The System Of A Vampire - 74 Building Foundations

74 Building Foundations

"Pathetic, you've only been able to fend off my attack five minutes" complained the Founder but something odd was going on outside with Draig.

In the the month Draig had been gone Zarra's spell had reached over most of the continent blotting out the sky, the people of the land believed it to be the end of days as Gregory's corpses began to grow in number and walk the earth searching for the young Feratu. However it was Jared who was the most terrifying as those Dark clouds dripped blood dying the landscape, but it was when those drops made contact with Draig's skin that it happened.

"I found the boy" came the demonic echo as Jared stood with Zarra and Gregory following.

"Where is my boy" asked Zarra as the ominous mist drifting from him began to pour from his being.

"The ancient range" stated Jared bloodl.u.s.t clear in his voice.

"My legion is already rising there" rasped Gregory green flames burning where his eyes once were.

"Then let us go and retrieve him and slay that insolent fool" growled Zarra as a rift opened.

The demonic trio that had plagued their enemies with the most heinous of acts had reawakened promising death to the one who take from them.

Meanwhile Draig covered his mouth so he wouldn't consume any of the blood, there was only one type he would settle for and it certainly wasn't crimson.

"Hurry back boy, we aren't done yet" called the Founder angrily his eyes glaring down at Draig.

"It's raining blood" muttered Draig in wonder.

"It's going to be raining your blood if I have to come out there to get you" snarled the Founder walking to the hole only to see that it was in fact raining the crimson liquid.

However corpses began to rise from the ground at this moment causing the Founder to be confused.

'This isn't the corpse field, what's going on' thought the Old monster with narrowed eyes.

"Very well, time to see how far you've come. I want you to kill these corpses in the time it takes me to become soaked in this b.l.o.o.d.y rain" stated the Founder as he stepped out and allowed it to dye his body.

Draig didn't wish to see what would happen if he failed and drew his Ivory blade but a grumble from the Founder made him drop the weapon.

"Sword training is next week" stated the Founder as more of the crimson liquid hit his body.

Draig grunted in acknowledgement before charging into the h.o.a.rd displaying the skills he had learned during the month, it wasn't actually a style as much as it was survival instinct. Attack and dodge without wasting any movement but it seemed these corpses were stronger and more adept than they appeared.

Draig dodged under a swipe from a sword before spinned around the jab of a spear before spinning ferociously smas.h.i.+ng a head into bits, the gore sticking to his heel as he jumped only to find a rock pelting him.

"Don't get flashy, combat is fought with the most power on the ground" roared the Founder pelting the young Feratu with four more bullet like projectiles drawing a pained growl.

Draig stood again and began the deadly dance again he dodged and ducked under many strikes while returning his own.

"Runt, you can't always dodge"chuckled the Founder as sick amus.e.m.e.nt danced in his eyes watching four large corpses swung ma.s.sive blades in such timing that he couldn't go under nor to the sides and jumping was forbidden.

'd.a.m.n it, I think he just want's me dead' thought Draig in anger as he through his hands to the side attempting to stop the blades causing another rock to pelt his wrist but with the force to pierce it.

"Only a fool blocks with their bare hands" sneered the Founder causing Draig to forego that idea.

"Parry" roared the Founder thinking Draig to be nothing more than a idiot.

'Of course' thought Draig shaking his head as time seemed to slow down upon the Blades getting closer.

His hands moved casually as it hit the flat sides of the blades sending them off course and into the necks of the other corpses.

The Founder smirked seeing this, he was very pleased though he may abuse and torture this child like he was nothing he saw so much potential that he even dared say that he would be surpa.s.sed.

'And he hasn't even had his first sip' chuckled the Founder.

This was the scene that Zarra happened on and seeing that armor his eyes became deathly serious as he pointed his hand towards the Founder and the Old monster took the hit in shock.

'Maybe I've gotten rusty' thought the Founder looking at the injury before turning to look at the mage.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You have taken someone from us... we want him back" started Gregory rasping as corpse poison drifted from his lips.

"You will die" added Jared

"And we will leave with the boy" finished Zarra flas.h.i.+ng before the Founder causing him to chuckle as he sent a casual strike at the mage but his eyes widened when it was caught.

"A little power to you, interesting" smiled the Founder not that it could be seen.

Gregory intended to send his corpses but found he had lost connection with many of them causing him to look only to see Draig dismantling his forces with varying degrees of injuries covering him, the young Feratu's clothing had long since become tattered revealing his body and thus the number of injuries.

'd.a.m.n it brat, why would you do that' cursed Gregory as he appeared behind the Founder going for a leg sweep that actuall caused the Old monsters knees to buckle slightly.

"There's one more isn't there" asked the Founder as his other hand flew up and caught Jared's sword by the handle but out of the three Jared was the strongest physically and the Founder found this out as his helmet was split revealing his shocked face to the world.

Draig saw this and began his own plotting, he wanted one thing more than anything else. That was the Devil's blood flowing through the Founder's veins, he wanted him dead and he wanted to be the one to kill him. It was for many petty reasons that he wished the Old monster dead but it had to be by his hand.

Ducking under another swing of the corpses Draig charged in while the Founder was still shocked his helm had been split but that shock soon revealed a crazed smile as Zarra was thrown from his feet and gregory knocked into piece but Jared found his wrists crushed by the Founder.

"Brat you dare turn on your Founder" growled the Old monster as he punted Draig away.

"I must admit you are quite the specimens, you perhaps sit at the pinnacle of this modern era?" asked the Founder as he began thinking of something that could aid in the process of training his little runt.

"Us and the rest of the ten Devils" stated Zarra as he burst forth faster than before truly displaying his might. Jared didn't fall behind his sword left where he had fallen as he swung his ma.s.sive arms like clubs.

Gregory spat a ball of corpse poison to a.s.sist as he pulled himself together.

"Ten Devils? Dont flatter yourself" snorted the Founder as he ducked under Zarra and shoulder checked his gut but the mage only burst into a cloud of Dark dust as a knee impacted the Founders chin but his ascent was stopped by Jared's strike sending him to the ground.

"Not bad indeed, I have a proposition for you then Mortals. Gather these ten Devils as you call them, bring them here and a.s.sist me in training my runt" stated the Founder smiling as he saw a dribble of his blackened blood go down his lip.

Zarra began chuckling hearing the Founder offer this proposition causing the Old monster to look at him confused.

"There is no bargaining when one is defeated" laughed the Mage causing the Founder to try and stand but he found himself fixed in place as symbols began to crawl from the ground up his body.

"What the h.e.l.l is this" roared the Founder unable to believe he had been tricked like this.

"Simple this is where you will remain until the day I die but by then my boy will be able to slay you as you are" laughed Zarra as the Founder seemed to become a dark statue untouchable by the elements incapable of moving.

"Ha ha, guys we did it" laughed Zarra goofily though he seemed to wobble a bit before falling unconscious the sealing of the Founder taking all of his energy.

Gregory summoned more of his corpses to carry Zarra and Draig while he and Jared travelled back to the towns.h.i.+p on foot.

Inside the statue the Founder struggled with his full might incapable of shattering the spell, his eyes glowed a horrifying red in his anger.

'd.a.m.n you mage, you can't stop his path to power. He will come to seek me out of his own will, if not for anything else he will return for my Devil's blood' sneered the Founder as he felt himself growing tired.

'It's only a... matter.....of.....time' were the final thoughts as the spell took full effect and their in the Ancient range the Founder statue sat unknown to the world.