The Tiger Within - Chapter 251

Chapter 251

The cool winds of the mountains swept down the mountain gathering snow fairies from their dance floors of the snow caps . They spun the frost over the gra.s.s up the metal and gla.s.s throughout the village . Their masterpieces so small and intricate that only the old and very small would take the time to appreciate their workmans.h.i.+p . That didn't stop them from spinning their fine ice webs .

Outside, on the balcony of his fourth floor suite Mordrin looked out over the forest below his window . His hair fell around his shoulders, unbound from its normal low ponytail . The icy winds pa.s.sed over his bare chest reawakening his nerves as his eyes wandered back to his room .

Within the room Vela slept . The journey home had been difficult on her . He wishes he could have let her stay with her parents, where she would have been safe . It simply wasn't possible amongst that snakenest of a harem . Too many poisons in such a concentrated area was no place to grow a baby . He reached out closing the doors, having no intention of heading in yet .


Down below, at the gates of the courtyard there was a figure speaking with the guards . He could tell they had refused the person entry . That should have been that but at this hour… they refused to leave peacefully .

Curiosity peaked as Mordrin stepped out on the ledge and began working his way over the handholds to the wall nearby . Once across, he leaped down and approached the two guards who had miraculously became four after Calling in their reinforcements . The man standing at the gate looked harmless enough until he noticed the power wafting around him . His face was hidden by a hood and mask but it was not uncommon after the Purge of Fire to wear masks . Mordrin cursed his Mother for her mercilessness toward their people . Burning those who dare defy her .

"What seems to be amiss, men?" Mordrin asked looking at the four and the man . There was a odd familiarness to him . Something about those blue eyes was so familiar and yet so foreign .

"He claims made a attempt on the lady, Sir . s.h.i.+fters with poisoned air . " the Head Guard explained with a strict solute, his men more focused on the swords and bows they held on the intruder .

"I see . What is the meaning of this, Stranger?" Mordrin asked, honestly baffled by such a accusation . The s.h.i.+fter Kin had always had the blessing of Mordrin and his crown . Why would they attack him .

"I am a hunter from the forest . I spend a great deal of time among the s.h.i.+fter Kin . You see they are angry and disquieted about your wedding to Lady Vella of the Emerald Crest Empire . They fear she will poison your child against their kind . Watch your kin well, Your Lords.h.i.+p . " the stranger spoke with a rough voice, tones nearly at a growl yet held no anger . It seemed to be how he was used to speaking .

"I see . Men go with him to find the bodies . Bring them back . If they are truly s.h.i.+fters, this… our friends will owe me a explanation . " Mordrin announced, forcing himself to cool his temper . Kyera would never allow such actions to be taken . With her gone she would have had a successor ready in case this happened . He turned and headed back into his castle .

A chill ran down his spine . "unless Verone was her successor . " he muttered but then the next thought stopped him in his tracks . He turned and ran back out, into the woods meeting his four guards as they returned with three bodies . Each in partial transformation .

"Where is the man that led you?" Mordrin demanded not sparing a look at the three would be . At least that was till he noticed one was winged . A old man's face coupled with the crest he was wearing, Mordrin's heart grew dark . There was something very wrong here .

"He disappeared into the woods the moment we came upon the bodies…" The head guard added again and Mordrin frowned as his gut twisted .

"Did you find anything on them?" he asked and the guard handed him a bundle of herbs on a stick and a paper . The letter was carefully written in crimson ink slowly turning brown as it aged . A normal man may think it ink, but a warrior knew the look of blood .

"You will regret abandoning your promise to Marry our lady Kyera, and instead took this woman with vile blood as your bride . " Mordrin read aloud but then looked once more at the elder's face . He was not mistaken . The dead man with wings and feathers in his snow white hair was Werol, the Eldest Elder of the clan .

"should we close our gates to the s.h.i.+fter kin and place these bodies in the pit?" asked the guard, anger in his tones as he gazed at the attempted killers but his king did not move .