Duan Chengyu went in first, moving to the far end of the backseat, while Duan Yili sat to the other end. Leaving a s.p.a.ce so wide that it would sit two more people between them.
Hu Tsao left the car running, this was to allow the air from the cooling unit of the car to keep his boss and her son from feeling hot during their discussion.
"Director Duan can be hot headed, but I hope that Chairman Duan doesn't say anything to ingnite her rage."
Hu Tsao had his back to the car in order to give the occupants privacy.
"That thing you are keeping away from me! Did you think that I wouldn't find out what you've been doing behind my back?!"
Duan Yili flung the envelope that contained the contract from Liu Anna to the unoccupied seat, nearly hitting her son in the process.
"Over my dead body would I allow you to do as you want! As long as that tramp that you are keeping in that house is alive! There is no way that I will tolerate this utter foolishness anymore!"
Duan Chengyu eyes shrunk as he watched his mother spew out words of hatred towards the woman that he adored with all his heart. His fingers formed a fist by his side to hold back from punching the headrest of the driver's seat. In a composed tone, Duan Chengyu reached for the envelope as he spoke.
"Did you run a background on Miss Liu? Director Duan?!"
The eyes of Duan Yili widened as though her son had dealt a slap to her face. She thought he would beg her not to dig into the past of the woman he was seeing secretly, but instead he chose a different tactic all together, thereby throwing her off course.
"I'm doing this for your own good! Why can't you see that?! There are many successful girls in our circle! Pick one of them, but not her! I'll send Mr. Hu to have her things out by the end of today! This time, make sure you give him the code to the gate!"
On hearing what his mother said about letting go of Liu Rachael to pick a woman from among the elite circle that his family ran with, that made him laugh at her suggestion.
"Mom, I'm sorry to break this to you, but Miss Liu is not going anywhere!"