cups and had a toast.
Hanabi hesitated as the smell of the alcohol disappoints her nose.
"Eh?" Kagura said in shock. "You haven't tasted sake before?"
Hanabi shook her head in response.
"You should celebrate as well for you are officially a member of the team," Hanzo said as he poured his cup with sake.
Hanabi clenched her fist and drank the alcohol in one gulp. She glared at Hanzo and hissed.
"You are just accepting me because of my father. Don't look down on me, you jerk!" she said as she hits the table with her fist.
"Calm down, Hanabi. He already decided back at the Land of the Giants. Remember when you defeated all those a.s.sa.s.sins single-handedly? That was the time he made the decision," Hayabusa explained.
Hanabi filled her cup with alcohol once more and drank it all. She raised her hand and pointed at Hanzo.
"You act like the leader at all times. Like you have all the authority in the team. Who even a.s.signed you to be the captain?" she commented.
"Hanzo is a natural leader, I guess. He gives out commands and the others follow naturally," Kagura replied instead.
Another cup full of sake is emptied by Hanabi. Her death glare is still directed at the ak.u.ma ninja who gazes back at her.
"A natural?" Hanabi scoffed. "He is just flaunting his strength as if he is the strongest amongst us!"
Hayabusa smiled awkwardly while Kagura forced Hanabi to sit back so she would not start a ruckus in the restaurant. Hanabi had another cup of alcohol and wiped off her mouth.
"He is the strongest amongst us," Hayabusa said which earned him a piercing glare from the scarlet ninja.
"How'd you know?!" she yelled as she hits the table with both of her hands. "I can defeat him now that I am in full health!"
"You've got guts when you're drunk," Hanzo commented. "You better show that kind of att.i.tude even when you're sober."
"I ain't drunk, you redheaded dumba.s.s!" Hanabi yelled. Kagura tried to calm her down for she is starting to get attention from the other customers.
"Hanzo!" someone yelled from behind. The ak.u.ma ninja felt Yukimura's arms from behind as the woman hugs him.
"Yukimura, join us," Hayabusa offered as he handed another cup for her.
"Gladly," Yukimura replied as she accepts the cup, poured herself a cup of sake and sat beside Hanzo.
"Looks like you're enjoying your stay here," Hanzo stated.
"It would be more enjoyable if you're around," the woman replied with a wide smile plastered on her face.
Hanabi started to feel jealous that she is staring at Yukimura with her death glare. Kagura noticed it so she forced Hanabi to face her by grabbing both of her cheeks and looked at her.
"Don't go wild, you r.e.t.a.r.d," Kagura whispered with gritted teeth. She earned a painful whack on the head from the scarlet ninja. Hayabusa snickered at the scene for he had never seen Kagura's epic expression not until that moment.
"I ain't a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you midget!" she talked back which kind of offended Kagura for she is the smallest amongst them.
"Hanabi," Yukimura called out. She has a smirk formed on her lips, a cup of sake on her hand and the other is wrapped around Hanzo which p.i.s.sed off the h.e.l.l out of the scarlet ninja. Hanabi chose to ignore her and drank more alcohol, putting herself in a more drunk state.
"You shouldn't raise your voice to a cute little maiden. That is not pleasing to the eyes," Yukimura added. Hanabi felt enraged upon hearing those words so she slammed her cup down and glared at her.
Losing her control of her own body, Hanabi stood and had her one foot kneel on the table. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Hanzo by the collar, pulling him away from the woman's touch. Yukimura was surprised with her sudden actions that she froze in place with her eyes fixed on Hanabi and Hanzo.
The scarlet ninja just forced a kiss on Hanzo right in front of her. The ak.u.ma ninja never expected such bold action from the scarlet ninja that he himself stood still in shock. He even tasted the sake from Hanabi's bare lips. Hayabusa and Kagura just sat still, with their eyes fixed on the two as well unable to move and ignorant of what to do.
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Hanzo snapped back into his senses and tried to push Hanabi away but the scarlet ninja grabbed him with both hands, gripping tight on his collar as if she never wanted to let go. But he managed to pull away when Hanabi loosen her grip on him and slowly had her head down on his shoulder. The ak.u.ma ninja heard her low and steady breathing which gave him the signal that she is already knocked out by the alcohol.