The Tiger Within - Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Clovis watched as his wife came free of her sh.e.l.l, the story reaching his heart . He remembered the expression of his mother as she had broken free of his father's control . This story, he remembered Crystalsa mentioning it was her grandmother's dance . Had Kyera's grandmother felt the same way his own mother did? He had known the negatives of the Harem life, of other women affecting a bond of union . Did Kyera fear the same fate? As he watched her, his heart broke . The feelings that had been hidden so long ago in his mother's eyes suddenly had a name, a motion that he could understand . Kyera's grandfather  had only had one wife, no harem to speak of and yet her grandmother had still been cast aside . Before he could stop himself, he walked forward . Kyera had fell back to her knees, the song had reached it sad ending .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntHe Walked onto the stage, and came to stand before his wife . Kyera slowly raised her head, surprise in her eyes . Clovis slowly bowed before her, as though asking for this dance . The musicians seemed to know that something was amiss, and continued to play reading the emotions of the crowd as they wrote each note, a continuation of the last song . Kyera placed her hand in his, and rose hesitant to her feet . A new dance began, as the pair seemed to face off, emotions reading between them of confusion and promise .

Suddenly the song of a woman left abandoned and reborn became a pair of Tigers meeting hands . They watched at the pair slowly circled one another their expressions challenging one another, her distrust and his complete conviction . The story played out with a whole new ending as he dutifully followed her lead, proving himself to her . The song became a mate's ritual without a moment's hesitation .

Her eyes locked with his, and never wavered as they danced together, his hand caught hers, pulling her in close, he stopped moving, their bodies caught in each other's s.p.a.ce . "I will never forsake you . " He whispered, unaware of the spell cast on the stage . His words were amplified, loud and clear before the crowd . Yet, he didn't notice, nor would he have cared . The words simply needed to be said . They were words of his heart to hers, a promise that moved so much deeper than any other statement he could have made . He wanted her to know, needed her to know the truth before they embarked on the next half of this journey .

Kyera smiled and replied "Then heart speaks to heart, in the stillness of winter, and in those words we find a understanding . The path we wish to walk, is the same . " The words were simple but binding, in the same way that any wedding vow would have been .

"Then let our hearts speak forever more . " Clovis replied gently, stealing a gentle kiss and turning to the people, both husband and wife took a slow bow . "By the grace of the Matriarch . " He added before they both stood tall .

"For the Grace of the Kingdom . I Present now, Princessa Kyera and Princeling Clovis of the Frost nation . They shall hear us roar . " Matriarch Crystalsa declared the roars of approval that followed were deafening .