The Tiger Within - Chapter 299

Chapter 299

"I am Fourth Prince Clovis of the Dancing Wind Palace . I have accepted Kyera as both as the stunningly intelligent woman she is, as well as the beautiful Tigress that is part of her . I want to help your kind, my grandfather was wrong . I want to make this right as I can . " He spoke up sincerely trying to rea.s.sure them he was not the same type of man his father and Grandfather had been .

A old monkey stepped out of the shadows, approaching Kyera and the others . He was obviously very old, silver strands overtaking his dark brown coat . He leaned on a wooden branch that was carefully carved to support his weight at either human or creature height . Clovis froze remembering the stories his mother had told him when he was young of her dearest friend in the harem . The old man had everyone's attention, including Kyera's .


"May I speak, Princessa Kyera Mei?" The monkey asked looking up at her . Kyera smiled softly and bowed her head respectfully .

"You may, Elder Fanan . I would be pleased to hear your thoughts . " Kyera allowed honestly pleased to see the old monkey was still alive . This old man was hard to kill for sure, she couldn't help but be proud of his perseverance .

"Your Grandfather took my sister as his wife . She was obedient and dedicated to pleasing her husband . Meek and sweet . She was taken from the only family she knew and placed in that forsaken Harem . He found out what she was and murdered her . We trusted your line before and countless times we were attacked and proven to be fools for doing so . How are you any different?" He asked levelly, there was no anger or accusation in his voice . The past was simple a way of putting his question in perspective . Though, Clovis couldn't help but look away taking a deep breath .

"Your sister was Clover Fafell?" He asked mainly clarifying . The old Monkey's eyebrows raised as the name was spoken . He opened and closed his mouth a few times before nodding . "Clover and My grandmother, The Empress Dowager Clarice knew each other well . Often they referred to her as My grandmother's pretty shadow . To this day my grandmother reminds us of her murder, and what blind hatred of a creature can cause . I am sorry for the death of your Sister, and the brutality of it all . I want to move forward with your kind being as welcome in our cities as our own . Just give me a chance to prove myself, or am I to be punished for the faults of my father?" Clovis asked looking down a bit submissively . Kyera smiled softly as he spoke . The Monkey looked up at him, those deep brown eyes glazed over with tears . He closed them both, and within seconds a Old man stood before him, weathered face bare to his eyes .

"I will trust you . I do not believe he intends to betray us . " Elder Fanan spoke clearly before walking back to his place near a group of monkey s.h.i.+fters . Each turned human as they sat around his table . They would follow their elder anywhere . Kyera couldn't help but smile, so many of the survivors had accepted his words so easily . It was almost too good to be true .

"Thank you, I will be certain nothing will happen to Lady Kyera in my care . " Clovis a.s.sured them and several of her kin that had seemed calm, suddenly p.r.i.c.ked up . Their attention was suddenly sharper as they stared him down .

"In your Care?" Daxin asked honestly being the first to speak up . "What EXACTLY do you mean by that, Prince Clovis?" He all but demanded . His voice dangerously low . Kyera felt the fur on the back of her neck raise .