Feeling his cheeks sting from the slap delivered by his boss, Hu Tsao took off his coat. Spreading it out to cover as much as the material would allow.
Liu Anna witnessed Hu Ts...o...b..ing slapped and flinched from the impact.
"This is my home! How dare you act pompously!"
As though no one spoke, Duan Yili sat regally on the brown cotton sofa not sparing a look her way.
"Oh, by the way I need you to bring me a gla.s.s of water. You can do that much for a guest, can't you?"
Stumped and angered by the condescending way that Duan Yili was speaking to her, Liu Anna swallowed back the words that threatened to come out of her mouth. Angrily leaving them behind to get the water that she asked for.
"Am I a difficult person, Mr. Hu?!"
Turning her head to face her driver, Duan Yili asked what he thought about her action while feigning interest at what he had to say.
"You act modestly. Which is what everyone at Cinopec Group strives to be, Chairman Duan must be proud to have you as his mother."
Saying the words that would stroke her ego, Hu Tsao didn't bat an eye as he lied through his teeth.