The System Of A Vampire - Chapter 98 - Patron Or Not Pt 4

Chapter 98 - Patron Or Not Pt 4

Draig had ended up receiving ink for his troubles though it seemed each of those Lords had taken it upon themselves to send him an unhealthy supply of the substance and an unG.o.dly amount of Talisman slips.

'I suppose it would be discourteous to leave these simpletons without reason to a.s.sist me in the future' thought Draig as he began drawing up Barrier Charms, easily the most useful of his runes in his opinion but also it wouldn't due for these mortals to have a new way to kill each other.

Thus Draig spent hours drawing up hundreds of Barrier charms, it was getting easier to make them as he had managed to lessen the number of runes he needed to make them as he went while maintaining the effect. Soon Draig had managed to neatly pile several thousand of the Charms in different stacks while maintaing a still healthy supply for himself.

"How do I get these sent to them..." wondered Draig before he heard the call from the Door way though it was wary.

"Charm Master, the couriers from before come carrying messages from their Lords"  came the Voice causing Draig to become more suspicious as the timing was too perfect.

However this did solve his issue of having the Talismans delivered back to the ones who had seen fit to supply him so generously.

"Perfect" stated Draig deactivating the runes he had drawn along the building.

Draig walked to the doorway and called the couriers inside showing them the written Talismans.

"Take these back to your Lords as a thank you for their generous gifts, however it is imperative that you tell them in order to activate them they must yell Release or they will just be normal slips of paper" ordered Draig causing the Couriers to gasp at the amount of written slips.

"Err Charm Master it will take us some time to return with the means of transporting this many" stated one of the Couriers before he remembered their reason for coming.

"Oh right, I have come to bring a message from Lord Kaen. He wishes to speak to you on the matter of your sponsors.h.i.+p" started the Courier until the Couriers at the side cut him off expressing similar messages.

However the last one he expected to hear from was a rather arrogant looking Courier.

"Lord Kaiyo wishes to speak with you as well and hopes you would accept, though I will return to tell him you have accepted naturally so you don't fall out of favor with him" started the Courier until Draig chuckled.

"Is this Lord Kaiyo a man wearing" asked Draig causing the Courier to nod with pride.

"You may return to him, tell him I have no wish to meet with someone who would plot against me" answered Draig causing the Courier to widen his eyes while the others at the side stifled their laughter though you could see the glee in their eyes.

Draig then proceeded to promise to meet with each of these Lords at a later date.

'It seems my decision on Runes has proved to be a boon, ha I rhymed' thought Draig as he looked at his satchel with thoughtful look.

'Technically enchanting is just a more complicated version of runes...' thought Draig as he no longer had the knowledge of how to enchant but he did have an idea of how to mimic it just a bit. It would prove to be an important a.s.set to have something that could act as a Bottomless bag would.

Draig noted the thought as he watched the Couriers leave while the servant of the Kori stood there as if hoping to ask something but unsure of the response.

"Yes" asked Draig causing the Servant to look a bit relieved.

"Are any of these perhaps for Lord Kori" asked the Servant before quickly bowing his head fearing a response.

"There are, you may come and fetch them when you have grabbed something to transport them" answered Draig causing the servant to nod and leave quickly allowing Draig to reactivate his runes and continue staring at his satchel.

'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' thought Draig as he took out his brush and began experimenting with a few runes to see if he could cause it to act as a bottomless bag.

It was a few hours later that he heard the pitiful cry of someone outside causing him to streak his brush off the side of the slip and mark his floor.

'I didn't expect you would run into it again you idiot' thought Draig as he walked to the door way and saw the Servant laying on the ground smoldering again.

Draig deactivated the runes.

"You may come inside when you have recovered" stated Draig as he returned to his experimentation of a storage rune.

It was proving a difficult task as the words he used didn't seem to be correct and thus the rune was incapable of performing his desired result until he suddenly saw his brush disappear from his hand causing him to widen his eyes in surprise and look at the rune that had changed color after his brush had disappeared.

'Release' thought Draig causing his brush to reappear in a flash of light on top of the rune.

Draig looked at the rune and then the brush before he began to chuckle wildly, it was success at it's finest. His chuckling seemed to have a bad effect on the servant as the man pressed his back against the wall.

'This kid is kind of scary chuckling to himself like that' thought the man as he silently began collecting the Charms Draig had created and placing them in a cart, he didn't wish to know why this odd person had begun laughing so happily as he had grown a healthy fear of the Feratu's ability to create charms.

Meanwhile Draig was testing to see if the storage rune would work consistently or if it was similar to the Protection rune in it's limited number of uses.