The Tiger Within - Chapter 545

Chapter 545

"Because I knew her . I wasn't there by chance that night, Kyera . I was there to try and stop her . " Kan replied, his voice was carefully blank of emotion as he refused to meet Kyera's eyes .

"Wait… you knew? You knew and you didn't ring the alarm bell? You didn't send for help? Why?" Kyera asked as her heart was torn once again . It was just too much to take in… her heart beat faster pain radiating in her chest .

"Yes… I knew . I didn't call the guard because I wanted to stop her, but I didn't want her to be killed . She was just misguided… she wasn't a bad person . Not back then . " Kan tried to explain, but his tone soon changed to one of sadness and defeat . Kyera felt the tears on her cheeks as she tried to control herself . Several long moments of silence pa.s.sed and Kyera heard the calming spirit of the forest as it soothed her soul . What was done was done…


"Who was she… who killed my brothers?" Kyera asked "Who were you protecting?" Her voice caught as it raised in intensity . It was clear she was demanding this answer . He knew there was no way to side step her this time . There had been too much damage done already . It was time to come clean, whatever the results may be . He made a silent prayer for forgiveness to the night sky, though he knew she would never hear it .

"My little sister . " He replied softly and Kyera raised an eyebrow . There were some things she didn't know about the tiger clans . For example, who was dating who, or what trades were partnering on what projects . However, she knew every face of every villager and who they belonged to . She knew Kan's mother and father . They only had one son . There was not a daughter  according to the clan .

"Okay… now that one you will have to explain . " Kyera sat back down on the gra.s.s . She was too tired to stand any longer . The numbness and cool headed understanding began to sink in . She had to approach this as Princess Kyera, not little Kyzie or she was going to lose control . Her hand gently rubbed her tummy to sooth the baby despite the emotional stress at the moment .

"My father had two mates . A tiger and a panther . My mother, Oni and the Panther Dialyn . My mother had twins, one a strong and healthy Male and a weak and fragile female . My father chose to hide my sister away with Dialyn so she could grow stronger, away from the prying eyes of the villagers . " Kan explained with a sigh, sitting down as well . "She flourished . A beautiful tigress, strong, quick witted, and hungry . Greedy may be a better word honestly . " There was weight to his words that exhausted him . Kyera took this news in and tried to remind herself she was a sister… would Keenan have done the same for her?

No . Keenan would have held her accountable . Kane however… he would have done anything to protect her, even from herself . She couldn't blame him for being a big brother… could she? It didn't matter . Her brothers had wanted her to move on, she had to try to let this go .

"Why . You didn't deny I was the target, only that I wasn't to blame . What did she want?" Kyera asked standing up . She raised her arms over her head and the shadow cloth rearranged itself into a beautiful green dress that flowed around her form .

"Kyera that isn't an easy question . " Kan replied, feeling a little tense now .

"And this entire process has been a pleasure . " Kyera replied a bit coldly . It was clear she wasn't letting this go .

"It's not that . I know it's been rough but the truth is it won't help you to know the truth . " Kan replied trying to stand his ground even as it crumbled under his feet .

"Kan, that isn't for you to decide . " Kyera replied her voice gentle but stung like a viper bite . "You lost that right when you didn't sound the warning bell . "

"It was about power . Power she would have had access to if you and your brothers were out of the way . " Kan replied shaking his head . It was clear he wanted to be as vague as possible .

"She wanted the clan?" Kyera asked with a dry laugh . "Veron and Talis were next in line . No one could have dethrone both brothers . "

"Wrong crown . " Kan replied very, very softly . Kyera almost wasn't sure she had heard the word at all .