The Venerable Monster Tamer - Chapter 8 Part1

Chapter 8 Part1

“The Sharp-Claw Monkey has an apt.i.tude of 12 Years, but the Distiller Dog's apt.i.tude is about 14 Years. Not only that, but it also was commanded by a monster tamer. The overall situation of this battle has been set.” Chu Yun was quietly observing, came to a conclusion.

Generally speaking, the monsters who were commanded by the monster tamer could often overcome wild monsters with higher apt.i.tude. Now that the Sharp-Claw Monkey's apt.i.tude was 2 Years lower than the Distiller Dog's, the result was self-evident.

Seeing that the situation of the Sharp-Claw Monkey was getting worse, Chu Yun didn't dare to continue to peek, quietly exited the battlefield, and went deep into the forest.

“The other party has two monster tamers, eight big men. With such a powerful lineup, I will die in vain if I fight with them. Now it seems that I can only rely on my wisdom!”

Chu Yun had rich experience in combat, and he was by no means a man who placed his fate into other's hands. Insufficient strength could be compensated by intelligence. After careful consideration, the Sharp-Claw Monkey no doubt provided him with a very feasible idea.

“I have odorless powder on my body that can mask my scent. Adding memories of previous lives, I know the environment here well. I can borrow other force to continuously consume the strength of the other party.” Thinking of a solution, he couldn't help but felt excited.

In the dark forest, a teenager in plain linen swiftly walked. He was fair-skinned and beautiful-looking, and his eyes twinkled like two black gemstones, which matched the moonlight s.h.i.+ning down. At the corner of his mouth, a smile seemed faint and absent.

“Want to kill me? Huh! I want you to be unable to come back!”

An hour later, the team encountered a Sawtooth Wyrm which had an apt.i.tude of 16 Years. The triangular eye guy controlled his Green Blade Mantis, 13-Years monster, to fight and kill it.

Two and a half hours later, they encountered a group of Glowing Spiders and fell into a hard fight. The triangular eyes and the bearded teamed up and succeeded to eliminate the spider queen which had an apt.i.tude of 15 Years, but two men were killed.

“We can't like this. My Green Blade Mantis's monster essence has been consumed by half, and its strength has dropped dramatically.” Triangular eyes were dull, and the original self-confidence of an easy winning had long gone.

The bearded guy's eyes transmitted the flame of anger, cursing with hate: “F*ck his grandma, is that kid a rabbit? I have never seen anyone run better than him!”

The clerk had a heavy haze in his heart. He was a savvy man and had already felt a trace of conspiracy. He couldn't help but hesitated: “This situation is a little bad. The other party has odorless powder, which can cover up his own odor, and pa.s.s through most of the monster's territory safely. And I feel that he seems to bait us consciously …”

“Bullsh*t! What is he? Ruan Er, if you're scared, roll back early. This one looks down on a coward sc.u.m the most. How can you be scared by a 13-year-old little kid?” The bearded man looked disdainfully at the clerk named Ruan Er and sniffed at him.

“You …” the clerk dared not to speak.

“That's enough, Ruan Er. Don't be suspicious. The little bunny is just lucky. You, as the leader, are also responsible. You haven't prepared enough. If we also have odorless powder, we would have caught him.”

Triangular eye guy snorted, took out a bottle from his pocket. Then he took out a slick, thumb-sized emerald green pill and fed it to the Green Blade Mantis on his arm.

This Green Blade Mantis was the size of a baby's head, had a dark green color, flowing with a cold l.u.s.ter. The two pairs of sword-shaped forelimbs were lighter in color than the whole body. The edge of the blade flashed coldly, and the triangular head was lowered, and the mouth was opened, and the elixir was swallowed.

This pill was the Monster Essence Pill, which could restore monster essence to the monster that ate it. A monster without monster essence couldn't perform any spell.

After a while, Triangular Eye felt that Green Blade Mantis's monster essence was slowly and firmly ascending. He nodded with satisfaction, and there was a flicker of pain in his eyes.

This pill was also expensive for him. Normally, he let the Green Blade Mantis absorb heavenly and earthy qi to restore the monster essence. But at this moment, he was not allowed to stay. He had to hurry up and kill Chu Yun.