"What is going on here?!"
A man dressed smartly in a uniform of navy blue s.h.i.+rt with dark vest and pants and a cap bearing the silver emblem of an eagle, got out of the squad car to where the small crowd conveyed, whom parted to the side allow him through. Their eyes kept track of his movements.
"Police! That man was trying to molest her!"
An elderly man from the crowd pointed straight at Tian Min, a.s.sured of what he spoke of, while the rest gasped at the hilarious remark of the man.
"Is that true? Did anyone else see what took place?!"
As the policeman spoke he looked closely at Tian Min who was holding the wrist of Liu Liu Rachael. The officer waited, until someone from among the crowd spoke and this time it was a teenage girl in dark hoodie.
"I think he was begging his girlfriend not to breakup with him."
Those that stood around her drew near to get a closer look on her face, seeing this the girl shrunk back as though to hide her face from their inquisitive eyes.
"Is that so?!"
When he saw she no longer gave a reply to what he asked, the officer then turned to face the other two that were the source of the crowds interest.
"Good evening, I'm Officer Song. Can I have your names? Beginning with you! While we are at it, can you kindly let go of the Miss hand?"
He pointed at Tian Min, who gave his and eventually his ex-girlfriend provided her name to the officer. The officer's stone face remained unchanging as he looked from one to the other, gauging their facial expressions. He watched as the other man did as told, but stood quite close to the woman he was supposedly fighting with on the street.