The Tycoon's Secret Bride - Chapter 2 - Butter Fingers(1)

Chapter 2 - Butter Fingers(1)

"Watch out!"

It was already too late as tons of boxes went flying through different directions.

"Oh my G.o.d! Are you okay?!"

It was only after Liu Rachael raised her head did she realize who she crashed into was none other than the Chairman of Cinopec Group. The new contract worker at the sales department was hurrying to give her manager the boxes of items ordered online from a store close to the office. Unfortunately for her, she had them stacked so high that she could barely make out what was ahead of her.


The young office worker stuttered from fear, the thought that she could be fired and her contract not renewed sent another fresh wave of fear into her.

Although she was dressed in the black and white corporate suit of the company and wore the blue badge that hung from her neck like every other employee, yet Liu Rachael still felt that gap between those that were full staff and the ones that were contract workers.

The air was cool, but it felt like the heater was suddenly turned on, as sweat began forming in her underarm. The bodyguards that walked behind Chairman Duan rushed over to see check for possible injuries, while glaring at her.

"Sir are you okay?! Chairman Duan?"

Duan Chengyu casually waved his hand at them, letting his bodyguards know that he was okay. Liu Rachael lowered her head, as she couldn't meet the eyes of Chairman Duan, thinking he was very angry with her, while preparing her heart for the worst.

"Excuse me."

Liu Rachael heard the voice of her company's head and timidly raised her head up to face him.

"I'm so sorry Chairman Duan... I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Can you tell me your name?"

When she heard her company's chairman ask for her name, this made Li Rachael's heart sink further as all sort of things ran through her mind.