The Tiger Within - 274 Back Into The Fray

274 Back Into The Fray

"I see… So we created this enemy and because of it you can never go home." He replied realizing the truth of the matter that she was trying not to say.

"Yes, in a way. However, I do not see it that way. Clovis, you and Raina are the only hope the s.h.i.+fters have of being able to come out of hiding and live normal lives. You do not bare the sins of your people, but I am asking you to help me make them right. Help me protect the key." Kyera replied honestly, taking a step closer to him, her eyes imploring him to side with her. If he didn't, her job was about to get a whole lot more difficult. The painful part was… her heart felt prepared to break. All of this hinged on him being the man she thought he was deep inside.

No one had placed this much trust and faith in him since Raina was born and the child relied on him for everything in her life. He smiled softly "Till the day I die, I will have your back, My Lady Kyera." Clovis replied his words mirrored her conviction and were meant for her ears only. What he didn't know was they also fell on unseen ears that heard only his words.

"We should go back inside. We have been gone a while and Raina and your guests will be missing you." Kyera added smiling gently. She had expected his answer. What she didn't expect was that her heart was fluttering at his words. The surge of warmth in her chest and the weight lifted from her shoulders came as a bit of a shock.

"Yes, we would. There are still a few women I have not danced with tonight that I really should." He sighed honestly tired. Kyera smiled at him and chuckled.

"The night is almost over. Then you can rest and get ready for training in the morning." Kyera teased. His eyes widened as he looked at her.

"I'm going to be sore as h.e.l.l in the morning." He pointed out and she nodded.

"Will a wait till you are rested to attack or attack when you are vulnerable? Training when you are not at peak performance is always a good thing. We should take advantage of it." Kyera replied with a smile. He stared at her for several moments, his mind trying to come up with a counter excuse but… he couldn't. Her words made too much sense. It made him wonder how many warriors this girl had trained. Why would she be aware of all these little things that she was? Who taught her, half eye was certainly not a fighter. Perhaps her deceased lover had something to do with it? He pondered.

"Alright, you win." He surrendered finally realizing the girl was too smart for him. She laughed at his now pitifully wronged look. She felt like he was a wolf pup told he could not play.

"Don't look so down, it will be fun. Now back into the fray." Kyera urged opening the door for him to enter. The party still just as lively as it had been all evening long.