Duan Chengyu pulled out his wallet and handed the items the policeman asked for, the policeman in turn reached to take them from him.
Officer Song began entering the details into the computer on his desk, after he was done, he then extended his hand towards the man sitting directly in his front.
"You can have it back, Mr. Duan."
"Are you done? Is it okay for me to take Miss Liu back with me?"
Right then, Liu Rachael's neck snapped in the direction of Duan Chengyu, being lost in thought, and too embarra.s.sed to face the man that had come to rescue her from detention at the police station.
"Mr. Duan, I need to give them back their personal belonging before they are officially free to leave the station. Unless you would rather Miss Liu Rachael leave without them?"
The biting tone in Officer Song's voice was not hard to miss by the people surrounding his desk. This caused Duan Chengyu's face to darken when he heard the way he was spoken to by the police.
"Very well, I'll wait till you have it sorted out!"
Inside of her, Liu Rachel wished that she could just go somewhere and hide herself, she didn't know what the Chairman of Cinopec Group was thinking, seeing an enigmatic look on his face.