The Tiger Within - Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Though the Majority still sat at the feet of Bastil, several beasts made their own moves . Kyera was surprised to see Mally and Lazren move first . Both made their way through the crowd his pack and members of her rebellion following them to take seats near The Empress's pillar . Several broke off and found the place they prefered and Kyera smiled .

They had indeed done as she had hoped and made their own minds . Many had ended up with the Empress and Clovis just as she had, but that was to be expected . Many had expressed loyalty to Eve before now . Kyera just so happened to feel the same .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe growing anger from the lion as he watched them declare their alliances . 'How dare they stand against me . ' his mind seethed in anger . Never before had this sort of… reaction taken place . Every creature pledged their fealty, not one stood in the center as undecided . He could not tolerate this .

Kyera did not know how it began… she only knew a battle began . Brother fighting brother, snarling cries of anguish and surprise filled the air as Kyera leapt to her feet . Her eyes moved to search for him, The lion at Bastil's side . Her anger flared as he roared encouragements .

The human guards were trying to stop what they could but it was for nothing . Kyera feared many of them would die if she didn't do something . Her father's voice rang in her head, and she opened her mouth to speak .

"The law of the Jungle is as it should be!" kyera began to recite loudly as the shadows moved at her urging, protecting the weaker and outnumbered . "None shall prey upon the weak for sport, though for food we do as we must . None shall control the minds of others . Each has a right to make their choice . All shall follow these codes . The sins of the father fall not to the son . The actions of one do not speak for the whole . " her reciting became louder as the s.h.i.+fter Kin realized what she was saying . "No Kindred may war upon the other for any reason short of these laws . The law of the Forest is as it should be . "

The Rebellion and the Pride both began to listen, the battle stopping . Kyera knew well it was her father's hand stealing their hearts and making them hear her . The laws range true deep in their souls as they began to look a little disoriented as they began slowly shrinking into the forest to lick their wounds . The Lion raised his voice to roar in anger as even the pridelings he had so carefully tamed turned their backs on him .

Mally turned and made her way back to Kyera's side . She was breathing heavily from defending her kindred spirits . It was clear now she was the leader of the rebellion, since her voice was the first to join Kyera and stop the howls of war . However, she forgot the first rule of battle . Never turn your back on one who does not know he is beaten .

The Lion reared back on his haunches and launched himself across the clearing, his claws aimed for Mally's wounded back . He caught her across the shoulders throwing her to the side . She screamed in pain as blood pooled on her shoulder blades . Her fur quickly becoming drenched in the crimson liquid . Before Mally had a chance to react, he Slashed her again with his claw, anger and furry coming in blows across her chest . Once again, she hit the ground in a pained scream . Once again she tried to stand .

Alexi screamed at Bastil to call him off, to call the lion back but Bastil laughed . Once again inflaming Kyera's anger . The lion circled on his prey, unaware of the fury coming his way . He raised his paw once more, setting on her throat, pinning the leopardess down . Mally refused to beg even as death faced her down . His killing intent was clear .

"Beg and Perhaps I will let you live, Mally . " He growled and Mally watched him angrily . Her eyes burned with pride for what she had achieved .

"Take my life . The shadow's await me, for I have saved my kin . " She replied her words slipped to the language of the humans as she coughed and blood splattered his paws once again . He pressed down more .