The Tiger Within - Chapter 597

Chapter 597

 There was instant silence and Empress Vivian took her place on the stage . No one dare murmur about the thoughts rattling around in their heads . It was clear that Vivian was in control again after so many years . . . and no one had known for sure . Oh there had been whispers and expectations because of a few small changes in the country's general methods but overall… nothing concrete .

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"Greetings, my people s.h.i.+fters and humans alike . Thank you for supporting our royal family and the kingdom for wich our Crown bows . Today is our heir games and the children have proven they are all exceptionally talented . However, this final expression of their ability is traditional . Three young experts who are the best in their shall face off against our young heirs . Of course, they will accept the challenge or agree to greet the winner, as a lady must be gracious and a Lord must be welcoming . We will start with the youngest . Princess Drynala, what say you?" Vivian turned to her granddaughter .


"I greet the ampin" She replied just as her father had coached her . The crowd couldn't help but smile giggle at the young Princess's adorable misspeak .

"As you wish, Prince Keen?" Vivian redirected attention to Keen who was full dressed in armor at his mother"s"s side .

"I will defeat the soldier . " He replied arrogantly and Feya nodded her approval .

"I wish you well . Prince Nathaniel?"

"I will try my sword against the soldier, with mother's approval . " He replied respectfully . Melania smiled and nodded . Vivian couldn't help but smile at the respect this child showed .

"Prince Daniel?" Vivian asked turning to him . He nodded .

"I will also challenge the Soldier with Mother's approval . " Prince Daniel replied bowing to Vivian . She smiled and then looked to Kyera . There was a moment of visual surprise, just a split second when she saw what Raina was wearing . Her eyes flicked to Kyera who stood tall, confidently . Neither girl looked nervous, calm and cool as water .

"Princess Raina, what is your wish?" Vivian asked and Raina curtsied to Vivian respectfully

"With your permission as well as My Mothers, I will try my sword against the soldier . " Raina replied and Vivian looked a bit surprised .

"Princess Raina has been training diligently since we took our vacation along the Shadowveil Royals . She is prepared for this challenge, My Lady Empress . " Kyera spoke up to sooth some of Vivian's fears . Before Raina had left she had no self defense training, more or less sword training .

"If her mother believes her capable, she shall match swords with the weapons master since there are only 3 champions . " Empress Vivian replied looking to the older man who was the weapon's master .

"My lady," he took a knee before her "I was aware of Princess Raina's desires yesterday . Princess Kyera made me aware therefore I was able to bring a fourth champion . " The Weapon's Master gestured to the stage where four boys dresses as different units joined them on the stage .

They were all dressed in leather armor, with their chosen weapon at their side or in a sheath . "Von, forward . Prince Keen, Forward . " Called the Weapons Master . They obeyed, Keen stepping into the center of the stage where the man in black armor with red lion carved into the leather joined him . "You may begin . "