The Tiger Within - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

He cast a very uneasy look at Kyera . "Ky… where are we?" Veron's voice had a edge to it and the Tigress smiled knowing she had chosen well . He was aware, even if he wasn't sure what he was aware of . The lingering essence of the G.o.d whose hands had shaped this area into the perfect home for one of his most cherished disciples was not easy to detect . Yet She could see by the look in Veron's eyes and the sense of alertness in his face he had not missed the darkness swirling around him . THe very things that made this place home for his beloved stood his hair on end .

"We are here to seek aid for our friend here . Shaman Half Eye should be able to help . " Kyera replied squaring her tigress shoulders and hips before sauntering toward the house . Veron hesitated to follow there was something about the way she said his name that worried him . A mix of fear and reverence perhaps? He wondered before following at a distance . The shadows seemed to react as soon as Kyera approached .


Black tendrils like swords dashed out of the shadows toward her, spinning and winding around her . Faster and faster growing darker as if increasing in anger, swallowing the unprotesting woman whole . "KYERA!" Veron screamed yet again in fear as she disappeared from site, but then the wind settled . The angry vortex of shadows seemed to slow and break off from her curling into odd shapes like vines of darkness .

Kyera stood in the same place she had been when Veron lost sight of her . Other than her furr being wind whipped and messy, there was no blood . The tigress stood firm and tall before glancing back at him . "Its over . You may follow me now . " Kyera's rea.s.suring voice breaking the icy grip that held his heart and body still . Relief was welcome as it flooded through his limbs and mind .

Veron walked forward cautiously, his eyes darting between shadows . As if playing tricks on him the shadows seemed to form arrows pointing in Kyera's direction . One oddly hand like shadow seemed to shew him toward her . He took the last few steps toward her in one leap . Once he was at her side she shadows swirled lazily as if it was all in his head .

"so are we just going to ignore Kyera, she who Battles with Shadows?" the tiger asked his voice panting and weak as the poison seeped deeper into his system . Kyera and Veron shot him a look . Thankfully there seemed to be movement inside the cottage . A human form stretched across the window pane .

She went on ahead, stopping at the Door . After looking for a knocker on the thick wood, she found none . Instead the great cat like body reared back on its hind feet, reached tall to the top of the door and drug her claws down it . A great groan was created by her claws catching and slicing through small sections of the wood . Before she made it halfway down the door there was noise of banging and scuttling inside .

"d.a.m.n you Great cats can't leave a old man to his stew and cakes in peace!" yelled a voice from inside . A angry, ill tempered elderly voice followed by banging on the door . "you great house cat I will turn you into a rug!!!!" he screeched a man opened the door . Black tunic with golden roses embroidered on the fabric was a shocking contrast to the man's old weathered face and pale skin . Long pure white hair whipped, curled, and twisted across his shoulders and back like it had once been weaved into a long silken braid . The only hint of that elegant style was the twisting way the strands behaved like ropes that had been torn apart and left to their own devices . One long lanky arm was raised wrinkled skin bare as the cloth slid back revealing a tea kettle still red from the fire raised over his shoulder . His one black blue eye like the morning sky and the other top half blue to match, the bottom half milky white lit on Veron and the boy . A great ugly scar seperated his face diagonally, as though the claw of the beast had only caught the bottom of Half Eye's eye .

"a man like you here… you stupid grey beasts why did you let this great oaf into my lands!!!!" his rasping voice demanded . The shadows seemed to shake .