The Tiger Within - Chapter 583

Chapter 583

Soon after The General and his wife sat down next to their son, Kyera slipped out of the room . Before she made it seven steps down the hallway Kendrick caught her arm and turned her back to him . He laid his palm against her bruised cheek, his masculine hand more than covering the angry red skin of the bruises beginning to form . It was gone in seconds .

"You were supposed to be in bed, Princess . " He reminded her, his tone sharp and full of accusation . He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before cupping her face in both hands and making her look directly at him . "I am not above tying you up like one of your little meat parcels and stuff your bed with you and add another layer of rope . " He warned her with an expression that told her he was completely serious . He was a worried elder brother . There were very few things he wouldn't do for his Sister .

"You won't have to do that, Brother . " Clovis spoke from behind them . Kyera turned to see a rather annoyed looking husband behind her . For some reason, she got a feeling she was in trouble . Perhaps it was the folded arms and leaned back posture, or maybe it was the annoyed beyond belief expression on his face . Perhaps it was just the guilt of sneaking out on nap time . She wasn't sure, but she knew she was in trouble all the same .


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"Hey love… I was just headed back to bed . " Kyera told him with her most soothing voice . She melted and became all charm and love, and yet he didn't budge even as she leaned into his chest as if asking to snuggle . He looked down at her, his expression clearly saying 'we both know better than that' she bit her lip . She changed tactics and sighed deeply, yawning and shaking her head as if trying to shake off sleep, her eyelids lowered as if she was barely awake . "I overdid it baby and I am exhausted… hold me?" She asks softly . He tried to resist that soft voice and promise of kisses that tone promised if he complied… and he failed .

One arm at her shoulders, the other swept her legs out from under her . "I will make sure you stay in bed this time . " Clovis warned her and sauntered off in the direction of the bedroom . Their physical training had put more than enough muscle on him to carry her, baby and all .

Behind them in the hallway, stood her brother . He stood staring after them with a blank expression . Slowly he showed traces of confusion as he wondered what kind of sweetness he had just experienced . It was like he had eaten way too many sweet stars and now he had a stomach ache . Was that sweet, adorable husband taming wifey his amazingly fiery, rambunctious, and rebellious little sister? She was . He knew she was, but at the same time… it was hard to believe . He took a moment and pulled the memory placing it in an orb before hurling the orb until the air . A shadow fox nabbed it out of the air and dashed off .

"I don't get to be the only one stuffed with sweets . " He muttered at the shadows before looking down at the package still in his hands . It could wait till she slept, he decided before sauntering off, back to his post on the roof .

Clovis however, had just reached his rooms and set his pretty pa.s.senger down on the bed . Before she even had a chance to get comfy, he attacked . she found herself defenseless as he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her snug to his chest, one leg over her legs and her head rested on his shoulder . There was no discussion; there was no chance to move . She was trapped .

"Clovis dar…" she began

"Sleep . Now . No more talking . " He demanded closing his own eyes stubbornly .

She tried to wiggle and he loosened his grasp just enough for her to settle in but then, he tightened again . "Clov…" at which point his mouth covered hers, silencing any response she might have wanted to make .

"Sleep . " He said again as his hand under her head began ma.s.saging her scalp . He knew her and those delicious little s.h.i.+vers and the purring noise that escaped her were clues… a road map to making her pa.s.s out in his arms . Soon she succ.u.mbed to sleep, and he smiled . "Good… I love you . " He whispered against her hair, kissing the soft strands .

She murmured "Wuv you" back in her sleepy daze and he held her, falling asleep as the guards took their place on the balcony . Â