The Talented Doctor - 45 Miserable Siblings

45 Miserable Siblings

He Xi had bought quite some food and materials again, filling half of Fatty Zhu's ring safe.

Remembering Wet Nurse Chen's old injuries, He Xi went to the most famous pharmacy in Yan Jing, Sheng De Pharmacy. As Wet Nurse Chen's injury was already very old—although she had her own way of treating it, she still needed some medication to help her.

After turning the bend, He Xi saw the majestic Sheng De Pharmacy plaque. At this moment, tons of people were crowding in front of Sheng De Pharmacy and causing a commotion as if something had happened.

When He Xi went closer to the noise, she heard a girl's pitiful and coa.r.s.e cry: "Doctor, I'm begging you… please show some mercy and save my brother. If you don't save my brother, he's going to die. Wuwuwu…"

The girl's cries were too devastating and void of hope, which caused a pang in He Xi's heart. The step that was originally heading towards Sheng De Pharmacy stopped, and with a slight move of her body, she had already squeezed into the chaotic crowd.

On the cold, stone floor; a young man was lying there with a blood-stained face. His lips were grayish-purple, and his entire body was filled with injuries. At this point, he had almost stopped breathing.

The clothes of the girl next to the young man were torn and tattered, and her entire body was just a bag of bones. The pair of hands that were holding her up from the floor had broken nails and were stained with blood, which made people's heart ache more than ever.

However, the girl seemed to have no feeling towards her own pain. She just knelt on the floor and cried as she kowtowed to the shopkeeper in black with all her might.

The shopkeeper had a pair of green-bean eyes, his cheeks were sunken, and his cheekbones were protruding. At this point, he was looking down at the kowtowing girl from above without a speck of pity in his eyes; and they were filled with hatred and harshness instead.

"Get lost! Go far away! Where did this poor fella come from? Affecting our Ji Sheng Pharmacy's business and blocking our way."

The girl pounced forward, grabbed his feet, and cried, "Shopkeeper Qin, a few days ago when my brother came to seek help, he could still open his eyes. You said that he would get better after eating medication for a few days. However, I've used up all my money, but my brother's condition is still worsening and can't wake up anymore. Please, I'm begging you, save my brother. As long as you save my brother, I will do anything for you!"

"Stop smearing us here and ruining our Ji Sheng Pharmacy's reputation!" Shopkeeper Qin's face changed and kicked the girl harshly as he screamed, "If you don't go away, I'll get someone to break your legs!"

The girl staggered backward from the kick and landed on the young man heavily, causing his face to be even more ghastly.

The onlookers could not watch on, and all of them started reprimanding Shopkeeper Qin's greed and harsh actions.

"Even though Ji Sheng Pharmacy is opposite Sheng De Pharmacy, the shopkeeper and physicians inside could not even be compared to Sheng De Pharmacy. Little girl, don't beg him. You should go to the opposite shop and beg Shopkeeper Zhou instead—he's a kind person!"

Someone pointed at Sheng De Pharmacy and hollered, which was agreed on by the onlookers; and a few kind people had even run over to ask Sheng De Pharmacy for help.

Instantly, Ji Sheng Pharmacy's Shopkeeper Qin turned his humiliation into rage as he glared at the onlookers and said harshly, "Do you think that the pharmacy is a charity hall? If everyone gets free treatment and medicine when they come over, what do we use to provide for ourselves? Does Sheng De Pharmacy not receive any treatment fee? Hmph, if you're so kind, you should just pay for her medical fees. Then, our Ji Sheng Pharmacy would naturally help treat him. If not, get lost and stop disturbing Ji Sheng Pharmacy's business!"