"Miss Liu! It's dangerous to leave a woman all by herself in an area that may be crawling with criminals! Is it that you think so little of me or are you just trying to get me worked up?!"
"That was not my intention, I just didn't want to a.s.sume that you would let me enter your car. Is it okay for Tian Min to come along?"
The Chairman of Cinopec Group was upset that his helper could a.s.sume that he would leave her to find her way to Duan Mansion during the early hours of the morning. Hearing her mention her ex did not sit down well with him either. While the two were deep in conversation, the driver of Duan Chengyu hurried ahead to open the car for the people that were strolling leisurely behind him.
"Miss Liu, for your sake just this once. I will allow him to come with us, as long as you can promise me to never meet with him again."
Liu Rachael's head suddenly turned as her eyes searched those of Duan Chengyu to find out if there was an hidden meaning behind his words.
"I don't plan on seeing him again, but do you have to go that far?"
Duan Chengyu turned back to call the man that was walking behind him and his helper.
"Mr. Tian. You can join us in the car. My driver would drop you off."
"That would not be neccessary, I can find my way."
"I insist! If you don't let me drop you off, I'm afraid that Miss Liu right here would not be able to get any sleep!"
Although, he was furious at sharing the same s.p.a.ce with Liu Rachael's ex, he had to agree in order for her not to worry about his rival. Tian Min's eyes darken in anger, but had to admit defeat at having to depend on the other man. On getting to the area where the car was parked, the Chairman of Cinopec Group gestured with his hand for her to enter the backseat of the car whose door was held open by his driver.
"Miss Liu, you first."
"Mr. Tian, the front seat his yours. I and Miss Liu would sit at the back."
On hearing what Duan Chengyu said, Tian Min strongly felt the urge to cough up blood from having to witness his ex-girlfriend cozy up with another man right under his nose. Powerless to do a thing about it.