The Treasure She Never Asked For - 72 Goodmorning

72 Goodmorning

The one thing that took him by surprise was how Lydia clung to him after they were all moderately drunk. He was tempted to tell her to conduct herself with dignity as he felt she was embarra.s.sing herself in front of the cameras. He was sure the crew had gotten enough footage for two episodes just from what he personally experienced the previous night.

Marcel opened his eyes as his sleep left him in the morning. He felt like he had just blinked and it was already morning.

He checked his surroundings and saw that he was in his room, though he was not wearing his s.h.i.+rt and only had a pair of boxers on. He frowned as he looked for his clothes around his bed as he wondered whether he had stripped while he was sleeping but his clothes were nowhere to be found.

He heard the bathroom door open and Alistair walk out with his towel wrapped around his waist while he was drying his hair. Marcel rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his bed and looked at him.

"Goodmorning," Marcel greeted when he saw that he wasn't saying anything. 

"Mmh, are you okay?" Alistair asked with a frown.

"Kinda, I seem to have lost my clothes," Marcel was really hoping he did not strip infront of everyone when he was drunk. He remember most of what happened the previous night and he didn't think he had the ability to shamelessly strip in front of everyone yet.

"Ah," Alistair said and a look of disgust pa.s.sed through his face before he fixed his expression.

"What?" Marcel asked.

"I threw them in the washer, Lydia puked all over you last night," Alistair said with a shudder as he walked into the closet. He wanted to forget everything that he had to do last night. He had been so disgusted he wanted to throw the both of them out, but everyone was looking to him to take care of Marcel who had fallen asleep on the couch at the time.

He had dragged him upstairs, and he was happy that he had been cooperative, he then had to help him remove his clothes and wipe him down because it didn't sit well with him that he would climb into his bed in such a state. As he was wiping him down he was even called Liam and treated like a child. He had set his mind to stay away from Lydia, she was too much of an inconvenience.

Marcel curiously looked at Alistair's back before his eyebrows furrowed.

u003cCan you show me what happened last night? u003e Marcel asked Avian and Avian replayed everything that had happened. Marcel had fallen asleep on the couch on the later part of the night and he wasn't the only one who had ended up sleeping. He was resting on the comfortable back of the couch with a pillow behind his head, even though he was sitting up he had been comfortable. 

Lydia was still clinging on to his arm even though he wasn't responding to her anymore. As Marcel continued to watch a frown appeared on his face. Wasn't he being taken advantage of? As Lydia was trying to get comfortable she snuggled against him and rested her head on his shoulder. Marcel's frown had gotten even worse when he saw this.

Everyone else was talking to each other and didn't bother much with her as they figured that they were just drunk and she wasn't trying to do anything excessive, that was until she puked all over his clothes.

Marcel grimaced in disgust at the sight but almost laughed when he saw Alistair's expression. It was so much worse than his. He understood that Alistair did not have mysophobia but he liked things being clean.

When the other housemates saw what happened they quickly took her off him and took her to the bathroom.

"Can you take care of him?" Lauren asked Alistair who was left alone with Marcel and even though Marcel was now feeling disgusted about what happened he couldn't help but smile at his expression, he did not know he could make such a face from how serious he always appeared all the time.

From then on, Marcel watched as Alistair did his best to clean him up even though he was feeling very reluctant, he did not want to imagine sleeping in the same room with anything that smelled like throw-up so he was very thorough.

Alistair came out of the closet with swimming trunks and a tank top and a towel. He saw that Marcel was zoned out and figured that he was trying to recall what happened.

"You really got puked on last night," Alistair said snapping Marcel out of his thoughts.

"Mmh, thank you for taking care of me," Marcel said sincerely.

"It's no problem, but that girl…" Alistair couldn't finish before shuddering in disgust. Marcel figured that Lydia's impression was completely ruined in Alistair's head.

"Where are you going?" Marcel asked as he tried to get out of bed but remembered his state of undress. He was not hungover like before thanks to Avian and even though his resistance to alcohol had improved because of him, he still got drunk the previous night.

"I'm going out for a swim, I'm sure no one is awake yet at this time," Alistair said, and without any further delay, he left their bedroom. After hearing what he had to say, Marcel finally turned around to check on the time and saw that it was a little past 6am, but he couldn't go back to sleep even if he wanted to.

He got up from his bed and went to take a quick shower to clear his head before he too decided to go for a run since he still had to work on his physique as he was on the skinny side, although there have been improvements even though he just started working out recently. He quickly put on his workout clothes and went downstairs while selecting a playlist. The house was quiet as if it was abandoned with the exception of the sounds of Alistair swimming outside.

Marcel went to take a bottle of water from the fridge and went to the back yard where the pool was located and waited for Alistair to finish his lap. 

When Alistair finished another lap he finally stopped for a break and that was when he noticed Marcel. He raised his eyebrows in question as if asking him what he wanted.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going out for a run, incase anyone asks for me," Marcel said.

Alistair nodded in understanding and Marcel left after that for his run. He put on his earphones and left the premises for his run. Fortunately, he did not have a camera crew chasing after him since they had stayed up late the previous night as well.

Marcel ran until he was tired before returning to the house, he had lost track of time and ended up running for more than an hour. Even he wondered if it was normal for him to make such progress on his stamina after such a short period.

When he got in the house after his run, he was dripping with sweat and the hair that wasn't held by the hair tie he had put on was sticking to the sides of his face and neck. He greeted everyone breathlessly as he made his way to the kitchen. He noticed that everyone was lethargic as they were hungover from the drinking they did the previous night.

"What's going on?" Marcel asked Adrian who was pouring himself a cup of coffee. Adrian was not aware of what happened the previous night with Lydia as he went to sleep when he felt that he was too drunk.

"It's weird, he is avoiding her like the plague," Adrian said as he pointed to Alistair and Lydia respectively. Marcel looked at them and saw that Adrian was really sitting as far as he could from Lydia.

Shouldn't he be the one suffering from ptsd and not him? Marcel wondered as he rehydrated himself. Lydia didn't know why Alistair was behaving the way she was as she had blacked out the previous night, she lost a huge chunk of her memory after they were bonding after dinner.

"Goodmorning," Marcel greeted Lydia as he pa.s.sed the living room to make his way upstairs. Alistair looked at him as if he was wondering how he could talk to her after all that had happened the previous night.

"Morning," Lydia answered with a sunny smile that almost made Marcel choke on his water.

"Mmmh," Marcel awkwardly responded before going up the stairs. He tilted his head in confusion as he thought she would try to apologise for what had happened the previous day, but she looked okay like she had a clear conscience.

u003cDid she forget about what happened? u003e Marcel asked Avian.

[Most likely, since it happened when she was already asleep] Avian answered in confirmation.

"Hehehe," Marcel could only laugh helplessly at the situation.

[If you are not reading this at w e b n o v e l then you are reading stolen work, please read at the original site to support the author.]