The Universe Is Innately Just - 30 Factory Sector Part Four

30 Factory Sector Part Four

"Moon Above!" He executed his first sword skill, the edges of his swords projected blinding lights in his surroundings.

Strings of moonlight bloomed on the edges and tip of his blade. He swiftly rotated his three cultivation bases, fully prepared to end the fight in a single attack.

His Heaven and Earth Energy coursed through his body, rus.h.i.+ng in his right hand. As his energy flowed in his sword, it acquired an exceedingly sharp nature.

His blood raced through his blood vessels, his veins bulged and could be seen crawling under his skin. As he completely rotated his Body's cultivation base, his skin reddened while the potency of his life force was completely unearthed.

An incredible amount of heat was building up in his body; his body gradually influenced his surroundings. The areas close to Fell's body warped slightly as his fiery life force heated the air surrounding him.

His Will exploded outward; he executed his Hyper Perceptive state making his brain kickoff like an engine. He could perceive every single movement in the s.p.a.ce surrounding him.

For the first time ever since his he began his journey as a cultivator, he completely rotated his three cultivation base. The machines learning potential forced him to show his cards, he couldn't afford to make it a battle of attrition as he didn't know what danger might dwell in the factory sector.

As if it understood Fell's intention, the Android's main and sub-engine rotated at their maximum intensity. Booming sounds spread through the noisy room as it acc.u.mulated the entirety of its energy, crystal clear blue light extended out of his metallic frame, basking its physique with an azure shade.

Fell's eyes burned with a fiery determination; his tense muscles were bulging out as his potent blood was released through the entirety of his body.

The newly born Android eyes were flas.h.i.+ng with a blinding blue light. Even before the machine executed its attacks, its computing abilities were used to determine the nature of Fell's blow.

Time seemed to stop, the constant rattling coming from the machines stopped. Both opponents moved at the same time; their feet left deep burning imprints on the steel floor.

They crossed the distance between each other in a single step; their figures produced sonic booms as their speed surpa.s.sed sonic velocity.

Fell opened the dance, he performed several strokes in a single move, aiming straight at the Android joints. His goal was to cripple the opponent's Sub Engine swiftly, he wanted to lessen the opponent damage potential from the start.

The android's computation chip promptly estimated its next course of action, s.h.i.+fting its body to the side with a slight move, it dodged the majority of Fell's stroke with ease.

Unfortunately, it didn't have enough time to dodge his last stroke as Fell pierced the sub-engine in its left shoulder. Soldier's Fortune powered with Moon Above drilled deep in the Android's left shoulder, destroying it in a single blow.

This exchange wasn't free for Fell as the Android retaliated as soon as it noticed that it couldn't avoid Fell's thrust. It clenched its iron fist, sending it to crash right in the middle of Fell's thoracic cage.

His torso caved in sending his blood tumbled in reverse; the impact shattered his ribcage, making him cough a mouthful of blood. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the rest of the blood; his unyielding nature forced himself not to step back.

On the contrary, he responded with a flurry of sword strike that left the Android puzzled. The machine was left confused due to the tenacity of the human it was fighting.

According to its data, most of its attacks should have defeated the intruder. But in front of it, the young human was still advancing forward after taking a fist that could pa.s.s through concrete with no difficulty.

"I can't afford to keep this fight draw even more!" he a.s.sessed while dodging an Energy beam that the Android aimed at his face.

He pressed forward after regaining his balance, using his sword's weight to move himself. He slammed his sword downward, aiming to squash the Android's chip with his blade's weight.

The impact of the strike produced an ear-piercing noise that spread through the ample sized room; the blade slammed on the Android's head like a hammer striking hot steel.

Their collision made both of them step back. Fell was forced half a step backward, the knockback of his blow left him trembling. The s.p.a.ce between his thumb and his forefinger was bleeding, but a broad smile was on his face.

Even if his blow didn't destroy the Androids head, he managed to force him back and left a deep cleave in the middle of his crown. On top of the Android's skull was a crack that descended all the way down to the center of its eyebrows.

"A chance!", He rushed forward with his Soldier's Blade in front of him. All the content of his meridians went to his right hand; he was powering Moon Above with every single bit of Heaven and Earth energy that he had.

His sword flashed with a blinding light, the moonlight strings that danced in the edges and tip of his sword sublimated, transforming into a single blue and silver halo that enclosed the entirety of his sword.

He sent a simple slash forward with a fluid motion, a swordlight rushed out of his sword, turning into a silver blue Half Moon that was humming as it traveled through the air.

The swordlight produced by Moon Above hit the dazzled Android in the middle of its body, the sharpness of the Energy cut straight through the Android's steel frame.

A thick line appeared right in the middle of the Android's body; its length traveled through the Android's whole body!