The Tiger Within - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

"So what brings you to town, Lady Kyera?" he asked as the air grew a bit thick around them . He had long realized his mistake, being too forward with her . What was he thinking? Those questions were not his to ask .

She looked up her lips pursing lightly as she made a small humming noise as she came back from her thoughts . "Oh, yes . I need to visit a few merchants and seek herbs . My own supply is getting low and needs replenis.h.i.+ng . " Kyera explained glad for the change of topic . Her mind glad to be free of her knotted heart for a moment .

"Herbs? Did we not give you access to our herb vault?" he asked curiously, having a.s.sumed she would have such access . Kyera chuckled softly . Her gentle eyes sweeping over to him as if gauging him for a moment .


"Yes but your supply is… though rare and costly, somewhat ornamental to me . You have items that help minor things, and rare items for power and illness . It is a fantastic collection for one who is not purely a healer . For me it is somewhat… lacking . " Kyera Kyera replied trying to be as polite as she could manage . It was true, they had herbs for cultivation, fertility, and illness but they were common knowledge herbs and very few were local . To a poison master or a true healer those one trick pony herbs would be too simple and nearly useless . A luxury, since 2 or 3 cheaper herbs could fo the same as the single use herbs .

"I see . I suppose it is normal for two healers to have different needs and methods . " He conceded, though honestly surprised . "Our head healer procured all of our stock . "

"And he did well to do so . Those herbs are good for your needs . Single herbs boiled into tea or eaten is simple and can be handled even if he can't spare time or is not capable of a task . I am not that type of healer, I tend each patient and make medicine to fit their bodies . " Kyera tried to explain . She truly felt he was lazy and competent, but it was none of her business as long as he did not step into her way .

The prince pondered her words and the methods of the Medicine Master at the palace . "So where will you get your herbs?" he asked honestly curious and making a mental note to discuss this with his father . She smiled .

"Street vendors . I normally go to the forest and hunt them myself, but with the Empress weakened like this I can't leave for that yet . " Kyera spoke as she began to slow her horse . They had arrived at the city, and she was ready to enter the Bazaar .

"Street vendors?" he asked eyebrows raised in surprise . "Why not The Lotus Herb halls? There are two in town specializing in herbs . At least there you know for sure what your getting . " He asked seeming rather shocked . Kyera chuckled at him . Her golden eyes dancing with an amus.e.m.e.nt that tempted a grin on his own lips though he hardly knew why . Her expression was almost infectious .

"Even if the vender doesn't know what he has, I will . Do you think the forest leads me to my prize when I hunt?" she asked teasingly .

"I don't know, it might if you smiled at it like that . " Clovis replied without thinking . He closed his mouth firmly after he realized what he had said, a light pink tinge appearing on Kyera's pale cheeks .

"So… should we meet back here when we are through?" Kyera asked clearing her throat a bit . He nodded .

"Yes . I believe that will work nicely . " He replied, surprised to find he was reluctant to part with her . Something about the way she smiled .

He watched her walk into the crowded streets of The Bazaar . Her slender figure blending in but never fully disappearing until she turned the bend . Clovis shook his head to clear it of the thoughts dancing behind his eyes . Turning away, he walked into the Merchant hall for a little chat .